Chapter Two

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"Keichin how much longer?" Mikey whined while crumpling up the bag of candy you had given it and throwing it on the ground. 
"Mikey why do I have to put with your shit?" Draken sighed and told Mikey that it was only a five minute walk left to get to the Toman base.
"Pinkie do you have anymore candy?"
"Bitch no. You shouldn't eaten it that fast the fuck." 
Mikey groaned loudly and reached for your bag. Once he grabbed it he ran quickly in the direction of Toman. 
"Mikey you little-!" You ran after Mikey yelling at him to return your bag. Mikey just turned around and stuck his tongue out at you. "You bitch!" 
While you were chasing Mikey Draken just shook his head and mumbled about how childish the two of you were together. 

You finally arrived to Toman with Mikey and Draken. This time, instead of going straight to your shed that your division worked in, you walked to the head of the gang with both of them. The Tokyo Manji Gang was gathered in front of the shrine where Mikey would always stand. The division leaders standing up front. 
First Division Captain Keisuke Baji. Second Division Captain Takashi Mitsuya. Third Division Caption Haruki Hayashida ( aka Pah ). Fourth Division Captain Nahoya Kawata ( aka Smiley ). Fifth Division Captain Yasuhiro Muto. There was a Sixth Division captain that you yourself weren't fond of. And last but not least there was you, the Seventh Division Captain, Y/n L/n. Your group of 10 boys were standing right behind you. 
The rest of Toman was standing behind the Division Captains. 
"Who're they?"
"Why is she standing behind Mikey and Draken?"
"What's going on?"
Questions stirred through Tomans mind as they tried to figure out who the 11 new people there were. 
"Everyone! Mikey has something that he wants to address with you all!" Draken spoke up silencing the murmurs in the Tokyo Manji Gang. 
"Thanks Keichin. There is something that I would like to say. Y/n step forward." 
Finally said my name right for once huh Mikey?  You stepped up standing right next to Mikey, putting both your arms behind your back resting them above your butt. 
"This is Y/n L/n a member of the Tokyo Manji Gang."
"WHAT!? A WOMAN!? MIKEY ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" One the members shouted up at Mikey. "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS TO LET A GIRL JOIN!"
"I'm not letting her join."
This statement left Toman confused. "What do you mean Mikey!? Why else is she here then??"
"I'm not letting her join because she's already a member of Toman. Y/n is the Seventh Division Captain."
"WHAT!? Mikey you can't be serious." Pah looked at him with frustration and confusion written all over his face. "How can she already be a captain!? That's for the founding members or those worthy of being a leader." 
This time it was Draken how spoke up, "Y/n is a founding member, she's been with Toman when it was first formed."
"Everybody shut the fuck up and let Mikey talk!" Once again Draken silenced the voices of Toman. 
"Anyways, Y/n's is a founder member as Keichin said. Since Toman was formed Y/n has been with us working in the shadows. Gathering information on other gangs, coming up with attack plans to grow Toman and make our gang grow into the biggest gang in Tokyo. The Seventh Division of Toman is the spy division. Now Y/n if you would."
You nodded and walked forward and stood in front of Mikey. "As Mikey stated my name is Y/n L/n a founding member of Toman. Every battle you've won, all the intel you've received has been gathered by myself and my men. If I wasn't in Toman, this gang most likely wouldn't have grown as quickly as it has. Toman would have 50% out of the 101 members there are today. And when you include my division and myself, that makes a total of 112 members."
You stared into the soul of the boy who shouted sending shivers down his spine. 
"I told Mikey to keep my division secrete from the rest of the gang. I wanted Toman to be more developed as a gang before I made my first appearance. As Toman kept growing bigger Mikey, Keichin and myself decided that it was time for me and my division to be introduced to everyone officially." 
The First Division Captain Baji scoffed and looked annoyed. It was Mitsuya who held his arm telling him to stay and listen. 
"As I was saying," You turned around and waved your men over. "This is the Seventh Division Vice Captain Daichi Akira." 
Akira stood forward and bowed. "Akira's fine." Akira wasn't one of the tallest people you could have met for a male. He was 164 cm tall ( about 5'4 ) with a pretty average build. Akira has a scar right under his left eye. His hair shaved on the left side and flipped over to the right side. The length was medium going a little past his ear and died blonde. 
You looked at your division and struck a command. "When I say your name step forward so people know who you are."
They responded at the same time with "Yes Captain Y/n!"
"Bo Botan!" A average height boy stood forward and bowed. He was 175 cm ( 5'7 ). His black hair slicked back with loads of gel. 
"Daichi Daisuke!" Daisuke the twin of Akira bowed next. He looked exactly like his brother except for the scar and hair. Daisuke's hair and undercut with streaks of dyed blonde strands. 
"Den Eichi!" A boy that was 200 cm ( 6'5 ) bowed to Toman. Despite his height Eichi was a little chunky. Instead of infiltrated you recruited Eichi to protect you. Not only was his appearance scary, but his height was giant compared to some gangs. Eichi's hair had black bangs that almost covered his eyes. "You can just call me 'Chi for short." He said then took a step back so you could finish. 
There were only six more left to introduce. Cho Ena ( Height of 169 cm. Like Eichi a little chunky. Buzz cut hair style ).
 Suzuki Taiyo ( Height of 174 cm. Slim but muscular build. Naturally white hair. Style is shoulder length with a middle part. Taiyo also had a beast tattoo trailing down his left arm).  
Hinata Taro ( Height 170 cm ( 5'5 ) a muscular build and dyed red hair with one long braid in the back ).
Daisho Yori ( Height 177 cm ( 5'8 ) average build and he had short spikey hair gelled up to stand straight ). 
Kai Michiya ( Height 182 cm ( 5'9 ) skinny build with a blonde spikey mohawk. 
And last but not least Shi Nen ( Height 175 cm he also had and average male build but Nen had braces and medium puffy hair. One streak of his hair was dyed white while the rest of black ).
Once you finished introducing your division you spoke directly to them. "Alright! Fall back."
"Yes Captain Y/n!" 
The members of your division knew exactly what you meant. When you said the words "fall back" it meant that they were suppose to go back to the shed where your division worked. 
"Aki! You. Stay." The Vice Captain nodded and went right back to your side, while the rest of your division went where you told them. 
You turned back to the rest of Toman and finally addressed them as a whole. "Now that that's over, I'd like to say one more thing." You looked to Mikey waiting for his permission. Once he nodded you spoke freely. 
"Would the Sixth Division Captain please come up here?" 
Members of Toman began to look curiously questioning what you were doing. 
The unnamed Sixth Division Captain came up to you. "The fuck do you want?"
You ignored his questions and began to ask your own. "You were nominated about a year after Toman was first formed to be a Captain correct?"
"Yeah? What the fuck about it?" 
"During this time before I had my men, I caught whiff that someone was trying to infiltrate Toman to tear us down. So of course I did some digging curious as to find out who it was."
"You bitch!" He growled, "You better not be saying it was me!?"
"Shut the fuck up!" You hissed back. "Now before ANYONE was allowed to join Toman unless you were personally appointed by Mikey or Draken themselves, unbeknownst to you,  you were analyzed by me. And everyone passed, but there was something different about you that made me cautious of you." 
You began to analyze the leader and circle him. His posture, his facial expression and the way he was interacting while you were talking. 
"But Mikey said he really wanted you to be in the gang. Because I trust Mikey I told him that I'd allow you to be in the gang on two conditions. Would you like to know what those conditions were?"
"The fuck were they?"
"If you were to be allowed in Toman and be accepted as a nominated Captain, you one had to be observed and watched at all times and two you weren't allowed to have any members under you until I fully approved of you."
"So it was yo bitchass that made me not have any men?"
From the back you leaned next to his ear and said, "It sure as hell was my bitchass that made that happen."
The rest of Toman was still watching while the captain kept growling and grumbling curse words under his breath. 
"Now while I was observing you I never noticed anything. And a few weeks in I began to be bored of watching you. That's when I decided to form my own division. So I could do my own thing while they observe you. Eleven months ago I gathered ten guys to be under my command and Mikey of course approved of this."
"The fuck this gotta do with me."
"Boy, if you don't shut the fuck up, I'll shut you up." You rolled your eyes and continued. "Anyways as I was saying, once I completely formed the Seventh Division of Toman I had Aki the one I named Vice Captain keep a close eye on you in my place. And still after two months of you being here there was nothing found. Aki came to me and told me you seemed innocent, but I wasn't accepting that information you know? I had this gut feeling that there was still something wrong with you. But since we couldn't find anything I decided to put the investigation on pause." 
While you were talking your eyes were studying the captain. His legs were moving back and forth, switching his weight between them, there was a bead of sweat dripping down the side of his forehead and overall he just looked really guilty. 
"But a month ago something was nagging me, telling me that I should resume my watch on you. And so I did, I had Aki follow you again. And what we found out was interesting. Aki tell them what you told me."
Akira nodded and began to speak, "When I was following him I over heard him on the phone once. I was quite some feet away but he had his phone on speaker so I could clearly hear the conversation. It was the end of the conversation but what I got was enough to report back to Captain Y/n. The person on the other end of the phone had said, 'Nobu and better make sure damn well you tell me when he's going to alone! It's been almost a year now! Hurry the fuck up!' and I heard him reply with, 'I'm trying! Mikey's always with fucking Draken it's hard to catch the little bastard alone!!' And that's when the phone call ended."
"Thank you Aki, you can fall back."
Akira bowed and made his way to the shed. 
"Not only was that information enough to get you kicked out of Toman on itself but the name Nobu seemed really familiar. It was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't place where I heard the name. All day I was thinking about, it wasn't until later that I figured it out."
"The fuck do you tHiNk you figured out!?"
"You see I was watching the news right? And there were talking about how another member of a Tokyo gang was arrested. The gang was called 'Snake Skin' or the S.S Gang for short. And that's when it hit me, two years right after Toman was formed, I remember seeing on the news they posted a list of teens that got arrest for property damage and fighting. On that list I remembered seeing the name Ren Nobu. The reporter said they'd only get about 6 months to a year of jail since it wasn't that bad. And a year ago was when you joined Toman."
You walked in front of Nobu and grabbed his chin forcing him to look at you while your nails were digging into his skin. "So tell me Nobu, what did the Snake Skin Gang want you to do with Mikey hmm? Was it just injure him forever or kill him? But if I'm saying what it most likely was it was probably kill him right? With Mikey out of the way the Snake Skin Gang figured that Toman would immediately fall apart right after. That's when you'd swoop in and finish us off, then becoming one of the best gangs in Tokyo."
You smirked, "That's the thing. You just told me that was your plan with that response."
"Well, you fucker there's a reason why Mikey trusts me with his life. I'm smart as fuck. Your little rouse that you played, I saw right through that shit. But what I said just now... that was bluff." You laughed and rolled your head back as you did so. Once your laughter silence you spoke again. "I was just listing off the things I would do if I wanted to be the best. You gave yourself away with your reaction."
Nobu tried to grab you but you were way quicker. You pulled out you knife holding it to his throat. Nobu froze in his steps. "You see I'm used to people trying to pull this move on me, nice try but you failed completely."
The members of Toman were stunned by your quick reflexes and your hypothesis. 
"I never could have figure that shit out"
"No wonder she's in Toman."
"Damn man we judged her quick as fuck but when push came to shove she figured this lying bitch out."
You nodded to Mikey and Draken signaling that you were done. 
Mikey finally stood up and spoke. "Sixth Division Captain Ren Nobu, you're officially disbanded as a member of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Pahchin, Baji escort Nobu out of Toman would you?"
"Sure." Was all Pah said.
"Whatever you need Mikey."
"Now that that's settled I'm done." You yawned and sat down right on the stairs.
"I-" before Mikey could say anything the members of Toman began to clap and cheer for you.
You looked over at Mikey and smirked. "You see that Mikey, they're all cheering for me not you! ME! AHAHAHAHAHA!"
Mikey frowned and threw his flip flop at you hitting you in the back. 
Mikey used his two index fingers to grab the inside of his cheeks and stretch them out sticking out his tongue. "Blehhh! Y/n you suck!"
You jumped up from sitting down and went to chase after Mikey.
"Hell no, I'm not trying to put up with both of your shit right now." Draken grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder. This made you a little frustrated. You flared your arms hitting Draken on his back demanding him to put you down.
"When both of you calm the fuck down is when I'll put you down."
"Ugh! Fine! I'll stop!"
"No you won't stop with the fucking lies."
"Keichin I'm serious! I'll stop! I have shit to do..."
"If this 'shit' involves throwing Mikey's shoe back, then no you don't."
Your body slumped in Draken's arms. Mikey used this chance to continue to taunt you. "HAHA PINKIE YOU'RE STUCK! NOW YOU CAN'T GET ME!!" He turned around and shook his butt at you. 
"Why you-!" You kept struggling in Draken's grasp but his grip wasn't loosening. While you were flipping Mikey off you didn't notice Mitsuya walking up to you and Draken. 
"Are they always like this?"
"Sadly they fucking are."
Mistuya smiled, "Well it's great to see Mikey smiling so lively"
"Easy for you to say, you don't have to deal with Mikey's shit when he gets this way." 
This caused Mitsuya to laugh.
"Oh yeah Mistuya,"
Pointing to you he said, "Can you make this fucker her own jacket? She won't shut the fuck up about it." Draken rolled his eyes and Mitsuya nodded.
"OI! Keichin did you just call me a fucker!?"
"Holy shit just shut the fuck up Y/n." Draken was laughing as he said this which caused Mitsuya to laugh too. 
"Y/n just make sure to give me your measurements."
"Y/n calm the fuck down!"
Mikey walked over finally calmed down. Since you were still over Draken shoulder, Mikey walked to face you and handed you your bag. "Thanks for the snacks Pinkie." Mikey smiled and turned around walking away. 
"Snacks?" When you looked in your bag your lunch you had packed for that day was completely eaten. Including the extra candy and chips you had. "MIKEY YOU BITCH!? HOW YOU COULD YOU!?"
Mikey stopped, turned around, smiled and said, "Those sushi sure were tasty <3" He licked his lips, while you screamed a mountain of curse words as he skipped away.

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