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    In all of my years of being a stripper, I have never had sex this amazing. He's so charming and respectful. He never did anything without my initiation or consent, and He complimented me. I don't feel like a tool. I pant as He pulls out and we collapse next to each other, softly smiling. I dance my fingers down His chest as he plays with my hair. I can't help but blush at the affection.

"Who are you?" I finally ask the question of who this man is. I like mystery sex. Not knowing the person's name or anything. I find it so hot.

"Shuichi Saihara. I'm actually a detective on a case here. I'm not on duty tonight, so I came here to scope out the place and get a feel for it. God, am I glad I did. I just had the night of my life with the most beautiful guy I've ever seen."

I heart stops at his response. Detective. Case. Here. I hide my face in his shoulder, using a blush to cover up my true reaction of anxiety. He can't be here for that. He couldn't be. Shuichi doesn't seem like the kind to take on a case like this. He's so charming and sweet. He wouldn't willingly take on rape and murder.

I look back up at Shuichi and notice he's passed out. I guess I could just stay here for awhile. I mean it's the end of my shift anyways. There's no harm, right? I make myself comfortable, pulling the blankets over Shuichi and I before wrapping my arms around him. He's like a teddy bear. Why am I like this over a man I just met? I just met him and I'm already wrapped around his finger.

Maybe it's because I have a tendency to latch onto people who show me the slightest bit of affection. I've had that issue for awhile now, and it always gets me hurt in the end. Who knows at this point. I'm a stripper, I know when not to get attached. I know that I can't get attached after casual rough sex, but tonight? Tonight for the first time, a man showed me affection. He was sweet and loving towards me. Tonight, I didn't feel used. I felt affection...

"Kokichi, wake up."

A soft voice says. I open my eyes and look over to see my coworker, Vanessa. I'm slightly disappointed that it's not Shuichi. "Hey, it's like eight. Boss said it was perfectly fine to stay over night, so we just let you two sleep."

"Oh, thank you." I reply, sitting up. She looks at me for a second before handing me a card.

"On his way out, that guy told me to give this to you as soon as you woke up." Vanessa explains. I look down and see a detective company name and a number. I assume it's Shuichi's number. On the back, there's a little message.

Sorry I couldn't be here when you woke up, but I had to get to work. Give me a call sometime and we can pick up where we left off <3

My face heats up a little bit, but I remain composed. Vanessa giggles before standing up. "Y'know a lot of people heard you guys last night. I mean I have never heard you get so loud."

"Vanessa, I am not above hitting a woman."

"Well I mean, at least you got his number, right?" Vanessa says. I shrug, my face turning a darker shade of red. Vanessa rolls her eyes before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. I giggle before falling back on the bed. I stare at the card for moment before rereading the agency he works for. Shuichi works for Kirigiri. Fuck. Kyoko Kirigiri, my sister's ex best friend. They were inseparable until Kyoko found out Celeste lied to her about something. I was never told the whole story for reasons I don't even know or understand.

    I get up and slip on my highly uncomfortable suit before walking out and down the hall to my backstage room. I always keep spare clothes in there. I unlock and open my door.




I let out a shriek of terror. "Vanessa! Help!" I scream for the blond haired woman. She comes running over to me from the stage area.

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