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     Kokichi passes out in my arms on the ground. I feel powerless here. I can't help him right now, all I can do is hold him. I wish our date didn't have to end like that, but I understand his worry. I lift the smaller guy up into my arms before taking him to the car. I tilt the seat as far back as it can go before setting Kokichi down, but he won't let go of me. I can't help but smile and flush red like a tomato. I kiss his forehead, and move his hands off me. I buckle him in and make my way to the driver's side. Honestly, it looks like there's a dead man in the passenger seat of my car.

I start up the car and start the drive to my place. I'd rather watch over Kokichi here rather than at his house. It's better because I don't have to worry about a fucking psycho trying to assassinate him. I pull up to my house and into the garage. The house is nothing too fancy. Four bedrooms, small upstairs and a big ass basement I used to share with my housemate, Kaede. Now before anyone jumps to conclusions about us, I always have to say that Kaede's a lesbian. I'm bi, but when Kaede first moved in, i tried to hook up with her once and she started laughing before saying word for word: I like tittes, Shuichi! I was in a state of 'what the fuck'. I miss Kaede sometimes, but shes living her dreams as a pianst around the world. She always knows that she has a place here whenever she wants to come home.

I close the garage door and walk over to Kokichi's door. I unbuckle him and pick him up before taking him inside. I always leave my garage door into the house unlocked because the door to get into the garage is always closed. I take Kokichi inside and into my room, tucking him in the blankets and such. I'll take the guest bedroom since my bed is by far the most comfortable.

I look over to the purple haired man in my bed. He looks peaceful now at sleep. I feel relieved that he's not weeping waterfalls of sadness anymore. I almost cried. I stroke Kokichi's hair for a second and then kiss his forehead. I walk into the bathroom attached to my bedroom and decide on a shower. Kokichi and I both had a hard day. I just want a hot shower.

I strip down into nothing and step under the burning water. It's so soothing as the water runs down my back, relieving my tense shoulders. Today was a mess, but at least everyone's alive. I know I just met him, but I'm so in love. Kokichi is the best man that I have ever met. He's different than everyone I've ever been with. He's amazing in every way. He may not act like it all the time, but he definitely has a sweet side. I think I want to marry him someday. I know we just met, but the connection we have is so powerful.

I finish up my shower and turn the heavenly water off before stepping out in the cold ass air. I wrap my towel around my lower waist before walking back to my room to get dressed.

"Shuichi..." Kokichi says heavy with emotion. I turn to face him, a tad startled. He sounds like he's been crying again. "Come here."

"What is it? Are you alright?" I ask, sitting beside him on the bed. He sits up before leaning into me. Kokichi's lips brush against mine before he starts kissing me. It's a soft kiss at first, a comforting one. I cup his cheek and deepen the kiss. I need him to know I'm here for him.

Kokichi start kissing me more aggressively and it quickly grows heated. A gasp escapes from me as Kokichi moves his lips to my neck. "Kokichi!"

"Please... Let me feel something other than the hurt." Kokichi pleads with tears in his eyes. I look at him, eyes filled with sympathy. I guess he copes sexually. His coping mechanism is sex instead of facing his emotions. I guess if sex is what he needs right now, then he can have it. I'll do anything to help him right now.

"Are you sure I wouldn't be taking advantage?" I double check the consent. Kokichi nods, moving closer.

"Please, I want it."

Unholy ActsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum