Unknown Connections

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This shit boutta be HELLA angsty.

Also, this chapter is a lot like the Raging Bullets chapter with the formatting! -mommy <3


      I stay seated where the doctor tells me to for fear they may fuck up if I watch. I understand that they'd be under pressure and shit, but Shuichi's scared. I know he is. I just want to be in there with him, holding his hand, stroking his hair, joking with him about all the sex we're going to have when he's healed. I just want to be there for him in every way that I can. 

"Kokichi, you have to come quick, someone's here to see you." Rantaro cracks the door open a little bit, motioning for me to come to him. I shake my head instantly. 

"Absolutely the fuck not. They can come to me." I reply, my voice cracking slightly. Rantaro frowns slightly before nodding. I let out a sigh and bring my knees to my chest from their once locked position. 

I wonder what he's dreaming about. I hope it's something that makes him happy...


       "Junko Enoshima? You're certain that's her name. She has crazy blond hair to match crazy, psychotic eyes." My mother interrogates me, her voice growing more frustrated as she stands up.

"Yes, I'm positive." I reply. My mother lets out a sigh as she comes to my side of the table, getting closer and closer to me. Her once hope filled eyes are dark and twisted with sadness. My mother's once happy aura fades from the air as I frown. 

My mother takes one more step, inching closer to me. 

This is the closest she's gotten to me. I reach out to touch her...


        The surgery was going well for so long. I don't know how this happened, nor do I want to know because whoever fucked up would be dead in five seconds. 

The rhythmic sound of the machines start going wild as intense beeping fuels the surrounding area. I hear a few doctors cursing as they try to do everything to save Shuichi. 

I broke the rules and started to watch them at least forty-five minutes ago. Nobody noticed, nor did they notice me when they fucked up. I actually know how they fucked up. The man on the far left got in the lead surgeon's way while he was trying to suture. Miscommunication. It's always mis-fucking-communication. 


The doctors are in a frenzy as I watch the love of my life flatline. The loud ringing of the machine brings pain to my ears as I begin to cry. 

Why did he have to push me? Why couldn't it have been me? 


      "No! Stop!" My mother exclaims as her small frame backs away from me. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, puzzled by her actions. As far as I know, my mother's the kindest woman alive. 

"Nothing, I just- I don't- Shuichi, listen, just be careful."  My mother says.

"Mom, I'm so confused and my brain hurts." I mutter.

"We don't have a lot of time left, dearest. I can't tell you everything, but you need to leave wherever you are to another country. You are now on her hit list." My mother explains as I stand up. She backs away another step. 

"But it wasn't me she was trying to shoot." I reply. 

"Still, you survived her bullet."

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