Trying Out forThe X Factor?

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(A/N: Part three:D Hope i didn't make you wait too long. Hope you guys like it so far ! :D Make sure to fan, vote, and comment what you think about it so far and what you suggest.(:  )

Rachel's POV 

"Oh my goodness!! Madison what just happened?!" I screamed almost three inches away from her ear  which made her jump out of her deep thoughts. Of what? Who knows.

"We are g... going to soundcheck..." She trailed off. Looking so shocked that she could've screamed so loud but I think she held it in. I know i couldnt so I went back to the car snd locked all of the doors, blared 'Up All Night', and finally let out the biggest fan girl scream I have ever screamed! Madison just stood in the car park smiling so widely you'd think her cheeks would burst at any moment. Especially how much she was blushing. Madison must've heard my scream and looked over in my direction with a confused look on her face. But she just shook her head and laughed when she realized what was going away.

I mean we are only 2 fans of One Direction who got lucky to talk to them. Right? Or did they actually like us? 

While we were waiting patiently in the car for soundcheck we listened to a mixture of Ed Sheeran, Olly Murs, Demi Lovato, and of course One Direction! We sang along to 'The A Team' and 'Moments' especially 'Unbroken'.

Madison quickly sang along to Skyscraper and i just laughed at her because when she sings she makes the funniest faces. After I calmed down from my laughing fest I joined in. Madison stopped when i did so I just continued. 

"Wow. You're really good Rach! Have you ever thought of trying out for The X Factor?" She asked amazed and in deep thought about what she just said. As I could tell the words probably slipped out of her mouth with no intention to. I just nodded and said seriously "Haha. Me and X Factor in the same sentence? That's never going to happen even if I tried. Plus you are my sister. You are kinda biased." This sentenced dripped with so much sarcasm it made me wonder if I ever could do it. You know, actually trying out? No. I snapped out of it and continued singing to various songs whilst Madison looked as though she didnt know how to respond to my statement.

Madison's POV

When I heard Rachel sing I never really noticed until now how amazing she was! All I could say after she answered me I went into shock. She didnt think she could do it? Well i know what to do for her next birthday.. I mentally smirked at my plan but it was soon interrupted by second thoughts on the subject. Like what if she is rejected? Rachel would be heart broken! But if she gets in it'll be a great experience for her! I pretty much looked like an idiot thinking about her answer so i just let my mind wonder back to the my favorite song of Ed Sheeran's 'Give Me Love'. I soon heard Rachel's angelic voice and listened. 

Niall's POV

Oh my gosh! It's almost soundcheck time. I need to look perfect for tonight if Rachel is going to be there! I walked over to Liam because he was the best at advice and could really ease my thoughts a bit.

"Hey Niall you look paler than usual. What's up?" He chuckled slightly. Then returned to his serious face. Which means he was listening now and would take in everything I was about to say.

"I met this amazing girl before we entered the stadium and she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Her name is Rachel you see and when she hugged me it seemed like she needed my presence and i have been in need for hers too. Haz and I got Rachel and her sister Madison, which Haz takes an interest in. I don't know if I should ask her to stay after the concert to hang out with me for a while to get to know eachother." I stood there for a second waiting for him to answer but all he did was nod. But at that moment he was trying to say something.

" It seems like you really like Rachel. I think it would be nice for the rest of us to meet her and Madison after the concert. But of course after we all meet then you can spend time with her. Im happy for you Niall." He smiled and walked out of the narrow hallway that would lead us to the stage soon for souncheck. I was honestly very shocked with Liam's answer. Usually he is very worried about me. Especially when I have met a girl because i never really had the best of luck and they usually ended up cheating on me or breaking up with me. Which made me heart broken and i don't quite know why they would do those things. But hey Shit happens. It could be in a good way or a bad way. Mostly bad for my personal life but i feel in a way that Rachel wont do this to me if.. What am I saying? She probably has a boyfriend. I fall in love too fast. 

"NIALL!" Harry, I think, shouted. I don't quite know what he wanted but I ran over to him only to see that his face was pale, like I was earlier, and he seemed nervous.

"Ye....." He cut me off guesturing towards the seat in front of him like it would move if I didn't hurry. I scrambled to the chair and waited for what was about half a second for Harry to speak.

"I really like Madison. I would've gone to Liam but he just left to get something from Paul. So I figured that you must feel the same way about Rachel since you looked all bubbly when Paul said the Ok for them to go to soundcheck. Especially when she hugged you." I just nodded and urged him to go on.

"I just want to know if it's a good idea if I take Madison to a... date after the concert?" He blushed and looked at me expecting an answer from me quickly. I was pretty siked that he was thinking about getting serious with a girl instead of having a one night thing. Harry could be a gentleman sometimes though. 

"I think that's a great idea Harry." Was my smart response. I tried mocking Liam's voice but I sounded nothing like him. Harry and I burst out in laughter. 

"Dont... Ever... Do that .. Again" He gasped through his laughing. After we calmed down we got called out for soundcheck. 

Harry and I both had wide smiles on our faces and were ready to go on stage. I had so many butterflies in my stomach I thought my stomach would explode. I think Harry did too but who knows what's inside of that lad's mind right now. Probably Madison. When we entered the stage I looked for Rachel . There I saw her. Her beautiful blonde hair with natural highlights of lighter blonde, the curls that fell on her delicate face. Oh don't get me started with those gorgeous eyes so similar to mine. 

This is going to be great.

(A/N: Feel free to comment fan,vote, and comment! please :D Thanks for reading it guys! Anyone want to be in this comment (:        -Saraxx)

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