Chapter 23: Just the two of us

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I woke up in the best mood because the first thing I saw was Ryujin when I opened my eyes.

She was already awake and looked angelic. I hovered over her and gave her a small kiss.

"What was that for?" She asked with a smile. I kissed her again because I couldn't resist it.

"You look very pretty like this." I gave her a smile.

"Why don't we go on a date today?" She asked me. It already made me happy to think about spending more time with her so I didn't hesitate to agree.

"Do we have schedule today?" It's fun and all to plan a date but it was no use if we had a schedule.

"Only group practice this morning but that's only an hour." She said checking her phone.

"Let's get ready then." I said as I got up from the bed and changed my clothes.

She went to her own room and changed there until we all met up to go to practice.

Before we started practice we talked a bit with twice. They asked how it felt being idols now.

Since we were off camera we could just talk casually and don't pretend we're shy.

I practiced with these girls for years and almost debuted with them so I'd be weird to talk formal with them.

Eventually we all had to practice and separated.

An hour was shorter then you'd think so it was already time to leave.

We walked back to the dorm and everyone showered.

Ryujin and I decided to shower together since I'd save time and water.

We got out and got ready for our date together.

"Where should we go?" I asked her while linking our arms together.

"How about the arcade?" She asked as I nodded happily.

We walked to the nearest arcade and played around. We had the best time. I don't think I've laughed this much in ages.

When we were done with playing we got some coffee and walked around the city enjoying each other's presence.

We talked about deep topics while she had her hand around my waist and I had my arm around her shoulder.

I loved days like these. It felt like a dream, I forgot about all my problems and worries and just focused on the girl I was with right now.

The sun was already setting and everything looked so beautiful. The city in the nighttime just felt unreal but what was more unreal was the girl I had in my arms.

"How should we end this night?" I asked her.

"Let's buy a picnic blanket and some food. I know a place where it's beautiful and no camera's." She smiled.

We bought all of the things and she told me to close my eyes while we walked.

It was a surprisingly long walk but eventually she told me to open my eyes.

It was inside a small forest, there was a lake with a small pier.

Ryujin took my hand before placing the blanket on the ground making me sit on it.

"It's beautiful here Ryujin." I said as I took up all of the surroundings.

"I found this place recently and I wanted to share it with you."

I looked her in the eyes before I kissed her deeply. This was the moment I knew I wanted her to be in my life forever.

We went through so much but now that it was back like it used to I appreciated it like nothing else.

We laid down together and looked at the stars. We talked about what could be out there, if we would ever find it and stuff like that.

There was a bit of distance between us which I closed by scooting her closer.

"You were too far away." I said a bit shyly.

"You're adorable Chaerry." She said as she made me lay in between her legs.

It felt like we were in a movie. My heart was beating so fast out of excitement and I never wanted to stop it.

"I remember the first time we met." I said smiling to myself by the thought of it.

"The moment I saw you for the first time I was sooo into you. Like after 2 weeks I already told Chaeyeon unnie that I had a crush on you." She laughed at herself.

"She also knew about my crush on you." I laughed with her.

"We've come a long way since then. We already know each other for 4 years now but it feels like the years without you never even happened."

"Whenever I would come out of practice with you Somi would always text me with thing like if I had kissed you yet and that kind of stuff." We both laughed at what I said and continued talking.

The night wasn't too cold and the atmosphere was absolutely perfect.

"I'm so happy everything between us is alright again. It felt so weird living without you but now that I have you again I'm not planning to let you go again." Ryujin said as she played with my hair.

"I hope this night will never end, it's perfect here." It all felt dreamy, it didn't feel real but it was and that made me the happiest.

It felt like we were the only people on earth. We couldn't hear anything besides each other, no sounds from the outside world. Just the 2 of us.

"Chaerry?" She asked. I turned around to face her to see her staring at me with her beautiful eyes.

"I want you, I really want you. It's been too long since I've called you mine-"

I cut her off with a soft kiss and then smiled.

"Save the speech. I love you Ryujin, call me yours that's all I want. I hope to spend the rest of my life with you." I smiled.

I could see her eyes lit up by my respons as she pulled me in again for a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

A/n: Thank you so much for sticking with me through this story.

This was the last chapter and I hope you enjoyed it.

Just a little longer // Ryuryeong  Where stories live. Discover now