If you had a child/children before getting together

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He thinks of himself as bad with children but that was definitely a lie because he was amazing with your child/children and immediately formed a bond. At first it was very hard for him as he used to have a son himself, who sadly passed away, so he was afraid to form that kind of bond and have that happen again but it happened before he could even stop it from happening. When they called him "Dad", he froze and stared before nervously and awkwardly saying he isn't their dad. He found it sweet and it warmed his heart, which he of course will never admit, but he didn't wish to take the real father's place.


He's definitely not one to judge since he has Jack. When he found out you yourself also have a child/children he was a bit unsure what to say and felt a bit awkward but then just chuckled Jack will finally have friends around his age. He didn't really think much of it. He doesn't bond too much with them, will only really do it if you ask him to do so. He will of course still say hello and talk with them, but he will rarely approach them first. He also feels a bit awkward around them since he thinks they are silently cursing him out for dating their parent and replacing their actual dad, which he definitely wasn't trying to do.


He didn't really care for them admittedly, he just saw them as extra baggage he has to accept if he wants to be with you. But as the child/children kept bothering him and he saw how much you adored them and would do anything for them he found himself striking up conversations with them. So soon he also began adoring them, teaching them things, and also ready to do anything for them. Though this also added to his stress as now he definitely needs the gang to succeed and get a solid plan and be the perfect role model for them to look up to.


He felt bad for them honestly, and this whole thing kind of upset him. You noticed this so one day you sat him down and asked him if he's angry or upset you have a child/children, but he was quick to take your hand and tell you of course not and this isn't your fault. He clenched your hand before admitting he just feels bad that this old man is their step-dad now and that he doubts he can be a good step-dad for them. He also sighed that you shouldn't be dating this old bag but go and find a young man who will treat both you and your child/children well and be able to still go do many fun activities with them. As he let go of your hand you were quick to snatch it back and tell him firmly you don't want him to think you are forcing this role of step-dad on him if he doesn't want it but if he does wish to be their step-dad then you know he will do briljant as you seen him interact with Jack many times before. As he frowned with doubt you got up and went in front of him, taking his face in your hands, firmly telling him you love him and you wouldn't ever go with another man, even if they are younger or can still move more smooth, because his age or how well he can still move is not why you fell for him. He stared at you then chuckled and closed his eyes, relaxing against your palm, mumbling he loves you too. After that he still had the worries but they weren't as big as before and he just interacted with your child/children in his way; with joking with them, taking them fishing, reading to them/helping them read.


He will be nervous at first but then get along well with them when the child/children began speaking to him and asking him stuff. He likes to answer their curious questions, always finding their reactions when they get the answer amusing. When they ask something out of curiousity but is rude to point out and you scold them he will tell you it's fine and they didn't know it was rude since they don't even know what it is. When they asked him to go hunting with him he tensed up then awkwardly told them they should ask you about that. You denied the first few times so Charles always chuckled and pat their shoulder, assuring them he will take them one day. So when you finally allowed it they were so excited he had to tell them to calm down first or they will chase away the animals. When they called him "Dad" he tensed up and everything froze then he slowly let out a hum, unsure how to respond else. He felt very unsure of it for a few days, appreciating it but also not wanting to replace the actual father and not sure if he's really ready or good enough to be a step-father. When you assured him he doesn't have to do this and you can tell your child/children to stop it he was quick to say no then frowned and admitted he likes when they call him that but he's just worried he won't be a good step-father, so you assured him he will as he has been doing an excellent job so far already. So he let them call him that and accepted the step-father role, and he liked that role a lot.


He let out a "dios mio" when he learned it. It's not that he disliked them, he just has never really been around children enough to know if he's good with them or not. So he didn't really talk to them, usually only when you suddenly leave, leaving him with your child/children, to which he will awkwardly chuckle and say something weird. It only began going when he was playing his guitar and he noticed them staring so he asked if they want to play it. So the most they bonded was whenever he would be playing his guitar or offering to teach it to them, otherwise they didn't say much to each other. He did take them fishing a few times as well, but that was usually only if you refused to go so he won't be alone and also be able to bond with the child/children. They didn't get close enough for the child/children to call him "Dad" but nor did they dislike each other, it was just a neutral feeling they both had to each other.


He nervously giggled for a long time when he met them so you had to lean to him and whisper he should probably stop giggling and start speaking. His face grew red but he said a quick "of course", his fingers roughly tugging at each other, stumbling over his words as he introduced himself as Kieran, awkwardly adding the man who is dating their parent, then stared ahead wondering why he said that since they definitely know that by now. When your child/children left he fell to a crouch, covering his face, groaning out that was awful and they definitely think he's insane or something. But you rubbed his back and assured him it will be better after they bond a bit, to which his face went from red to white as he realized he will have to bond with them then admitted to you he doesn't think he can do this, but you assured him he can and you believe in him. So the first few times they bonded it was very awkward and stiff with a ton of nervous laughing and stumbling over words but over times it got less and eventually he felt comfortable around them and loves hanging out with them. When they first called him "Dad" he got tears in his eyes, now sinking in that he's their step-dad and this is now part of his life. After that he acted a bit weird for a while as now so many worries of if he can provide, make the child/children happy, keep them safe, be a good step-dad, and such were swirling in his head.


She adores them. She never rushed the relationship as she knew this was a big, emotional change for the child/children so she took her time with it; never making them feel forced to bond with her and let them take it at their own pace but also always be there for them. She likes to do relaxing things with them like reading, making stuff like braids or flower crowns. When you told her you appreciate her being so supportive and accepting of this, she chuckled of course and she will do her best to be a good step-mom.


She kind of put a wall up in front of them. She doesn't really know herself why. She would give them short answers and these cold glances, so you told her to stop it. When you asked her why she's even doing that and you really thought they would get along she just stared ahead, trying to figure it out then admitted she doesn't know. She said she feels weird when she sees them, and emotional. She thought about it a long time and she thinks she finally got it. Seeing you having a child/children upset her because she and her late husband had discussed getting a child together but the O'Driscolls came not even a day later and seeing your child/children reminds her of how happy she could have lived with her husband, and maybe a baby of her own, if it wasn't for those damn O'Driscolls. She told herself firmly she can't blame an innocent child/children for this and has to stop treating them so rudely so the next day she approached them with a little wave, awkwardly going "hey" then asking if she can join them in whatever they are doing.

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