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Ae Ra wrapped herself in a blanket and curled up on her bed

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Ae Ra wrapped herself in a blanket and curled up on her bed. She had no energy left to do anything. The scene kept on repeating inside her head. Now that she's no longer denying her feelings anymore, it hurt her a lot more than she would ever let herself be.

Yes, she likes him.

She likes her best friend, Han Jisung.

Ae Ra kept making the possibility of who that girl could be since yesterday. His girlfriend? His crush? A new friend?

That girl couldn't be his cousin since Ae Ra had met all of them. Actually, she also knows all of his friends, but there was a big possibility that he made a new friend when they weren't on speaking terms.

"I hope she's only a friend..."

A knock suddenly heard on her door, cutting her thoughts off.

Her mom peeked in. "Can you order a box of pizza? I don't know how to use the application."

Ae Ra hummed in response.

"Did something happen?"

The girl didn't leave her room after coming back from the school exhibition. Last night, her mom came to her room and asked the same question, also forcing her to have dinner. Since she doesn't want to make her family worry about her, she agreed. Though she only ate a little and was being so quiet, which was unusual.

"No, nothing happened."

Her mom sighed in defeat. "Tell me if you need anything." She closed the door after that.

Ae Ra extended her arm to the nightstand in attempt to reach her phone but to no avail. Just then she remembered she left her phone at the dining table.

She lazily unwrapped herself from the blanket and went downstairs. As Ae Ra reached for her phone, she quickly ordered the pizza then laid herself on the couch. Waiting for the delivery man to come.

The bell rang right when she almost drifted off. "Wait a minute." Ae Ra reached for the key on the table and rushed outside.

The box of pizza slipped off her hand but shout out to the delivery man for having a quick reflex, the pizza was safe. "Excuse me." Ae Ra was too stunned by what she just witnessed and paid no attention to the man.

That girl from yesterday was walking into Jisung's house...

"Miss, I have other deliveries to do."

Ae Ra snapped her head back to the delivery. "I'm sorry." She swiftly took the pizza box.

Whatever. Not like I care.

She stomped all the way back to her room. Placing the box of pizza on her study desk, she started eating the pizza angrily.

Ae Rin suddenly barged into her room. "You already finished half of it? Mom said it's for all of us."

Ae Ra shrugged. "There's still half left."

the luckiest • han jisung ✓Where stories live. Discover now