Chapter 1: How it all began

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*Kakao Talk Notification*

As my phone buzzed I gradually picked it up to look what it was.

- Ryujin SHIN has been added to the group chat -

It has been about a year since I started training under JYPE and as one of the youngest trainees it got quite lonely sometimes.

I privately texted the new trainee asking her how old she was, hoping she'd be the same age. After rearranging my text message about 5 times and contemplating for another 8 times if I should really send the message I did it.

It didn't take all to long for the new trainee to reply and as hoped she was my age. A flood of relieve washed over me not even knowing if we'd be friends or not but that didn't matter at that time.

After a bit of back and forth texting she told me she'd be starting her trainee period tomorrow already. We got on really well over text, she was really charismatic and I couldn't get off my phone for my entire break.

I went and found my sister in another practice room
"Unnie, theres this new trainee and she's the same age as me." I told her excitedly.

She stopped playing the music and turned around to face me. "Oh no, no one will survive if theres 2 like you." She teased me making me pout.

There two of us practiced together for a while, giving each other feedback and correcting each others mistakes. Eventually we finished practicing for the day and wrapped everything up to go home.

"I'm exhausted, can't wait to go to
bed." Chaeyeon unnie said with her hands behind her head as we were walking to the subway.

"We still have to study remember." I said to her making all the excitement in her face fade away.

"You just ruined my mood." She cursed making me laugh at her.

We caught the subway just in time and left for home. It was a little after 11 when we arrived back home. We sprinted to the bathroom to see which one of us could shower first and with ease I won, of course.

I finished showering and went to my room to study. "I fucking hate this." I sighed. I had absolutely no motivation to study.

I was tired, hungry and all of my muscles hurt. After a while I managed to get everything done and I could finally go to bed.

The next morning I was woken up by my alarm, I sloppily turned it off as I forced myself out of bed. I got dressed for school, packed my bag and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Fried Rice is currently the only thing that keeps my sanity." I said.

"Stop the whining Chaerry." My mom said.

After breakfast it was time to go, Chaeyeon unnie, Chaemin and I left home and the three of us caught the subway to school.

Chaemin had the first stop since she went to a different school leaving unnie and I in the subway.

We arrived at school and we parted ways since she was a class higher than me.

I met up with some friends and walked to class with them.

The day went by so slowly, I could've died of boredom and I swear I'm not even exaggerating. Eventually I was allowed to leave early because I needed to catch the subway to JYPE. I smiled to myself while walking to the subway, knowing that I'd be miles away from school.

Chaeyeon unnie and I met up at the subway station and left for JYPE together.

When we arrived there was a girl standing outside hesitant to step in. She hat jet black hair and was just a bit shorter than me.

"Could it be that you're the new trainee?" I asked her.

"Uhm...haha, yeah, I'm Shin Ryujin."

Just a little longer // Ryuryeong  Where stories live. Discover now