A Dinner to Remember|Part 1

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My last author's note aged so well right? I'll finish this when I finish this at this point lmfao. Please continue to understand as I'm going through an extremely rough patch in my life. I'm trying to manage a lot of shit at once, yet you all have been such a wonderful audience. I love all of you, and thank you for all of your support!


Shuichi popped the scary question. I'm shocked that I said yes. Fuck, I'm even shocked he asked someone like me. A kind, beautiful, caring man like him should not want someone as slutty and brutal as me, yet I dont care even in the slightest. Regardless if Shuichi Saihara deserves someone better, I'm being selfish. I want him. I need him. Is it impulsive? Yes. Could I die any day now? Also yes. So, with that being said, who the fuck cares? Let us make beautiful mistakes. Let us love. Let us lose. We do not care. We only care about each other. We only want each other.


"Table for two," Shuichi says to the hostess. She leads us to our table and Shuichi pulls my chair out for me like the gentleman he is. He's so amazing. Things have quieted down since our huge showdown. Junko took a huge blow and probably needs to recollect herself and her army.

"Thanks for taking me out tonight, Shushu," I comment as Shuichi scans his menu. He looks up at me for a moment before smiling.

"Of course, love, I enjoy spoiling you," He replies, his eyes glistening in the light overhead. My heart skips a beat as he smiles at me. I love this man with every ounce of strength in my body. I never want to lose him. If my days are numbered, I want to spend every moment with him. Day, night, sleeping, awake, I want him there. I love him so much it's unbelievable.

"I can't wait to get married," I laugh, my face flushed with emotion. Shuichi's gaze is soft as he nods his head.

"I can't wait either, Kokichi. Our day will be perfect," Shuichi replies. The waitress interrupts our conversation to take our orders. I order the garlic pasta and Shuichi orders a steak salad. I almost want to change my order to his, but I cannot possibly even begin to think of passing up the garlic pasta. It's so fucking good.

When the waitress leaves to retrieve our drinks, Shuichi stares at her as she walks away. He looks lost in thought as his expression hardens. His hands manuver through his coat as I hear him cock his silencer. My heart start to pound against my ribs as my mouth runs dry. I want my drink, but there's something off about this bitch that Shuichi doesn't like. My brain kicks into over drive as she looks over her shoulder at Shuichi, her tall figure menacing and stalking. The girl's eyes are a bright purple as she flashes a shy smile at us.

I know her. I don't know where though. She's familiar, but I can't picture her from anywhere. Whoever she is, Shuichi doesn't like her.

"What's going on?" I whisper. Shuichi shakes his head before looking back at me.

"Nothing. I just thought I knew her," Shuichi replies. He gives me a smile before looking back at he girl. She's pouring our iced teas with calm expression on her face.

"I feel like she looks familiar as well," I agree with Shuichi as his brows furrow in concern. She turns back around, walking over to us with our drinks.

"There you are," The waitress says, setting down Shuichi's glass and then my own. I look at her wrist and maintain a calm expression. She has the same tattoo as Tsumugi. This is no waitress. This bitch is a fucking spy for that stupid, pig snorting, incompetent, lousy, piece of shit, lowlife, pathetic excuse for a boss.

"Thank you," Shuichi says. He, foolishly, goes to take a sip of the drink, but I lightly step on his foot under the table, signaling for him to stop. Shuichi takes the hint and plays with his rings on the table in front of his glass instead. The girl's eye twitches as she pulls out her order notepad. We are walking out the second she walks away.

"Is there anything else you guys would like to add? Maybe an appetizer?" She asks, pushing her blonde hair behind her back. Can we ever catch a break? It seems as though the only privacy we have is when Shuichi is aggressively blowing my brains out.

"No thank you," I reply for Shuichi as his eyes widen slowly. The girl flashes a grin before walking away. Shuichi and I immediately stand up and walk out the second she's in the kitchen. He drags me by the arm, his other hand on the gun as we reach his car. I've never seen Shuichi in this state of panic. He knows something. He realized something I didn't. We aren't safe at all right now.

    Once we're in the car, Shuichi lets out a breath of relief. "Kokichi, that woman is dangerous. Regardless of who she looks like, those eyes are unmistakeable."

"She also had the same tattoo as Tsumugi. Do you know who she is exactly?" I ask. Shuichi nods his head, starting the car.

"Mukuro. She works very closely to Junko behind the scenes from what I gathered," Shuichi explains. I continue to stare at him with a puzzled expression. That didn't look like Mukuro. Wait. Tsumugi could've had something to do with it!

"When did you learn this?" I question. Shuichi chuckles as he swings the car out of the parking lot.

"I forgot to tell you. We were wrapped up in so much shit that I never told you. I was held hostage for about half an hour before Nagito found me and go my message. Mukuro tried to torture me, but little did she know that I was in boyscouts and there is absolutely no knot that I can't find my way around," Shuichi recalls. I lean back in my seat taking in all of the information.

"I'm so sorry I didn't get to you," I say, unable to think of anything else. At least someone saved him. I cannot believe he's involed in this shit now. Although, it seems as if he's already been involved. Shuichi knows a lot about Junko, hopefully nothing about Izuru. Even still, maybe it's not entirely my fault.

"Kokichi, I'm not worried about it. You guys had bigger fish to fry," Shuichi replies as he puts a hand on my thigh. I love him so much. I take his hand and kiss it before resting it on my thigh again.

    We drive in comfortable silence for about ten minutes before my phone starts blaring.

"Hello?" I answer the phone without checking who it is.

"Kokichi, I hope all is well. I understand during the last time we tried to speak, you were in a... predictiment, but do you have a moment now?" Izuru's calm, monotoned voice sounds in my ear as a small smile creeps up on my face. Junko is so fucked. Rantaro was right. I should've called sooner.

"Of course. What's going on?" I ask.

"Well, I'd like to meet with you if that's possible. Perhaps over dinner tonight? I'll be in touch with Rantaro as well so that he may join us," Izuru replies.

"That would be lovely. We'll talk then," I close the conversation.

"Perfect. See you soon, Ko," Izuru says before hanging up. I set my phone down and Shuichi looks over at me. We pull up to a red light and I let out a sigh.

"She's so fucked, Shuichi."

"I hope so."

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