Chapter Four

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"Oh come on Hina just break up with him!"
"I can't do that Y/n." Hina looked down with a blush on her face. 
"Yeah I knew that was the case." You slouched down in your chair. You knew Hinata cared for Takemichi too much to hurt him let alone break up with him. "It was just a suggestion."
"Y/n can I ask you something important?"
You looked up concerned, "Hm? What's up?"
"I know you love me..."
"Yeah of course."
"But...why do you hate Takemichi so much?"
There was a million reasons you could name why you hated him but there was one that stuck out the most. You slouched even further in your chair and grumbled, "Becausehealwaysworriesyou." 
"What was that?" You were speaking so fast and so low it was hard for anyone to understand. 
"I said, it's because he always worries you." You turned away from Hina embarrassed. The main reason you had hatred to Takemichi was because he made your friend worry. There has been many times she called and you or came to your house because Takemichi got into another fight again. Every call or visit she was in tears and worried sick that one day he would get seriously hurt. And what made it worse was he never seemed to care. No matter how many times Hina pleaded for him to stay safe he never would. And that just pissed you off. What kind of boyfriend doesn't listen to their girlfriend's pleas??
Hina smiled and grabbed your hand. When you looked into her eyes they sparkled with warmth. 
"Y/n you're the best friend I could ever ask for, but you don't have to worry about me. If there's anything you could do for it's try to accept Takemichi. I promise if you talk to him you'll think he's great!"
Your lip curled up, "I guess I'll try again..."
"BUT not promises!!"
Hina giggle and smiled even wider, "Alright that's better than nothing!"
The door to your classroom bust open and one of the underclassmen came running in there out of breath. 
"WHAT!?" Hina jumped up from her seat immediately, you quickly following after. 
"Hina wait! What are you planning to do!?" You grabbed her arm and pulled her to a halt. "There's not much if you can do if there are delinquents! Let me go instead!"
"You can't do that Y/n." 
"This is something I have to do myself. If anyone can save Takemichi it's me!" Hina pulled her arm from your grip and walked determined to where Takemichi was, with you quickly following after her still telling her to stop. 
Hina reached delinquents before you could get there. "STOP RIGHT THERE!"
You were trying to push your way through the now crowed hallway. 
"Huh? Who the hell're you?"
Huh? That voice...WAS THAT DRAKEN!?What the fuck is he doing here!? After a minute you saw pushed your way through and the first thing you saw was Hina slapping Mikey. 
She grabbed Takemichi's hand and started pulling him. "Takemichi-kun let's go." 
"You can't let these guys push you around like that. I'll protect you." 
You watched as Draken grabbed her arm stopping her. "You're dead brat. You think you can just hit someone and walk away? Don't fuck with me bitch."
"DRAKEN!" You stood between the tall blonde and your friend. "The fuck do you think you're doing?"
"Me? This bitch just slapped Mikey and tried to walk away."
You glared at him almost ready to slap him yourself. "You better watch it Draken. Do not fuck with me right now. Just let her-"
"Let her go..." Takemichi interrupted you and spoke up for himself. 
"Huh? I can't hear you?"
You rolled your eyes as Takemichi tried to protect Hina. "I didn't need your fucking help" you mumbled under your breath. 
"You little shit." Draken bent down to Takemichi's level and smiled sadistically. "Who do you think you're talking to?"
You looked at Hina who had fear filled eyes. In all honesty you were just gonna let this pan out but remembered something Hina said just minutes before you came here. "Y/n you're the best friend I could ever ask for, but you don't have to worry about me. If there's anything you could do for it's try to accept Takemichi. I promise if you talk to him you'll think he's great!" 
Fuck, I guess I stand up for Takemichi. But only for you Hina. 
"Draken...stand the fuck down!" You pulled Draken closer to you by his chin giving him deadly eyes. 
"Y/n. I'm not one of your fucking men that you can just order around." He scoffed and pulled back from your grib.
"Huh?" Hina was staring at you in confusion. "Men...? Ordering around...?"
You were about to open your mouth to retort but Mikey finally spoke up. "Aw darn, and here I thought we could have been friends. Too bad <3. Okay. Now how do you wanna die?" All the light that was in Mikey's eyes was gone. Completely dead. Leaving only darkness and fear behind. "I'll make it to where you never show your face before anyone again." He said while smiling. 
"Mikey..." You had seen this look before, it was the same look he had when he saw you in a battered state and beat your biological mother until she was near death. "Mikey what are you about to do?"
He turned to you and smiled even wider. "Nothing too bad Pinkie. Just gonna beat the shit out of a brat."
"Promise me one thing."
"Huh?" All of you looked to Takemichi confused about he meant. 
"You won't DARE lay a finger on Hina!"
"Huh? Like I care." Mikey's smile vanished and he went to punch Takemichi, but stopped halfway. "SIKE!"
"Takemitchy you dummy! Like I'd ever hit a girl."
You sighed in relief and slapped Mikey on the back of his head. Normally you knew Mikey was not evil, but when he got that "look" he changed. "Mikey you scared the shit outta me! Don't do that again!"
"Oww! That hurt Pinkie! You shouldn't hit friends like that!"
"Takemichi, don't tell me... Are these guys... Your friends?"
Hina was apologizing left and right when she found out that Mikey and Draken were friends of Takemichi. 
"Hina stop apologizing, those two can be assholes sometimes."
"Oi bitch watch it." 
"But I really am sorry!"
"Eh it's fine. Just don't hit me the next time we meet."
Hina chuckled nervously, you looked to Mikey and Draken. "Don't you have to initiate Takemichi or whatever? Shoo." You waved your hands in the shooing motion telling them to get out of here. 
Draken mumbled something under his breath whiling following Mikey and Takemichi. 
Once they were out of ear shot Hina turned to you, finally asking the question that had been bothering her for a while. 
"What did Draken-kun mean by 'your men'?"
You averted your eyes away from Hina's with your head down. "Well...I'm in the same gang as they two of them."
Her eyes widened, "Y-you're joking right?"
You slowly shook your head. You never intended for Hina to find out. You knew she'd begin to worry about you too if she found out. And that's not what you wanted to happen. 
"B-but why?"
No response. You stayed silent, struggling to find the right words. "I...becau..."
"Hey..." Yet again Hina's voice was sweet as she softly grabbed your cheeks. "You can tell me anything you know that? But it's okay if you can't...Just know I'll be there for you no matter what."
"Hina..." When you looked in her eyes you saw a caring look. You decided that you could tell Hina about what happened three years ago. And you told her everything, how you met Mikey to, about your bond and friendship. You told her what happened with your stepmom and mother, how Mikey saved you and how you wanted to join a gang to be closer to you stepmom. 

After telling Hina everything, you finally looked up and saw her eyes filled with tears. She pulled you into a hug and began to softly rub your back. "I'm so so sorry Y/n. You should have... you should have told me sooner."
You wrapped your arms around her loving the warmth they provided you. "I-I'm sorry, I b-buried it. I-I didn't want to remember." You choked on your words, they were barely able to escape your mouth. 
"Shushhh, you don't have to say anything." Hina cooed her words making them even more soothing for you.
"SHOW US YOUR TITS LESBOS!!" A random boy about the age of fifteen interrupted your time together. He wore gang clothes belonging to Valhalla. 
"Fuck off!" Your mouth danged open when it was Hina who said this. She held you at shoulders length and glared at the boy. 
"OH COME ON BABES IT'S NOT THAT BAD NOW IS IT?" Another boy from the gang around the same age commented.
"Fuck off Valhalla." You flipped the two off and grabbed Hina getting away from the two perverts. 
"For fucks sake those Valhalla boys need to learn some fucking class. Ugh!" You ran your fingers through your hair while you memorized the boys' faces and thought of some sort of revenge. 
"Haha! Y/n you're so concentrated! What's going on through that brain of yours right now?"
"Aha...N-nothing much..."
She side eyed you, laughing her ass off knowing you were lying. "Mhm yeah 'nothing much' that's what they all say."
"Shut up!" 


"Come on Pinkie let's go to the meeting already!"
"I said hold it Mikey! I'm making my dad dinner before he comes home."
"Hurry it up!" Mikey pop the "p" in up and dragged out the word whining. 
"Just give me five minutes Mikey and stop whining like a little bitch!"
"Ugh fine!"
You were in your kitchen stirring some simple stew while Mikey was wondering around your house. 
You were putting the stew in a container when Mikey called out to you. "Pinkie! What's this book that says, 'Y/n's...Special...Notebook?"
Your eyes widened in horror. Mikey had your diary. But was worse was that he was in your room. "MIKEY YOU FUCK WAD GET OUT OF THERE I'M DONE!"It's not like you could stop, you were still pouring the stew. 
"Today...there was someone who was hot..."
"Oh hell no!" You stopped pouring and ran to your room snatching the dairy out of Mikey's hands. 
"Hey! Pinkie I wasn't done reading that..." A frown appeared on Mikey's face. "Who was hot?"
"Um...Hey look I'm done we can go now!"
"Ah finally!"
You sighed in relief glad that Mikey was so simple minded. In the front drive sat Mikey's CB250T 50cc motorcycle and your black 2005 BMW K1200s. You both hopped on your designated Motorcycles and started the engines getting ready to take off. 
"Let's see if your like 'BmW' can keep up with my CB250T 50cc." Mikey teased. 
You patted the bike and smiled. "Oh don't worry, this baby right here can definitely keep up. She's my baby, I take good care of her just so she can keep her speed." You smirked and leaned forward grabbing onto the handle of your bike 'Midnight'. The two of you raced out of your driveway, passing up stop signs and red lights all the way to where the Toman meeting would be held. 

You rolled your eyes and looked at Mitsuya, "I think Takebitchy's here can you go get him for Mikey?"
"Yeah of course." The second division captain Mitsuya Takashi got off his bike and headed for where Takemichi was.
"Hm?" He turned his head off his bike to look at you.
"Remind me why he has to be here?"
He smiled, "Because Takemitchy is my friend!"
"Whatever." You frowned and leaned forward on Midnight. 
A few minutes later, Takemichi was walking with Hina behind Mitsuya.
"Yo! Takemitchy. Sorry for the sudden invite." Mikey was smiling again but this time to Takemichi.
"Takebi- I mean Takemichi, why'd you bring Hina here!?"
"I-I didn't think it would be like this." He gulped.
"You dumbass." You turned to Hina worried. "Hina are you okay? Scared? Anything?"
"No no no! I'm fine!" She shook her hands violently as she responded. 
"Okay, I'm just checking."
Then Draken bent down to Hina's level with a half bow, "Ah Hina-chan sorry about the other day...I was just testing Takemitchy. Didn't mean to scared you."
"Oh no! It's totally okay!" She said sweetly while holding on to her bags. 
"Hey Emma-chan!" Draken called out and a girl with blonde hair replied with 'coming'. 
"This is Takemitchy girlfriend, look out for her."
"Ooookay." Emma sounded bored as she dragged out the syllables. She then noticed Takemichi and said, "Ah? Oh! What's up wuss boy <3!"
You began to become intrigued when both Hina and Draken said something. Hina saying "Who are you calling wuss boy?" And Draken, "Hey, you know!?"
You laughed as Hina began to interrogate Takemichi scarily. You laughed even harder when she picked up a bat and hit him with it.
"Nice one Hina!" You shouted as she walked away mumbling.
After a few minutes you got off Midnight while Draken was getting everyone's attention. 

Tokyo Revengers x Y/nOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz