Chapter 5: Meeting them

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I came back from the restroom to see Ryujin wasn't there. I looked around for a bit until I heard "BOO" loudly from behind the door.

I yelled so hard the whole company might've heard it... Sorry.

"That's payback from a couple of months ago." She said helping me get up from the ground.

I hid into her shoulder, arms around her neck.

"Cute.." I heard her mumble making my face flush red.

We went back to practicing since the monthly evaluation was already tomorrow. I was nervous but on the other hand I had done a lot of these so I knew what I was doing.

As we were practicing 2 girls came in, I didn't recognize them so I assumed they were new.

We greeted them politely before starting a conversation with them.

"Are you guys new here?" Ryujin asked curiously while I just stood besides them. I've always been a bit shy so I let Ryujin do all the talking.

They said their names were Hwang Yeji and Shin Yuna, Yeji was older than us with a year and Yuna was younger than us by 2 years.

"I guess Natty isn't the youngest in the company then anymore." I said speaking up for the first time.

"Who's Natty?" Yuna asked.

"She used to be the maknae in the company but now you're the companies maknae." I explained to her. Her face seemed to lit up with excitement, I guess she was happy to be the maknae? I used to be the companies maknae and I didn't like it 1 bit!

We got along with each other and got to call Yeji 'unnie'.

We led them around the building, showing them our favorite places and where most other trainee's practice.

We made our way back to the practice room we started in to find Chaeyeon unnie practice there.

"Wahh, the two of you look like twins." Yeji unnie said.

"She wished she was pretty like me." Chaeyeon unnie said making me hit her hard. "Shut up ,ugly, no one asked you anything." I replied with a devilish smile on my face.

"I'm the unnie! Have some respect!" And from that moment on we started to bicker in front of them.

"Are they always like that." I heard Yuna whisper to Ryujin.

"Most of the time." Ryujin whispered back.

Her saying this made me stop bickering with Chaeyeon unnie and smack Ryujin on the back of her head.

"Owww! What was that for." She pouted and laughed.

"Shut up, you know what that was for." I replied making her laugh with those adorable whisker dimples.

Eventually I managed to get Chaeyeon unnie out of the practice room since she was annoying me so now I could finally get to know the other girls some better.

I found out Yuna used to do floorball and just started middle school. Yeji unnie was in her senior year of middle school while Ryujin and I were in our junior year.

The whole time we were talking with them Ryujin was holding my hand making me even shyer than I already was.

Eventually it was time to go home, everyone parted ways except Yuna and I since we needed to catch the same subway.

Yuna and I talked until she had to get off leaving me alone in the subway on the way to home.

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