Chapter Twenty Two

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"Ah? So you wanna fight the Black Dragons?" Draken inquired, staring dead into Takemichi's eyes. 

The determination was his face was unlike you'd ever seen him before. Takemichi's usually goofy expression was filled with a look you remembered seeing Baji have when he wanted to leave Toman. "Yes!" He stated, unafraid of all the captains in Toman. 

"Quit freakin' screwing with us! I've said I'll kill ya a hundred times already!" You turned your head to Smiley, unable to read what he was thinking beyond that smile. 

"Moron. If you actually killed someone every time you said you would, there would be no one left in the world. Fucking idiot." You rolled your eyes at Muto the fifth division captain. 

"I'll kill you Takemitchy! Ah! I said it again! Anyways, we reject the decision to crush the Black Dragons to stop Hakkai from killing Taiju!"

"Hella dull <3," Hanma said with a smirk you wanted to wipe off his face. 

"Shut the fuck up you mangy mutt," you mumbled under your breath. Baji had to stile his laugh, being the only one who had heard you. 

"Whaddya think Draken?" Angry asked the commander. 

"Hm. Rejected!"

"What!?" You shot up, slamming your hands down on the tabletop of the restaurant. "Draken do you want to abandon Hakkai!? He's a part of Toman too! And the rest of you..." You said while looking at the captains in their faces. "What if it was happening to you huh? You'd want fucking help as well!"

"Ha? Does it look like I give a damn?" Muta said with an annoyed expression. "Your just a little bitch, the shadow of Toman. Don't try to input shit."

"Motherfucker, you better watch your tone," Baji grumbled glaring at Muta. But Draken put up his hand, silencing the captains of Toman. 

"Listen," he said looking at the three of you (Takemitchy, Chifuyu, and yourself). "I get it. You all have your reasons for wanting to help Hakkai. But do you want to ruin the peace pact Mitsuya tried so hard to make? Doing this would throw his reputation down the gutter. This discussion is over." 

You sat there almost defeated while everyone got up and left. Normally Baji would walk with you, but he seemed to have a bone to pick with Muta. They were arguing the whole time while leaving the restaurant. Left sitting were you, Takemitchy, and Chifuyu. It was silent among the three of you. That is until Chifuyu spoke up. 

"Now thinking about it, it would ruin Mitsuya's reputation. There's no good way to solve this guys." Chifuyu sighed and leaned back in his chair. 

"In that case...The three of us have to solve this ourselves." Takemichi said. 

"Let me join too." You whipped your head at the voice you wanted to hear the least right now. 

"Kisaki you bastard what do you want?" You eyed him with a disgusted facial expression. 

"I want to stop Hakkai too." He said nonchalantly. 

Chifuyu's chair scooted back as he stood up to confront Kisaki. "Think I see through your bullshit!? Why the fuck would we ever want to work with you!?" He growled while looking down at Kisaki. 

"You got a better idea?" He asked. 

"Any idea is a better idea than working with you." You scoffed turning away. 

"As long as the truce with Mitsuya is still intact, the other Toman admins won't lay a finger on the Black Dragons. That said, there is no way the three of you alone can take on the Black Dragons. Mikey is weak right now. And seeing the Black Dragons gaining power makes me want to crush them right here and right now."

The people in the restaurant gasped causing you to witness Chifuyu holding a piece of broken glass to Kisaki's throat. "It's Mikey-kun, not just Mikey." He hissed. "We're still the same age, so don't act like your fucking above me just because you rank higher."

"Hey now, let's stop this. You know infighting is not allowed." Hanma smiled while holding a knife at Takemichi's throat. "Break the taboo and I'll have to go a little crazy on ya fucks <3!"

Finally, you decided to stand up. You walked over to Chifuyu and slowly lowered his hand that held the glass while shaking your head. "He's not worth it." You sighed, knowing well in your heart you'd love it if the glass was somehow in Kisaki's throat. 

You stood in front of Chifuyu right up in Kisaki's face. "And what good would you do us if we joined forces?"

"There's a mole within the Black Dragons."

"So? What does that have to do with our dilemma?"

Kisaki "tsked" before saying "I hate wasting time. Follow me."

"Make sure nobody knows about this. Because if this gets out, I'm as good as dead."

The boy who spoke had a scar above his left eye. He sat hunched over, with his forearms resting just above his knees. You sat in between Chifuyu and Takemichi. With Hanma and Kisaki on the right of Takemichi. So he's the mole huh? With that glum facial expression, there is no doubt about it.

"Don't worry. No one here will rat you out." Kisaki spoke up giving the boy his full attention. "So do you know?"

"Yeah. You wanna know the boss' movements?" 

"Taiju's movements?" Chifuyu asked confused. You weren't too far behind him, but you felt like you were starting to get the bigger picture. 

"Let me guess. You wanna find out when Taiju's alone? That way no other members of the Black Dragons will be around to help him."

Kiski showed no emotion on his face, but inside was annoyed with how much you figured out on your own. "Exactly, knowing your enemy's movements like their whole routine and schedule makes it easier to defeat them right?"

"Oh, I see. That makes sense I guess." Takemichi said, still looking a little confused. 

"I'm one of the boss' assistants, so I'm familiar with most of that." The informant said looking from you to Kisaki. "First of all, the boss...Huh!?" 

Interrupting your conversation was none other than a Black Dragon member. Half of his hair was shaved on the side with his remaining curls flipped over to the left side of his face. "What's going on!? Smells like a rat in here." He said wearing a smirk on his face. 

"Koko-kun..." The boy halfway whispered with fear written on his face. 

Oh? So this is one of the members Takemichi ran into the other day? What the fuck is he doing here? Did Kisaki try to pull one over on us? You glared at Kisaki but soon realized you were wrong seeing his shocked facial expression. 

"Tsk!" You watched as Kisaki took deep breaths to calm himself. 

"The hell? We're already busted and we haven't even started?" Chifuyu questioned looking confused. 

"Aw, man," Hanma said without showing any sadness on his face. 

"You know," the Black Dragon member started dully. "Our last rat had it real bad. So bad he couldn't take it and ended up killing himself."

"Y-you got it wrong Koko-kun! I-I was just..." The frightened boy was interrupted by "Koko."

"It's torture for youuuu!" Other members of the Black Dragons entered and were ordered around. "Get this shit-stain out of here."

"Yes sir!!" They began to drag the pleading boy away. "Shut up rat! You're fucking dead!" That is what you heard them say before they were out of earshot. 

"Now then, how do I deal with the rest of you?" Koko asked sticking his tongue out. 

"We're not here to fight," Kisaki said. 


You raised your brow at him. "A 100,000 what?" You questioned. Koko looked at you with a smirk. 

"For a hundred thousand I'll tell you bastards what you wanna know."

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