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        Shuichi comes back panting and worn out. We're in my backstage room, myself on the couch, Shuichi being the one pacing now. "They were right fucking there! I almost had the goddamn killer, Kokichi! I was so close! I had them cornered, but then they got one good hit and my leverage was gone and then they just fucking took off! I'm so pissed!" Shuichi kicks over my empty trashcan. I nod at him before picking up a shot glass.

"Throw it. Throw it at the wall and shatter it." I say placing the tiny glass in Shuichi's bigger hand. He holds the glass before throwing it at the wall as hard as he can. The tiny fragments of glass go all over the floor as Shuichi looks at me.

"Can I have another? Maybe more after that?" He asks me for more things to throw. I give him a half smile before opening my shot glass cabinet. "Take all but the top shelf, those are limited."

Shuichi nods before grabbing another shot glass and throwing it. Once again, the glass shatters and broken fragments go everywhere. I grab a glass and do the same just for the hell of it. We all could get some aggression out.

      The process repeats until Shuichi's thrown seven glasses. He then slumps down on the wall. "Thanks, Kokichi, I really needed that." He says, flashing me a slight smile. I nod and slump down next to him.

"So, you still wanna get a drink sometime?" I ask, feeling bold. I wanted to ask him out later today, but instead I was met with a dead body. Shuichi scoffs before looking at me. He has a gentle smile on his lips as he looks calm. He's not calm, but he looks like it. Shuichi's eyes hold so much tension and worry.

"You found a dead body of one of your co-workers and you're being hunted, and you decide now is the best time to ask me out?" Shuichi chuckles.

"Um, yeah? When the hell else would I do it?" I reply. Shuichi gets a kick out of it and starts laughing. He puts his hand on my thigh and I flush completely red. Oh my god, he is so cute.

"You're funny, but to answer your question, I'd love to." Shuichi replies. I start laughing, still red. Shuichi tilts his head in confusion before realizing where his hand was. He instantly retracted his hand and I immediately wanted it back. "S-Sorry!-"

"Don't be, I like that sort of thing." I reply, a soft smile at play. Shuichi smiles as he flushes red as well. I've got to admit, my love language is physical. I know I'm a stripper and it shouldn't be that shocking, but I don't be sexual physically. I mean soft touch physically--if that makes any sense at all-- I just want to be loved.

"Well, I guess we have that in common." Shuichi replies, rubbing the back of his neck. His beautiful silver-green eyes shine from the light in the room as we stare at each other. I chuckle at his response. I could get used to this...
           Hours later, Shuichi and I sit in his office, just talking. It's actually really nice to finally just sit down and talk to someone about life. We talked about our awful exes, awful bosses, and some nice exes and bosses. We learn bits and pieces about each other as conversation continues between us. 

"That's a good one." I chuckle as Shuichi insults one of my old bosses. He even laughs at his own jokes! I think that's absolutely adorable. The detective leans back in his chair as the office door bursts open. In an instant, Shuichi's gun is up and ready to shoot. 

"Woah! It's just me. They called me in to see if you needed any advice or help." A tall woman with  purple-pastel hair comes in the door. "But it seems you've already got things squared away, even down to security." 

"I'm alright. Did my uncle send you? He doesn't actually think I can do this? Wait, did-?" Shuichi spirals, setting his gun on the table. 

"No, Shuichi, I'm here to evaluate you. Your uncle actually said not to call me, but you're not up in the ranks yet and I wanted to see if you needed help. Don't be so anxious." The woman replies as Shuichi settles. 

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