Bayverse Headcanon 26

673 13 1

-Not requested-

• Female reader
• C u p c a k e s for dayz

Bumblebee bakes when stressed

I turned the key out from the ignition, letting my heated car rumble back down for the night. It was a crazy day at the base, Lennox just kept on hounding me with a billion projects, so much so that my feet actually started to blister from all the running around. In better words, I was very thankful to finally be home.

Rubbing the exhaustion from my eyes I groggily walked to the front door, noting that the light was indeed on, lighting up my kitchen. It was about 6 pm right now, with the light of the day starting to fade to night.

My boyfriend was over, noted from the Camaro parked in the driveway next to my Malibu. I smiled, hurrying up inside.

Walking in with two small bags of groceries, I hung my keys up and noticed how quiet it was and how an aroma of vanilla surrounded the air. Although my lights were on, the pair of neat shoes next to the door definitely belonged to Bee, and when I came home like this he usually stood by the door like a lost puppy, clinging to just greet me. I frowned.

I kicked off my shoes quickly. "Bee?" I called out, hurrying to the kitchen. Upon rounding the corner I noticed a cupcake on the ground, messy frosting coating the top, almost as if whoever decorated it gave up halfway. But the thing is, I didn't bake it.

What the hell is going on?

As I advanced to the kitchen, I found a pan cake still in the tin it was baked in on the ground, too. It was also still warm. Oh god, don't tell me he's having another one of his episodes...

And then my jaw dropped.

My whole kitchen, covered in cakes, cookies, cupcakes, you name it. Oh, and of course frosting and sprinkles, the likes. The oven chimed as I jumped, jaw still dropped. There literally was no room for me to put the two bags down anywhere, not even on the kitchen table or counter. I set them down on the floor by the fridge still amazed, quickly taking the ice cream out of the bag and into the freezer but you guessed it! My freezer was full of freaking cupcakes.

I remained cool, forcing myself to calm down as I shouted his name in the most polite way I could muster up. "BUMBLEBEE!"

And about 15 seconds later my tall blonde male boyfriend came walking in from the back porch door, oven mitts still on as he held a cake pan, seemingly outside to cool the cake down with the snow loitering the ground still. Now with the blinds open I could see what? 20 more pans of banana bread and cranberry muffins stuffed into the ground to cool quicker?

He nervously chuckled, setting the pan down on my tv stand since he was shit outta room. "Hey baby." He innocently smiled, kissing my cheek. "How was work? I hope Lennox didn't run you around again."

"He did, but that's for another time. How are you?" I shuffled my hands on my waist, smirking. "Are we just going to ignore how our kitchen has been turned into a bakery now?" I hummed, swiping some frosting with my finger as he ran to the oven, grabbing the scones that were three minutes past due.

"Oh heh, yeah.." he nervously said, plopping the hot tray onto the ground and sliding the scones off of them to cool in the fridge. When he opened the fridge door, I could see a whole array of treats hidden in there, too. "I hope you don't mind, I'm going to clean it all up, I promise." He said calmly. I smiled, walking over to ruffle the shag of his natural blonde holoformed hair, holding him from behind. I could feel how tense he was, and that's when my heart broke. I knew this was the start of one of his episodes, and he was trying to control it for me not to see him like that. Last time he stress-baked it was not nearly as bad, poor boy must've been trapped in his thoughts all day and decided to bake it all away.

"Bee, honey look at me." I said, carefully turning him around as he tensed up, tears ready to fall on command.

"Please don't be a stranger to me when you get like this, it's really no bother. If baking helps, then that's what we'll do. We'll bake the whole fricken gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretel for all I care. It's no problem, Love." I say, careering his shoulders to relieve some stress. I don't know what he was stressing about, but it wasn't relevant for me to know right now, all I cared about is nursing him back.

"I love you." He smiled, pecking my cheek as he brushed the gut feel away with a sigh. "We have treats for days now though, no need to thank me." He nervously joked.

I laughed, grabbing a cartage of frosting from the cabinet, ignoring the hidden bun cake resting in there. "Need a hand frosting?"

He smiled, grabbing his bag of orange colored frosting. "We'll bring some to base, I think they'll like it."

"Good idea, hun." I pecked his cheek, grabbing a tray of cupcakes ready to be frosted.

- End -

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