Chapter 6: Pounding hearts

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When I got home, I showered and got everything ready for tomorrow when I noticed Ryujin texted me.

"Did you get home safely?"

This alone made me squeal, it got me all smiling to the point Chaemin said I needed to shut up.

Ryujin has always been the one who will always pretend she's tough but will always make sure you're okay and that's something I really admire.

She FaceTimed me which made me so happy. She was laying in bed with no makeup, just looking at me.

"My parents already knew you as my friend and I told them many things about you but today I told them we're together." She said that as she smiled so prettily.

"Really??" I asked her back. She smiled at my respons so sweetly.

"Yeah, i really talked a lot about you to them."

The things she said gave me such weird feeling not in a bad way though. The feeling made my cheeks redden and made a smile come upon my face.

"I haven't got the chance to talk to them yet. They're really busy with Chaeyeon unnie who's transferring to WM entertainment and Chaemin who's in her last year of elementary school." I felt a bit sad saying that. Today has been such a happy day but I haven't got the chance to tell my parents.

"Do your parents already know that you're...?"

It took me a while before I responded to her question since I just kept zoning out to her face. She snapped me out of my thoughts saying I was staring.

"Chaeyeon unnie and I came out together to our parents I think about 3 years ago now."

"Are you nervous to tell them?"

"A little, you're my first girlfriend and I don't know how they'll react but I'm planning to tell them in the morning."

"It's going to be alright, I'm sure you're parents are just as lovely as you are."

"It's getting late, you should should sleep."

"Didn't know you were kind."

"Shut up and get your ass to bed."

"You wish you had this ass."

"Children these days..."

"It's only 2 months!"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, love"

"You're terrible"

"I know, nothing new."

"Now, go to bed."

"I will, only because I'm tired not because you told me to."

"Whatever, I'll see you at the company tomorrow."



I put away my phone and went to bed.


I sloppily turned off my alarm and grabbed my phone to see if there was anything new.

I opened kakao talk and saw Ryujin was already awake and send me a message.

"Goodmorning <3, You'll do great telling your parents."

"Goodmorning <3 I'll tell you how it went."

I got ready before heading downstairs. I was a little nervous, I took a few big breaths as I stepped inside of the kitchen.

Chaeyeon unnie and Chaemin were there too making it even scarier.

"Chaerry you've been really quiet this morning, what's up that mind of yours?" My dad asked.

"Well... there's some news I have to tell you!"

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