First Date

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I wake up the next morning to Shuichi's body entangled with mine. His chest rises and falls at a calming pace. He sleeps peacefully next to me as the sun rises. I don't want to wake him, but I have to get ready. I have shopping to do. I have no food in my house.

Reluctantly, I shake Shuichi awake. "Shuichi?"

Within a second, Shuichi's eyes are open, and he looks over at the clock. "Shit! I was supposed to be awake at seven, it's almost nine!" Shuichi starts panicking, rolling away from me to sit up. He leaps to his feet, and I do as well. "Relax, I need you to come shopping with me."

"Why?" Shuichi asks, grabbing his shirt. I raise an eyebrow at Shuichi before he facepalms. "It's too early. I have no caffeine."

"It's alright, just come to the store with me, we'll get actual coffee. Maybe go in and sit down for a first date instead?" I ask, smiling. Shuichi flushes a bright pink, but smiles.

"Deal, hurry and go get ready." He replies, giggling. I smile and rush off to get ready. I was kind of joking, but it works.

I finish getting ready and Shuichi and I head out to the car, our hands intertwined. "We skipped so many steps, you know that right?" Shuichi asks as we get in Shuichi's car. I giggle and nod my head,

"I don't care though. We've had a special connection since the night we met." I reply, grabbing Shuichi's hand. He smiles and makes a turn onto the main road. I'm falling so hard for this detective, it's almost scary. Nobody has ever been so good to me. Nobody has ever treated me with such respect before.

We arrive at the coffee shop, stirring up random conversations with each other. Shuichi holds the door open for me. "And then I asked him why he wouldn't pay me the total. Then he told me that he was broke and all this other shit, and I told him no, I want my damn money."

Shuichi seems amused at my stories about bullshit customers. "Kokichi Ouma?"

I turn my head to see a woman in all formal clothes, and small heels. She has a name tag on her blazer. "Yes? Can I help you?"

"Hello, um, my name is Aoi Asahina! I'm with the FBI." The woman with darker hair says. I glance at Shuichi with confusion. Our expressions match. FBI? Why the fuck would the FBI be involved here? "Do you mind if I ask you a question? We can talk here, but I need to know something... about your sister."

"Celeste? How the hell do you know her?" I ask, skeptical of this girl. Celeste is across town, why is she asking me instead of going to her herself?

"We were in high school together before I moved to America for my job. Celestia was in America not too long ago as you may know--"

"What? She went to Australia about four months ago, but that's it, she never went to America, you've got the wrong Celeste." I reply. If Celestia went to America, I know what she was doing. I was told not to interfere, but it had something to do with the people she gambled with. I grab Shuichi's hand and walk up to the line in the cafe. Shuichi just holds a puzzled expression on his face.

"Mid-June 2020, she was seen at Marywood Casino. I'm not here to be nice anymore. I need your sister's whereabouts right now. She needs witness protection." Aoi's tone stiffens as her body becomes tense. My adrenaline kicks in as my heartrate speeds up. Protection? From whom? "Kokichi, please I need to help her." Aoi sounds desperate with her pleads now.

"24th Street on Pinecreek, she'll be the biggest house on the corner. Go talk to her, not me, I was told not to get involved, or reveal any info."

"Thank you, I'll be in touch."

With that, Aoi walks out. Shuichi exhales before looking at me again. I am prepared for questioning, I am braced. "So, where were we?"

"You're not gonna press me about what just happened?" I ask, my eyes trained on Shuichi's face. He smiles before shaking his head.

"No, you'll tell me when you're ready. You said you liked a grande hot vanilla caramel late from here, correct?"

I smile and nod. Shuichi grabs out his wallet as the line dies down, getting closer to us. I look around and notice a table of a couple giggling and just letting their coffee sit. I want that, more so, I want it with Shuichi. I've never fallen for anyone this hard so fast in my life. He is one hell of a guy.

Shuichi orders our drinks and stands by the counter until they're made while I sit down at an open table. Sliding out my phone, I check my notifications. A few missed things from twitter and Instagram, but other than that, my phone's pretty dry. I sit for a few more moments before Shuichi sits down across from me.

"What were the last years of high school like?" I blurt out suddenly. Shuichi looks down at his drink, pondering whether or not to crush my daydreams about high school. I went until tenth grade, then I dropped out and became a stripper.

"Do you want my honest answer?" Shuichi replies, chuckling nervously. I eagerly nod. He takes a deep breath before his eyes look like a movie is playing behind them. "They were the worst damn years of my life. College was so much better. I got bullied and picked on. People would call me a faggot and shove me in lockers. It was awful, but nothing beat what Hikanu Yung did to me."

"What did he do?" I ask. I feel so bad, but he says that college was better, so hopefully he's okay after going through all that.

"He was my best friend, and he backstabbed me, told the entire school that I was going to kill myself because of my sister's death." Shuichi explains. "But the thing is it wasn't even true. One, I've never thought about suicide, and two, yes, my sister did die, but I wasn't so upset that I'd kill myself. She didn't even exist yet, my mother miscarried. I was upset, but I never formed a bond with her, so it wasn't as painful, y'know?" Shuichi finishes before turning bright red. "I-I'm sorry, I just spilled my guts out on you--"

"No, no! I like hearing about you, even the ugly parts--which aren't actually ugly parts by the way. They're what make you who you are. I'm not proud of my past, but I own it. It's how I became this person."

"Wow, I never took you for the type of person to say something so deep." Shuichi's dumfounded by my response.

"Well, people are full of surprises, aren't they?" I reply, turning a little red. Shuichi and I carry on our conversations, coffee growing colder and colder. I could get used to this.

Shuichi and I check the time and noticed we've been at the cafe for almost three hours. "Shushu, we should probably get going. I need food in my house." I giggle, drinking the last of my cold coffee. Shuichi flushes red at the nickname before standing up. He takes our empty cups to throw them out.

I take his arm and walk out to the car with him. Shuichi and I start driving off to the store to pick up my groceries, but when we walk inside, everyone is looking at the small TV in the tiny cafe in the store. So many people are crowding that not even Shuichi's tall ass can see.

"Put me on your shoulders." I whisper. Shuichi nods before letting me on his shoulders. I climb up, holding onto Shuichi's head so I don't fall.

"The suspect was caught fleeing the apartment. Nobody has been able to identify anything other than the sex. The female suspect was wearing a black hoodie that's truly revealing. Even after all this, there is still one lingering question, could this be the same person terrorizing the most famous club in town?"

We listen to the police report as a picture of a woman in a revealing top is caught on surveillance. That's not the one who attacked me. I know exactly who that is.


I wrote this in almost exactly an hour, maybe a bit less. This one isn't as long as some of my others, but I'm deadass proud of this one because of how much info I gave in one chapter, and how fast I was able to writ it!

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