Chapter Eight

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"What!? You know how to stop Mikey and Draken from fighting!? How??" Takemichi leaned over the coffee table, getting extra close to you.

"Woah back away Takebitchy," You turned away covering your nose. "Your breath is hot as hell, do you ever brush your teeth?"

He turned away embarrassed and smelled his breath, "I just brushed them this morning..."

"Well I don't know what you're doing, but whatever it is you're sure not doing it right. Anyways, my plan for Mikey and Draken is very simple."


"C'mon Mikey, it's been almost three days since Takebitchy left the hospital, I know you want to visit him." You said while nudging Mikey's arm. 

The two of you were in his room listening to one of Sanchiro's old records he had hidden away. If Mikey agreed to go visit Takemichi then your plan would be in motion. You'd already gotten Draken to go see Takemichi just before you came here. If Mikey waited any longer Draken might be gone before you two would arrive. 

"But I don't wanna leave." He whined as he slumped further into his couch. 

Why do I even try?? "Dude, Takebitchy is suppose to be your friend, why should I have to ask you to visit him?"

"I just don't wanna move, it's hot outside and it's colder in here."

You sighed, pulling out your wallet and looking into it. Five dollars? That should be enough to buy some dorayaki or some sort of candy for Mikey. You held back the sadness that was in your heart. And I was going to buy the newest comic with this. Dear god, why is my life hell? Well, I guess preventing Kenchin's death is more important so it's worth it. 



You didn't really want to say it, but you knew you had to. "If you...visit Takebitchy I'll buy you...some food."

"Takemitchy I'm coming to meet you!"

Mikey hurried slipped on his flip flops and ran out the door. You followed behind him mumbling about how cheerful he was when it came to spending your money. 

"Oi Mikey where the hell do you think you're going?"

Mikey paused from getting ready to open a bakery shop, he looked at you confused. "I'm going to pick out my dorayaki?"

"Um no you're not we're going to visit Takebitchy first."

Mikey was so bummed out that you had to drag him halfway there. Even when he was walking himself he was still sad. His shoulders were slumped and hands were shoved in his pockets. And when you actually arrived at Takemichi's house Draken was already leaving, with Takemichi asking about what happened to Toman behind him. 

"Huh? The hell're you doing here?"

"Ah? More like the hell're are you doing here?"


"I came to see how Takemitchy was doing." Mikey said clearly annoyed with Draken.

"So did I." Draken said with the feelings being mutual. 

Off to a rough start but at least they're talking. This is the most they've talking since the argument they had. I see some progress. Now all I need to do is smack both of them and make them get along.

"Huh? Takemitchy's my pal. He's got nothing to do with you. Right Takemitchy?"

"Huh? Well..."

"Ah? Whaddya mean? You're my pal right? Takemitchy?"

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