everybody wonders what it would be like to love you

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The poets, used to have many small traditions like most importantly the meetings in the cave but apart from that they were also dinner parties every friday night. The very first of which had been way back in their school days, after Neil's play. From outside it must've looked like a usual school dinner, since they were just sitting around the tables in the same way they always did but it wasn't to them. Something had shifted in their lifes, in the univers and in a way non of them could've explained they grew even closer, then they already were which non of them had thought would be possible.
From then on, every friday night there was a so called "celebration dinner". They didn't even always have anything to celebrate, so it was just their friendship and love for eachother.

After they had graduated, everyone went off to different colleges and sort of lost track of eachother which was terribly sad, especially to Neil who had, for a long period of time, nothing else in life but his friends.

After school, he had gone to study medicin in Harvard and at the same time tried to somehow manage to stare in plays, which was a very difficult and stressful situation and he had, after 2 years of headaches, sleepless nights and weekly breakdowns decided to quit Harvard, no matter what his dad thought of it and make acting his full time job, even if it ment having to work as a barista for some time to raise enough money. You only lived once after all.

So that he did and when he finally had everything done, he moved away from campus into a very tiny appartment, still near Cambridge, without taking any money from his family (not that they'd give him any in the first place.).
He felt very cheerful. He finally had a life of his own. He was in control, he was the one to make this decision and no one had kept him from it.
Yet, despite all that happiness and sort of peace in Neil's heart, there was also melancholy.
Yes, he had finally reached the top of this hill but on it, he was completely alone. There was no one to call now, no one to hug and high-five, no one to pat his shoulder and tell him how proud he could be and his heart ached for the only close friends he had ever had.
Sure, there had been people he liked at college but they were in the end nothing more then people he studied with.
That's when, Neil got the idea to find the 6 people who had gotten him through the darkest time of his life. Find them and ask them for dinner on friday night like they always used to do.

He had spent his whole week going through phone books looking for familiar names and pretty soon he had a list. There were a few people who shared the same name as his friends but it wasn't hard to find out who were the right ones.
The first call he made had been Charlie which was a very joyful thing, talking to his childhood best friend after 4 years again, and of course he had been thrilled by Neil's propsal, and promised to be there. After that all the others followed none of them canceling on Neil even though most had to take a flight to Camebridge.

He waited until the very last call for Todd. It made him sort of nervous to speak to him again and he felt a worry in his guts, that Todd was probably dating some nice girl by know, living the happy and peaceful life Neil had always dreamed of having with him. Not that he was still interested in that, he was way over Todd after all these years, but there had been times where Todd and him had promised eachother to never ever move on, never date anyone else until they found eachother and he had sort of hoped Todd might have kept that promise. But he was over him. Totally over him.

He found himself fiddling nervously with the telephone cord as he was waiting for Todd to pick up.

"Anderson, Hello?" Neil's heart did a happy little jump and he kept himself from screetching in excitement.

"Hi. Todd?" It wasn't like he hadn't already reconized him just by the way he had answered the phone, but he needed to be double sure.

"Yes. Who's this?"

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