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Ha Jun opened the door of the photography club room with two sandwiches and two banana milk in his hands

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Ha Jun opened the door of the photography club room with two sandwiches and two banana milk in his hands. He sighed deeply at the sight in front of him. Already lost count of how many times he had been sighing today.

Ae Ra was staring at her laptop screen but her mind was far away somewhere. The girl kept on spacing out when there was nothing to do. No need to mention what was the cause.

The others were already heading back home after the meeting ended. But she chose to stay here and continued editing the photos for the exhibition.

It was supposed to be each members' responsibility to edit the photos they took but Ae Ra volunteered herself to do it, more like forcing them to let her do it.

It's obvious that she was trying to keep her mind busy.

She was done with it a while ago and told him to go home, saying that she still needed to sort a few things out. But he couldn't do it.

What if she got locked up in the school because she kept on spacing out and didn't pay attention to the time?

Hence, he decided to wait for her.

Ha Jun took a seat in front of her and knocked on the table twice.

"Oh? Ah...sorry. I was thinking of something else earlier. I will finish editing your photos soon." She gave him an apologetic look.

He heaved another sigh. "You've finished those and sent them to my emails."

Ae Ra quickly checked her email. "You're right..."

Ha Jun slid the sandwich and banana milk next to her laptop. "Eat these."

The corner of her lips slightly curved up, forming a small smile. "Thank you. I will eat them on my way home. I need to go now." She started packing her stuff, including the ones Ha Jun gave her.

"I like you."

The banana milk fell to the floor.

"W-what? I-..." She tried to find a word but failed to do so.

The boy ever asked her if he had a chance to be with the girl, so she was aware of his feelings. Still, the sudden confession startled her.

Ha Jun let out a soft chuckle. "I know you don't like me. You like Jisung."

"I don't!" Her voice echoed.

She looked down, guilt and embarrassment filled herself after she realized that she just yelled at him. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not saying this because I'm hoping you feel the same towards me."

He had stopped hoping. The moment he laid his eyes on her, the girl already had her eyes set on someone else. For a really long time. He knew it, but he's still hoping that maybe, just maybe, her heart will change. Now that he realized how impossible it was, he decided to let go.

"I will erase my feelings."

He smiled at her, a genuine one. "Thank you for not avoiding me and still treating me as a friend even if I have this feeling that probably annoys you."

Ae Ra shook her head quickly. "No, you are not annoying me. Not at all."

"We are still friends after this, right?"

She returned the smile. "Of course."


"Ae Ra, can you turn this back to Jisung's house? Their family gave us kimchi."

Ae Ra eyed the box that her mom just placed on the table between the couch and the television. She kicked her sister's leg who was sitting on the empty space left of the couch, doing her nails.

"Ae Ra not Ae Rin."

Using more than half-space of the couch, the younger proceeded to lay on her side, gaze fixed on the television. She ignored what her sister just said.

"What's the problem? It's not like he will be the one opening the door." Ae Rin blew her nails. "It can be his father, his mom, or even Bbama." She snickered.

"Ae Ra? What are you doing? Why is the box still here?" The mother suddenly walked out of the kitchen. She took the box from the table and shoved it in Ae Ra's arms.

"Ask Ae Rin to do it."

"Why? Did you fight with Jisung or something?"

Ae Ra sighed. "No. I'm just-..."

"Just tell him about what you feel. Problem solved." Ae Rin stated nonchalantly.

"I don't like him!" The younger sibling snapped.

Ae Rin gasped. "Did I say you like him?"

Ae Ra pursed her lips close. Right, her sister didn't specify what feelings. But it was obvious what she meant!

"You're so annoying."

It irked her how people around her kept telling her about her feelings. It's hers, not theirs. Why were they kept assuming things?

"What? What feelings?" The mother sounded extremely confused, well she was.

Ae Ra ignored their mom's curiosity. She stomped towards the door while giving Ae Rin a don't-say-anything-to-mom look.

She made her way to Jisung's house. Hoping that he wouldn't be the one opening the door.

Seeing the gate open, she walked towards the door and knocked on it. She tapped on the box nervously when she heard footsteps coming near.

The door opened.

Her breath hitched when she met that person's eyes. She looked down almost immediately.

Ae Rin jinxed it.

"Here." She handed the box to him. Jisung swiftly took it from the girl because it seemed like she would drop it even if he hadn't received it yet.

She walked away after muttering thank you.

"Ae Ra."

She halted on her steps. He waited for her to turn her back and face him, sadly that didn't happen.

He misses her. He misses all the time they spent together and how he wishes they could spend more of their time with each other.

His heart hurts, knowing how low his chance is. The girl didn't even want to look at him now.

"Talk to me when you already want to." He tried to sound unaffected by their current situation. "I really don't mind about what happened at all." But, there's still a bit of sadness hinting in his voice. "You know, I'll always be waiting."

Her heart clenched at that.

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