Chapter Twenty Four

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"Oh. My. Fucking. Goodness." 

Everyone sitting at the table looked at you confused. Why wouldn't they? One minute you all were listening to Kokonoi give information about Taiju because he was paid off by Kisaki. And the next minute your hands were slamming down on the table and you were spouting absolute nonsense. 

"What are you going on about woman?" Hanma asked you with a raised brow. The rest were also curious as to what you were going to say. 

"I can't believe I forgot. You're the ass-hat from the other day when I encountered Taiju." You pointed an accusatory finger at Kokonoi while also glaring at him. 

"What about it?" He asked, "you're getting the information you need outta me. Consider this my apology. But of course, I'm only doing this for the money."

"I should slap the shit out of you for the disrespect I am getting." You mumbled. "But continue." You sat back down, once again listening to what Kokonoi was saying. 

He nodded and began to speak again. "The boss is only alone one day out of the year. Christmas. He may not look the part, but the boss is a very dedicated Christian. Every year on Christmas night, he goes to the church to give worship. Always by himself!"

"I see." Kisaki slowly blinked through his glasses at Kokonoi's statement. 

"Is that all?" Kokonoi asked, standing up and getting ready to leave. 

"Yeah, that's enough."

"The boss is pretty strong, even when he's alone. Think the five of you can win? I can't wait until Christmas." 

"Why are you betraying the Black Dragons?" Asked a dumbfounded Takemichi. 

"I just like strong guys that's all. If you wanna know more," a shrug and a pause, "that'll be another $100,000." That was Kokonoi's last statement before exiting the building, leaving the five of you to yourselves. The metals attached to his earing faded in the distance along with his shadow. 


"I just the Black Dragons aren't just a monolith." Chifuyu turned to you as you nodded in agreement. 

"Takemitchy." Everyone's attention was now on Kisaki. "I didn't just know when Taiju would be alone so we can attack him. "


"Takebitchy, are you that dense?"

"What do you mean Y/n?"

You sighed before continuing. "Think about it, if we're trying to stop Hakkai, and Hakkai wants to kill Taiju when would be the best time? When Taiju was alone on Christmas."

"Ah!" He exclaimed, finally understanding the point of the conversation. "That makes sense!"

"This way," Kisaki spoke up, looking at Takemichi, "you will be able to stop Hakkai, right?"

The room went silent. Takemichi, Chifuyu, and yourself were all staring at Kisaki with gaping eyes. Was it just a ruse? Was there an ulterior motive behind Kisaki's actions? What did he actually want? Those were all the questions swimming through the three of your heads. The three of you were wondering if his actions were too good to be true, that is until Takemichi voiced your concerns. 

"Kisaki, why is it you went through all of this trouble?"

"What's wrong with going through the trouble to help a teammate?" Kisaki replied. "The five of us will stop Hakkai, and beat Taiju!" He stated enthusiastically. "Christmas night we will have our decisive battle in secrete." Your head tilted in confusion when Kisaki began to look at his shoes before speaking again. "There's something I've been thinking about."

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