A Visit with Rantaro

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After talking to Shuichi a few days ago, I knew I had to get in touch with Rantaro... which is how I ended up here, in my kitchen, screaming like a school girl.

"Rantaro! It's been too long!" I exclaim, throwing my arms around the taller, green haired man.

"Kokichi! I've missed you!" Rantaro replies as his arms wrap around me. We let each other go and I lead him to the kitchen.

"So I know what you told me over the phone, but what's this about your sister and this 'Shuichi' guy?" Rantaro asks as I put on some coffee.

"Um... Celeste left. She's not coming back." I take in a shaky breath as I set down two cups of coffee. It's still difficult to think about Celeste. "And Shuichi's my— well, I actually don't know. He's basically my boyfriend, but I truly don't know, we havent talked about it."

Rantaro nods and he takes one more slow sip of coffee. He smiles and rests a hand on mine as he sets his coffee cup down. "Kokichi, make sure you know what you're doing. I love you, but your ex track record makes me want to gag and kill myself."

"I'm aware."


"Anyways, Shuichi's a cop so—." I start. Rantaro chokes on his coffee.

"A what?! Kokichi, you're fucking around with a cop?!" Rantaro exclaims.

"Hey! I'm not just fucking around with him. I really like him!" I defend. Rantaro shakes his head, a baffled facial expression written on his face.

"You realize what this means right? He is bound to you forever." Rantaro replies, his green, intimidating eyes burning my soul.

"I have Shuichi wrapped around my finger. He's not a threat, nor is he a bad person." I explain. Rantaro shakes his head again with a scoff.

"You're playing with fire, Kokichi."

"I know, it's exhilarating, isn't it?"

"You really never changed, Kokichi." Rantaro comments, easing up.

"Of course not. Once a liar, always a liar..."

The next morning, I decide to introduce Shuichi and Rantaro to each other. When I do so, Rantaro figured out that I mean business with Shuichi. I love him so much that it scares me. It's like some Romeo and Juliet type shit, love at first sight, only we won't get married tomorrow and then kill ourselves.

"So you're the famous Rantaro." Shuichi sighs as Rantaro sits down in the sofa across from him. I sit next to Shuichi on the edge of the sofa.

"And you're the famous Shuichi." Rantaro replies chuckling.

The two settle in and talk with each other. Shuichi knows Rantaro's name from the story, he hasn't done anything too illegal. I gave Izuru the name Michael, and Junko the name Juliet. I do know one thing's for sure. If you snitch on Junko, you'll find Izuru because it becomes a snitches chain after that. It becomes a 'if I go down, you go with me' situation.

"I take it you wont tell me who's out for Kokichi?" Shuichi at least tries to ask Rantaro. I hope he realizes it's a loss cause. Rantaro is loyal as a dog. He'll never snitch, or let you down.

"If he hasn't told you, I cant tell you, sorry." Rantaro replies, a kind smile painted on his expression. Shuichi frowns as his eyebrows furrow together.

"I'll find out someday." Shuichi says. I put my hand on his arm.

"Babe, if you find out, you will either be killed snitching, or lose your job for lying. Just let us protect you this time, okay?" I try to reason with Shuichi. I hate his determination sometimes. Shuichi looks at me with stern eyes as I look back at him with pleading ones.

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