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"And... you're done!" The makeup artist announces as she spritzes Alice freshly dolled up face with a setting spray. "What do you think?" She asks, twirling the chair around so Alice can evaluate her appearance.

"It's beautiful," She replies sweetly, and it is, it really is, but she can't focus on that right now, she can barely keep her breath. "Thank you."

"We'll probably do a few touch ups throughout the show, just whenever you're off stage. Good luck out there tonight, you'll be fabulous I'm sure!"

"Thank you Marta, I appreciate that."

As soon as the woman is out of the room Alice feels her body begin to tingle, and her ears begin to ring, the beginnings of a panic attack hitting her like a semi truck. "Just breathe, just breathe, just breathe." She repeats over and over, digging her nails into her palms in an attempt to bring herself back to reality.

Just as she feels like she's about to be swallowed whole there's a knock on her dressing room door that snaps her back to reality. "It's Mary." The voice calls from the other side.

Alice does a quick glance at her appearance before allowing the woman in, not wanting to worry her. "Come in." She croaks, immediately cringing at the way her voice cracks.

"Hey, I just wanted to bring you a little something to say good luck." The redhead tells her with a cheery smile, carrying a large bouquet of Lillie's into the room.

Alice smiles over at her and admires the floral arrangement. "They're beautiful, Mary. Thank you."

The woman raises an eyebrow at her, studying her intently. "You okay?" She asks cautiously.

Alice tenses but tries to hide it as best she can. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She can tell Mary doesn't buy it. "Just pre-show jitters is all."

"Looks like more than the jitters." She walks over to the vanity table Alice is sitting at and quietly begins to put some foundation over the red splotches on her neck from her fingernails scratching at in a panic. "You know you can tell me whatever it is that's bothering you." Mary tells her. "It's important to have a friend out on the road or you'll go a little crazy."

Alice feels like she's swallowed a golfball as she stares into the mirror, fighting back tears as this woman she hardly knows cares for her so tenderly. "I just... in the past things haven't always worked out the way I thought they would. I guess I'm just a little scared going into this is all."

"I see. Well let me tell you something, honey. I've met a lot of talent in my day, and not one of them compares to you. Not even FP." Alice scoffs. "I'm serious. Sure he's talented and all, and he's cute, but you've got a certain charm about you that people eat right up. You're gonna be amazing out there, and I'll be on the sidelines cheering you on."

"Thanks Mary." She's thankful for the woman more than she can say, sure FP was so helpful to her and made her feel right at home, but Mary offered a certain warmth and comfort that she needs. "I don't know if I'd be able to do this without you, I know we don't really know each other that well but I think we're going to be good friends."

"Oh honey we already are." Mary tells her with a winning smile before stepping behind Alice and pointing in the mirror. "I've got your back kid, now take a good long look at the girl in this mirror because after tonight she's going to become a superstar."

"A superstar?"

"A superstar." Mary confirms. "Go out there and show them how it's done."


Alice nervously taps her feet as the set-hands wire her up, growing more and more nervous with every second ticking by.

"Hey, I'm here, I'm here, sorry." FP apologizes profusely as he jogs over. "June called, wanted to wish me luck and then that turned into me singing to her before bed."

Alice smiles. "That's sweet. I bet she's so proud of you."

"Yeah she is, I think she'd rather me be home with her all the time but having a rockstar dad gets her some serious playground cred." He takes a seat next to Alice as a makeup artist comes by and dabs at his face, hiding any imperfections and reducing shine.

FP's hand comes over to rest on her knee, effectively stopping her legs from shaking. "You okay?"

"A little nervous." Alice admits, the buzz of the crowd echoing in her ears.

"You're gonna do great. Once you're out there you won't even remember what you were afraid of."

"You think?"

"I know." FP promises. "Do you think I'm excited to walk out there after all that's gone down lately? There are people who hate me for breaking up with Gladys, people who want to throw themselves at me because I'm single now, I have no idea what I'm walking into, and that's kinda terrifying."

"They love you though," Alice reminds him. "They don't know me."

"Al, I was immediately hooked on you the second I heard your EP all those years ago, and I know for a fact I'm not the only one. There are probably people out in that crowd who are here for the great Alice Smith comeback and don't give a rats ass about me. Believe me, you're just as much the star of this tour as I am, and we're gonna make some magic out here."

"You know if this music thing doesn't work out, you could be a motivational speaker." Alice teases, unsure how else to respond to his sweet words.

He smiles his cute, crooked smile at her and holds out his hand for her to take. "Are you ready?"

"I think so." She places her hand gently in his and he helps her out of her chair, her knees feeling weak.

The lights change to a multitude of different colours, wildly dancing around the stage and audience. "That's our cue." FP tells her. "Remember, if you get scared out there just look at me. Pretend it's only us."

Alice nods, squeezing FP's hand tighter in her own. "Let's do this."

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