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      I head back to my house for the night, a cop car parked just down the block. I can't help but still feel on edge. I unlock my door and immediately close it behind me. The lock clicks with a simple turn and I feel a bit safer, but I still feel skeptical and on edge. I walk to my kitchen and grab a glass of water. I set the glass down with a thud before looking in my kitchen window reflection. "Why are you here?" 

"Why wouldn't I be here, Kokichi? You know my burning, intense love for you will never die." 

It's his  voice. I whip my head around to see the face of the man who got me to this point. The point of stripping for money, the point of using my body as my tool for money. "Get out."

"Why should I?" He replies. I turn around fully and look him in the eye. He gives me a challenging glare, but I won't back down. 

"Enough, Kyota." 

"Enough, Kyota." He replies, mimicking my voice. He steps forward, and I step back until my back hits the sink. The entire house is dark except for the small, dim lamp light near the front door. Nobody would know if something bad happened to me right now. "I want you, Kokichi, and you know as well as I that I always, always  get what I want." 

"Think again, bitch." I grit my teeth and shove my knee as hard as I can into Kyota's dick. He's caught off guard for a second, grabbing his groin. But before I can move, Kyota uses his free hand to grab my wrist. 

"Where do you think you're going? My house, my rules remember?" He taunts, his grip tightening on me. 

"I bought it off of you, it's mine." I retort, glaring at him. His eyes narrow as he puts his other hand around my other wrist. He pins them together before pinning me against the wall beside us. 

"I'm not here to play games, Kokichi. I came here to make a mess out of you." Kyota whispers against my ear. I start to kick him as hard as I can, but no avail. He won't budge. I need a plan. I'm not letting him do this again. I've changed the locks four times, how does he keep finding me? Fucking creep. I ran into him at a grocery store when I was 16, then we started to date, end of story. 

"Fine, just get off me. Go upstairs and I'll be up right behind you." I huff, looking at my phone on the couch. Kyota smiles his great, big, 'I own you' smile. It's great, really. He totally  doesn't sound like a fucking lunatic. 

      Letting go of my wrists, he plants a forceful kiss on my lips. "I'm glad you see it my way, Kokichi." His tone is full of arrogance and bullshit. I watch as he walks away. Once he's upstairs, I race to my phone. My hands shake as I speed dial Shuichi. This guy is a fucking lunatic and I want him out.

"Hey, Kokichi, what's-?" 

"Shuichi, get to my house, now. There's a fucking psycho in my house." I interrupt him. In an instant, Kyota comes flying down the steps. 

"Kokichi, get the fuck up here." His voice is cold and threatening. "Hang up, now." 

"Kyota, no! I'm done doing this shit with you! The constant apologizes, the guilt tripping, the begging, I'm done!" I shout, putting my foot down for once. Kyota glares at me before stopping at the bottom of the steps. 

"What did you just say?" He says in a dark voice. His eyes hold rejection and rage. I look at him fury burning in my eyes as well. 

"I said I'm done. I never invite you in, you never knock, you just show! God, I should've taken this to the police by now, but I've been nice! It's time for you to get the fuck out, and if you ever show up here again, I will not hesitate to chop your dick off with a fucking steak knife!" I practically scream. 

"You have no idea what you're up against Kokichi... or rather who." Kyota replies, his voice calm and composed. My face shifts to one of pure confusion. 

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" I ask, eyes narrowed at him. He looks at me, a wild grin on his face. Pure malice is written all over this black haired douche. Even his dark brown eyes have an evil sparkle to them. 

"You'll find out in time. I was only a pawn tonight, Kokichi. This was the plan all along." Kyota explains, taunting me. My hands ball up into fists as he continues his calm attitude. "You'll be hearing from me, tata~" 

Kyota plants a gentle, kind kiss on my cheek before heading out the door. He disappears into the darkness of the night as I'm left to deal with my swirling thoughts. I pick up my phone that I hadn't even realized I dropped. I guess I wouldn't have heard it since it dropped on the couch. I hear a car door slam, and in an instant Shuichi bursts through the door. 

"Kokichi! Are you alright, are you hurt?" Shuichi quickly cups me cheeks, examining my face. He tilts my head side to side as I nod, reassuring him I'm alright. 

"Shuichi, I'm fine, I just... I hate that guy." I explain, sitting down on the couch. Shuichi sits down next to me, a face of concern painted on his expression. "He normally does that, only this time I finally told him enough sex favors. He didn't take the hint and thought it was some kinky role-play. I haven't seen him in over two months. Why now did he come back?"

"Well, my thoughts relate to what he said. That guy said he was just a pawn. He's a part of some game, some puzzle having to do with the murders at the club. He's a key to all this." Shuichi explains his thought process, and I look down. Shuichi puts a reassuring hand on my back before smiling a gentle smile. "How about I stay with you tonight? Hell I stay for as long as you want me to. Whatever makes you feel safest."

I smile and nod, my face beat red. "Y-Yeah, you should stay! I'd feel a lot safer... especially with you in my bed."



"No horny."






"Kokichi, what?"

"I don't know, I was trying to throw you off!"

Shuichi and I laugh before falling into total silence. The only noise being the quiet ticking of my grandfather clock. Shuichi suddenly pulls me to his chest, hugging me. 

"What's this for?" I chuckle, hugging him back. 

"I never want you to get hurt. I want you to know that no matter what, I'll always protect you." Shuichi replies.


"I promise with my life, Kokichi."


Sorry it's short, like I've posted on my board, going through stuff lately. I also wanted to introduce our new character to keep y'all guessing. Okay, that's all for now, bye bye!!

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