your dad is always mad and that must be why

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Todd was never someone to enjoy his birthday. It was more off a burden, a pressure having the parents he had. With every year that his brother got older, he seemd to be getting more and more talented, Todd was stuck. Sure, he himself wasn't unhappy with how his life was going however his parents did not agree on that. And they weren't afraid to tell him so.
Neil had his arm wrapped around a very pale and shaky Todd. They were standing right infornt of his childhood home, for at least twenty minutes now. There were balloons pinned to the front door.
Neil's eyes shifted back to his boyfriend.

"Todd, I'm afraid we can't stand out here forever." he kept his voice low, pulling Todd closer with his arm.

"Can you tell me what I was thinking when agreeing to this? Was I drunk? I must have been out of my mind. This is insane, let's go back home, please."

Neil smiled a sad smile. "I'm sure it's not gonna be that bad. Let's at least try it and if you want to leave I'm telling Charlie to fake an emergency of some kind." It wasn't like he was to thrilled to be meeting Todd's parents after everything he heard about them and how they treated sweet, kind and caring Todd who deserved so much more. It just felt like, it made their relationship a bit more real then it already was. Meeting the parents. It was so normal for couples and yet so big for them. Todd had warned him that they would most likely start a whole talk about Jeffrey's relationship and how Todd should think about what it ment to not marry a woman but Neil didn't give a shit. He loved Todd and Todd loved him, that was all that mattered, even if his and Todd's parnets didn't approve.

"Fine. But you tell me if they say even one bad thing and then we'll-"

"Yes, then we'll leave I know." He quickly pressed his finger on the doorbell and kissed Todd's cheek before he could further worry.
Pretty much in the same moment, the door opended and a woman with blond hair, pinned up into a bun and smudged red lipstick smiled at them.
It was Todd's mom, Neil reconized her from pictures but even if it wasn't for that he could've told. They had the same nose.
"Oh you're here! A little late huh..."

"Sorry mom." Todd mutterd, holding back an eyeroll.

"Well, come in, there's cake waiting for you!" Neil gave Todd a little squeeze and the two followed his mom to the dining room, where 3 people were already seated around the table.

"Oh, the birthday boy finally made it here too?" A middle aged man, who Neil assumed was Todd's brother Jeffrey, was sitting opposite of them and smirking. Next to him was a blond, pregnant woman, in a conversation with Todd's father.

"Yeah, sorry. There was a lot of traffic." Todd excused with a sigh.

"Todd, won't you introduce us to your- you know- your friend. " Todd's mom gave Neil an akward smile and Neil felt his boyfriend tense next to him.

"This is Neil.", Neil gave a little wave, "And he's my boyfriend mom."
"Yes, sure, sure. Sit down and have some cake."
They did as they were told and the blond woman smiled at Neil.

"I'm Megan," She introduced herself sweetly, "It's nice knowing who else is new to the family."

"Oh yes Todd, did Jeffrey tell you that you're getting a little niece?" Mrs Anderson started rubbing soft circles on Megan's pregnancy bumb and Neil felt something in his chest sting, craving for something he knew he couldn't expect to find in this family, feeling welcomed and accepted.

Todd smiled at them. "That's great guys, congrats!"
For a moment a tense silence spread around the room, Todd's father constantly eyeing Neil like he was bringing some sort of bad energy into his house.

"How about we get out the presents now." Jeffrey suggested in a desperate try to break the tension and it seemd to work quite well, as Mrs Anderson got up again and placed a big package, wrapped in brown paper on the table in front of Todd. It was large and wide and Neil almost laughed out loud. They couldn't seriously pull this again.
But Todd just quietly unpacked his, well more or less new, deskset.

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