Chapter Three

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July 7th 2005

"Ugh I'm bored." You were hanging out with Mikey and Draken at the Toman base. Mikey was slumped over a couch upside down complaining about how bored he was. 
"I wanna do something fun, we've been sitting here for ages!"
"Dude it's literally been 30 minutes." You were looking through a magazine and your voice was dull as you answered Mikey.
"That's long as fuck! Let's go out and do something."
"Do what?" Draken asked also dully. 
"I don't know..." 
You and Draken looked at each other then back at Mikey. Draken sighed while you face palmed. "We can just walk around until we find something to do?"
Mikey shot up from the couch, "Works for me! Let's go Kechin Pinkie."
Both you and Draken got up following Mikey's lead. You weren't even going anywhere specific. Just wondering around town looking for something to do. What's funny was you all actually had school today but the three of you skipped to "organize issues and matters" in Toman.


Earlier that day~

You were walking to school when you received a call from Mikey. As you picked up the call you rolled your eyes. 
"Mickey!" This bitch, "get your thumb off the speaker." 
"What did you need?"
"Where are you?"
"On my way to school why?"
"Never mind I see you!"
"Huh?" Mikey ended up hanging up on you. You pinched the bridge of your nose and started to mumble a set of curse words under your breath. 
"Pinkie!!" Mikey vice echoed through the air. He was running towards you at full speed with Draken walking behind him. Mikey grabbed your hands and started to pull you away from the direction your school was in.
"What the fuck are you doing!?"
"We're going to Toman." Mikey smiled and kept pulling you. 
"For what!?"
"Apparently we have things to discuss for Toman's future." Draken shrugged as he finally caught up to Mikey. 
When you arrived at Toman's base you followed Mikey and Draken to the temple and sat down on the stairs. 
"So? What did we need to discuss?" Both you and Draken looked at Mikey waiting for his response. 
He stayed quiet for a bit and then said with a straight face, "Right now Toman is the strongest gang in Tokyo, that being said I called you both here..."
When Mikey paused you and Draken stared at him with anticipation and curiosity for your leaders next words. "I called you both here so we could relax!"
"Yep!" Mikey's face returned to his normal smile and happy expression. 
"So you mean to tell me... you made me skip school... TO RELAX!?"
"Oh yeah I almost forgot." Mikey ran off and came back with a box. "It's your official outfit Pinkie!"
Your eyes immediately sparkled with joy, forgetting all about having school and Mickey's dumb reason to pull you out. "WAIT REALLY!?It's only been two days, how!?"
"Mitsuya spent all day working on it yesterday so you could have it early." Draken leaned back resting his hands on a step and looking up at the clouds. 
"OH MY GOD! GIVE IT HERE!" You snatched the box out of Mikey's hand and ran to the shed your division worked in. 
Since you were the captain of a special division and a girl, your outfit was a little different. The pants ended up being leather skinny jeans with the your name written on the left side of the pants pocket. You still had the white boots but your jacket was a little different from the rest. It was a longer jacket. It went down to your knees with a slit up to the waist on both sides. It was long sleeves and the collar went up to your neck. The top buttoned down to your waist, after that the buttons disappeared. The back of the jacket had the words Toman, in yellow on it and your division and captain number written on the sleeves. The front was completely empty, just the black color of the jacket. 
You took off your original clothes leaving yourself exposed in just underwear and a bra. You folded your original clothes and slipped on your pants. You grabbed the jacket, buttoned it up and looked at your reflection in the mirror you had in the shed. You twirled around in delight before placing on the shoes. You smirked as you walked out the door but ran into Akira on your way out.
"C-Captain!? W-what are you doing here!?"
"Um what are YOU doing here?" You glared at Akira confused. He should have been at school already so why was he here?
"W-well um you see..."
"Hm? Why is it you're hear? Speak up!" 
Akira stood tall, closed his eyes and spoke to you direct and full of confidence. "I followed Takemichi like you asked and came to make my report!"
Your eyes widened and you ushered Akira in the shed. "Why didn't you say so sooner!? What'd you find!?" 
"Wait a minute." 
You looked around outside carefully making sure no one was in view. Once you were content you closed all the curtains and locked the shed's door. You sat legs crossed in your chair behind the desk you had and signalled for Akira to sit in the chair right across from you. Once he did you allowed him to finally speak. 
"Okay now the fuck did you find!?"
Akira gulped at the immense stare you gave him but managed to speak. "I found out that later today Takemichi is going to request a fight with Kiyomasa!"
You tightly squeezed your eyes shut really thinking about who that was. "Kiyomasa... you don't mean fucking Masataka Kiyomizu do you?" Akira nodded. "Not that brutal merciless bitch who organizes fights. He's so annoying I swear."
"That's the one."
"And?" Akira looked at you confused. 
"Who the fuck provided you with this information? No way Takebitchy would actually fight that bitch."
"I-it was actually Atsushi one of Takemichi's closest friends."
You had heard from Hina about Takemichi's friends and you do recall her saying the name Atsushi a few times. "Let's hope that Atsushi wasn't wrong about this information. So, where is this fight taking place?"
"Um... I actually don't know..."
You sighed loudly and slumped in your chair, "Well, there's only a few places where Kiyomasa fights, I'm sure it's gotta be at one of those. Time? What time does it start?"
"After school I think?"
"You think or you know?" Your eyebrow raised at Akira.
"Well, I'm not sure I was turning back when I heard it."
"Okay, I want you to follow Takebitchy all day and call me when you find out when and where."
Akira bowed and scurried out of the shed. Once he was out of sight your raised your palms to your face and wiped your teary eyes. "I hate being this mean to my Vice Captain. I know he's capable but if I don't hurry who knows what might happen to Hina. I have to do everything in my power to stop whatever Takemichi said even if it was a lie. If I don't... it might be too late. Akira forgive me, I know I shouldn't be cruel and work you like this, but I can't miss any opportunities. I won't let any slight change in Takemichi's behavior slip by me. I have to know." You choked on the last few words. To compose yourself, you slapped your cheek leaving a red handprint and took a few deep breaths.  

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