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"Is my back that convenient for you?" That pulled her back into reality

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"Is my back that convenient for you?" That pulled her back into reality.

Jisung put her down after the girl fully opened her eyes. "Thank you."

"Rest well." He said while ruffling her hair. He smiled at her before turning on his heels and walking away.

Ae Ra watched him walk to his house. Contemplating whether to ask the question that had been lingering inside her mind since hours ago.

"Han Jisung!"

Said boy who just closed his gate opened it again. He jogged a little towards her. "Missed me already?"

He started to feel uneasy since the girl didn't say anything and had a serious look on her face. "What? You're scaring me."

She took a deep breath before looking into his eyes.

Ae Ra decided to ask him. She knew that it was impossible for him to like her. What the girl needed was a confirmation, that way she wouldn't be bothered anymore with what Ha Jun said.

"Do you like me?"

His eyes widened.

Am I being too obvious lately?

He wasn't sure what to answer. Of course, he was sure about his feelings, but he was afraid of the aftermath.

Jisung broke the eye contact.

The girl furrowed her eyebrows at his action. If it's a no then he would have answered it right away.

Wait, don't tell me...

"Yes." He rubbed his nape while smiling sheepishly.

It's okay to confess, right?

Silence erupted them once again. The boy tapped his feet nervously, waiting for her response.

"You know..."

She stared at him blankly. He looked up from the ground to meet the girl's eyes.

"You're just ruining our friendship."

The smile on his lips slowly faded away.

Ae Ra covered her mouth with her palm after realizing what she just said, wide-eyed.

Jisung bit his lower lip to prevent a single tear that was already on the corner of his eye, threatening to roll down his face.

Hurt was evident in his eyes.

Guilt in her eyes.

"I'm sorr-"

"Ssshh, no." Jisung cut her off. "I should be the one who is sorry."

He smiled at her faintly. "Sorry for liking you."

She wanted to say something but nothing came out of her mouth.

Jisung clapped his hands together, shooing the awkwardness away. "Go inside. You need to rest. I will get going now."

When he fully disappeared into his house, she slumped down on the ground. "Stupid." The tears came out uncontrollably. "How can you say something like that?" She hit her head repeatedly as her face became wet due to the tears that didn't seem to stop anytime soon.

The tears that he had been holding finally released when he got in his room.

Jisung rejected his parents' offer to eat dinner together. He said he was full when actually he hadn't eaten since this morning.

He just didn't want to do anything at that moment. Even the thought of eating his mother's delicious meal wasn't enough for tempting him.

Jisung walked to his bed, smiling softly at Bbama who was sleeping on his bed peacefully. He spent the night curled up on his bed with Bbama in his arms.


Jisung walked to Ae Ra's house after finishing his breakfast. As much as he wanted to do nothing and just curled up on his bed, he had to go to school.

He was still hurt from the event two days ago. But nothing's gonna change in their friendship. Well, he hopes so.

"Jisung? Why are you still here?" Ae Rin asked after opening the door, clearly confused.

His eyebrows knitted in confusion. "I always come here before going to school, noona."

"But Ae Ra left earlier."

His mind went blank for a second. Then he sighed deeply.

This is what he fears the most. That the girl will avoid him when she knows about his feelings.

"She said she will go with you like usual..." Ae Rin trailed off. "Wait, did you two fight or something?"

Jisung shook her head. "Nothing happened, noona." He gave her a reassuring smile. "I will get going now."

All the way to school, he tried to message and called Ae Ra. But he received no response.

He took a long step towards their classroom.

The girl had her head put on the table. He tried to wake her up but she didn't respond.

His attempts stopped when the teacher entered the classroom.

Ae Ra put her head up when the teacher began to speak. Seeing that, he was getting even more worried. "Hey, are you ignoring me?"

The girl didn't bother to answer his question. She had her eyes glued to the whiteboard in front of the class.

"Han Jisung! Pay attention, please." The teacher yelled at him.

He turned his head to the front. "Sorry, Sir."

Even after getting yelled at, he couldn't help but glance at the girl from time to time.

He couldn't see her face clearly since she had her left elbow propped up on the table and her cheek rested on her palm. He caught a glimpse of the girl's puffy eyes but he wasn't sure about it.

When the bell rang, all the students rushed out of the class. Jisung turned to his right to face Ae Ra but she was ready to leave.

Jisung quickly stood up and held her wrist.

She halted in her steps, still facing the door.

Ae Ra immediately looked down when the boy turned her body to face him.

He bent down to her level. Those puffy and red eyes became as clear as the blue sky to him. His grip on her wrist loosened. Guilt started to wash over him.

Do I really mess it up? Our friendship.

The girl took the opportunity to run away from him. Meanwhile Jisung just stood there, clueless of what he should do to repair the situation.

He had always been doing a great job at hiding his feelings. Why did he suddenly think it was okay to confess?

He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Should've kept your feelings for yourself, Han Jisung."

a/n : tysm for 152 reads!!:>>

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