Chapter Thirteen

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Monday October 24th


At your call Akira came running into the shed. "Yes Captain Y/n!"

"I'm going out, if Mikey asks for me tell him I went to do some lady things. That way he won't ask any questions."

"Got it! But where are you going?"

You sighed and looked at Akira, "That's something I can't tell you, I don't want you or anyone else in this division getting involved." 

"If you're doing something dangerous then you can count me in!"

"No! You stay here and keep an eye on Kisaki you got that!?"

"Captain Y/n, I am more than capable enough to help you with this! Boten or Daisuke hand handle Kisaki!" Akira had his arms raised while he continued to argue with you. 

"It's too risky!" You shouted back.

"Then why are you going huh? If it's SO risky then why are you risking your life!?"

"It's my job! But it's not my job to sit here and argue with you about what I shouldn't and shouldn't do. You will watch Kisaki end of discussion!"

When Akira tried to make further complaints, you kicked him out of the shed. I know you want to help Akira, but you just can' can't.

"Let me just get ready." You mumbled. 

You put away the notes you'd taken on Kisaki this past week and locked up the shed behind you. You put the key in the spot where only Akira knew the location. In case if something came up and they needed to use the shed, he'd be able to open it. 

As you walked through the woods to get to your parked motorcycle you felt uneasy. The birds who normally would caw when you passed where unusually silent. They even flew away making a rustling in the trees. The wind was blowing east, picking up dirt and debris, the leaves crunching as you walked through the autumn forest. 

After about a five minute walk through the silence, in the distance you could finally see midnight. The bike was leaning on it's foot rail propped up like it normally should be. But that was all wrong. You always had Midnight parked a certain way, someone had tempered with your precious bike. 

You squinted your eyes as you observed the bike. The first thing you did was open the gas tank and take a whiff. 

"Yuck, nope it's still gas, thank god the tank wasn't tampered with." You said while gagging. 

Next you began to check the other parts of your bike, and everything seemed to be okay. Nothing was damaged, the gas was still 3/4 filled, there was no added mileage, nothing out of the ordinary except for the position you left it in. 

But you still felt suspicious so you check your bike again. More thoroughly this time. That's when you found it. A GPS tracking trip. It was placed right under the tip of the back tire, hidden and out of sight. 

"Hm? Now this sure is a discovery. Who was trying to follow me?" You asked becoming more intrigued at what you found. You looked at the GPS curiously thinking about what you wanted to do with it. You smirked when you found the answer. 

You gripped the tracking device in your hand and hopped on your motorcycle. Before you decided to head home, you were going to take a little detour. 

After driving up to a random grocery store parking lot, you placed the chip on a random car and drove off laughing. "Try and find me now!" You said as you drove in the direction of your neighborhood. 

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