i'll be summer sun for you forever

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Todd's job was usually one of the things in his life he loved the most, apart from Neil of course. It was what he had loved doing since he was in school, what he genuinely enjoyed and what he would always have fun with even if it was his work. It wasn't about the money at all for him, even though he definitely wasn't at need for charity work, he just genuinely had fun writing. Most of the time, it wasn't stressful at all, except the last days before sending it to his editor. Once the date was close Todd always had trouble with finishing his work, the scenes that were missing wouldn't come to him and he'd spent his whole day at his desk trying to finish what he was writing. Of course, Neil was always a great help with that, being the perfect muse to Todd, he made it easy to just let the words flow from Todd's mind down on the paper.
But this time, it was hard and not even Neil, his inspiration for everything, could help him get anything done. Todd's head was pounding and his throat was constantly dry. He had a cold. And a bad one too. Normally, he'd just lay down, drink tea, watch TV and wait till he felt better, just that he had to really finish his work. There was a whole chapter missing in his book and he was already late with sending it in. He cursed himself for not getting on it earlier, it was just that Neil and him had gotten engaged just barley a few weeks ago so he was pretty distracted. Neil was already a quite touchy and almost clingy person but once they had gotten engaged, it was hard getting him off of Todd. Not that he'd complain though. He loved having Neil around all the time and spending as much time with him as possible, date nights and cuddles for the whole day and cooking together, which they already did before but it had gotten a lot more now. Todd didn't mind at all, not one bit was bad about this, except not getting his book done. Now he had to sit here, with a cold, trying to write what he was supposed to do while cuddling and kissing his fiancé.

There was a knock on the door and Neil came in, a cup of hot tea in his hand.

"How's it going?" he placed the tea next to Todd's computer and laid his head on Todd's.

"Nothing. I have nothing. My head's empty."

Neil sighed and read over the last page off the chapter that Todd had written, again. Todd loved him for trying to help. He loved him for just being there.

"Maybe you just lay down for a bit. You're sick after all and the pressure won't make this any better hm?"

He knew Neil was right, but he couldn't let himself lie down now, because if he did he wouldn't be getting back to work any time soon. He was so exhausted he'd just sleep for the rest off the day, maybe even through the next day.

"I can't, I need to get this done and you know that Neil."

Neil took a step back at the harsh tone. "Alright, sorry, I'm just trying to help."

"I know.",Todd massaged the side off his head, closing his eyes. He was so stressed and just so goddamm tired, "I'm sorry, I just can't go to bed now or this will never be done."

"Hey listen, just let me call your editor and tell her you're sick, I'm sure she'll understand and then you can get it done once you're better. You really need some rest Todd."

"No, I was supposed to be done weeks ago! Sickness is not an excuse now!", he sighed and looked at Neil, "I'm sorry I keep getting so harsh to you love. I'm so exhausted." He held his hands out to Neil, who of course immediately came back and wrapped his arms around Todd's neck, resting his forhead against Todd's. It could've been a perfect moment, just a soft thing they shared and that'd always bring both of them comfort, if it wasn't for the worries that were racing in Todd's mind right now.
Neil softly kissed the tip of his nose.

"I know you are. How about you take a break and drink that tea with me in the living room and then you can still get back to work."

"Fine, I guess a few minutes won't make that big off a difference."

Todd had fallen asleep. His head resting on Neil's lap, who was running a hand through his hair and the tea, cold and long forgotten on the coffee table.
Neil had thought about waking Todd up, since he had fought so hard against falling asleep but he just couldn't. Todd looked so peacful and after all he definitly needed rest and sleep. Neil could tell he had a fever and if he didn't let him lay down now he'd be way worse later.
Todd was moving in his sleep and almost fell off the sofa, so Neil carefully stood up and placed his head on a pillow. He went to the bathroom and got a towle. He soaked it in cold water, just enough so it wouldn't make the whole sofa wet but would still cool down Todd's fever.
Softly, he placed it on his fiancés forhead and layed a blanket over him.
Todd opend his eyes and blinked up at him, too tired to really react to what was happening.

"Get back to sleep, you have a fever, I'll call your editor." And this time, Todd didn't even argue about it. He felt way to weak and exhausted to even answer so he just gave Neil a small smile and went right back to sleep.

"Todd! You're better calling to tell me that you're sending the pages in right now!" Julie was a very, well Neil would say, angry person. Not in a bad way, she was very passionate and friends with him and Todd but whenever it was about work, she could get quite hot-tempered. He wouldn't exaclty say he was scared off her, but Neil wasn't thrilled to tell her that Todd would not send in his pages today either.

"Actually it's Neil,", he started, nervously tapping his fingers on the kitchen counter, "Todd's sick, he won't be able to send the stuff that soon."

"Are you kidding me? I hope he dies from it! Tell him, if he isn't better by tomorrow I'm coming over and I'll stick him to the stupid computer!"


"Oh, shut up. If Todd's not sending the pages, in the end that just means I'm not seeing any money for the month!"
Neil nervously chewed the inside off his cheek.
"I'm sorry, I promise you he worked on it all day and night and once he's better, it'll be done in no time."

"Okay, but if i don't have anything by next week-"

"i know, i know! Have a nice day, julie!"

Neil hanged up and spent the next hour cleaning around the house. He was picking up their dirty laundry, when Todd walked in, yawning and his face still bright red.

"Todd! What are you doing? You're supposed to be sleeping." Neil said, shaking his head in fake dissapointment but his smile gave him away.

"I wanted to get some sweatpants and I was really really lonley all alone on the sofa." Todd pouted which made his fiancé laugh.

"Fine, I guess I can't deny a sick person their wishes."
He took a pair off sweatpants out of the closet and Todd changed, a bit slower then usual.

"Did you call Julie by the way?"

"Yep. She wasn't too thrilled to hear you wouldn't be sending in anything but it's fine."

Todd sighed and furrowed his brows.

"I should've really finished that stupid chapter..."

"No!",Neil interrupted, pulling him off of their bed carefully and wrapping him up in his arms, "You should still be resting. I'm putting you on bed rest for at least today!" That made Todd chuckle. Neil felt himself smile soflty. He didn't like Todd being sick and stressed on top and making him laugh was definitely the best thing about today.

They both went back to the living room and spent the rest off the day there, cuddeled up together. Todd was asleep most of the time but Neil didn't mind, he was glad he let himself rest and hopefully, he'd be better soon.

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