leave the warmest bed i've ever known

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"Todd." Todd let out a tired groan, trying to shake off the hand that was shaking him awake. Nothing could possibly be that important that he had to wake up in the middle of the night. He seriously needed his sleep.
Whoever it was, didn't seem to be giving up though. They pulled at Todd's arm trying to turn him around.
"Todd.",they repeated, "wake up. It's urgent."
Why in god's name did he have to live with a roomate who was a morning person.

"Go to bed." Todd pulled his blanket higher, praying that Neil would get the hint and just go to sleep. But no, he just kept shaking Todd's shoulder, leaning over to look at his face. He pulled the blanket down to soflty blow right onto Todd's eyes.
Annoying little shit.
"C'mon go to sleep!"

"It's snowing, Todd!" Neil whisper-screamed and Todd didn't have to open his eyes to see him grinning, revealing his pretty dimples. He had to fight against everything in him to not break out into a smile.

"Great. The snow will still be there when we wake up, now lay down, if you want to you can stay in my bed but-"

"No! We're going outside. It's the first snow fall this year! Don't be a killjoy Todd. "
Once again, Todd groand turning around to finally look at his boyfriend who had leaned back. He was now kneeling in front of Todd's bed, grinning up at him, his face immersed in the orange light of the small lamp on his desk.

"But it's freezing. "

"You can put on your coat. Let's go!" He didn't give up, trying to pull Todd out of the bed sheets and for once he didn't fight him of and actually stood up.

"At least give me a sweater."

"Yes sure." Neil picked up his green sweater lying on the floor next to his bed and Todd put it on, happy that he got to wear Neil's favorite sweater again.

It was, in fact freezing outside and small snowflakes got caught in Neil's waves and his cheeks, just as the tip of his nose turned red.
He smiled at Todd, the frozen lake and snow falling down behind him. It was like a picture, like art in a museum that Todd could've adored all day and all night for the rest of his life.

"It's so beautiful." Neil's eyes were glistenting like the fresh snow in the moon. Not as beautiful as you.
Todd wouldn't have admitted it, but he was genuinely glad that he had gotten out of bed for this. Seeing Neil happy like this was definitely worth it.
He reached out to take Neil's gloved hand in his and pulled him closer.

"I love you." he whispered, sweetly as he gently placed a kiss behind Neil's ear, making his boyfriend smile even wider, "Let's just stay here forever. It's beautiful, you're beautiful. "

"I'd gladly spend forever with you, wherever you want us to, Todd. "

Todd was back in bed. Weeks had passed since the first fall of snow. Yet again, someone was shaking his arm, trying to wake him.

"Todd." He tried to turn over. It was way to early for this. But they didn't seem to be giving up, whatever was happening seemd to be urgent.
Well, the last time he didn't necessarily regret getting up, did he? A bit confused he turned and blinked a few times.
He didn't know what he had expected, but it certainly wasn't Charlie, tears streaming down his face looking at Todd like the world had just ended.

"Neil's dead."

Maybe that wasn't so wrong after all. Maybe the world had just ended. It most definitely felt like it. Something in Todd died, and he wouldn't be getting it back.

He felt stuck, stuck in the moment, stuck in his life, stuck without Neil. And he needed to get out, he needed to breath. Why couldn't he breath?
He didn't realize that he had left the building until he was standing outside, staring at the snow and frozen lake. Neil was missing this.

"It's beautiful." he smiled a half-hearted smile.
In the end, it wasn't supposed to be. Forever was just to much to ask for. It wasn't fair.

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