you are in love

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Ever since Todd was a little kid, he had loved the night sky. The moon, the stars, he had his favorite constelations and tons of books about it and Neil knew about that, therfore he had the perfect idea what to do for Todds 17th birthday. Stargazing. For a whole while Todd had wanted to go stargazing with Neil but it was either raining or they had to much school stuff going on or Todd catched a cold, it was always something that crashed their plans. It sucked. Neil loved the idea of going out in the middle of the night to sit under the sky and have Todd talk about stars fo hours and hours, because Neil loved listenting to Todd and he especially loved it when Todd was talking about a topic that made him excited, that made his eyes sparkle and made him gesture around with his hands while speaking. And since he knew how excited Todd got about this stuff, it was the exact right thing for a gift.
He was sitting on his bed, staring at the clock on Todds desk and trying not to close his eyes. Neil was waiting for it to turn 12. He had already prepared a basket, his blanket and cookies Charlie's mom had sent a few days ago, in it. Todd was asleep on his bed, facing Neil with his mouth slightly open and his hair falling into his eyes. Neil's eyes kept flickering over to him. He looked so pretty, Neil could've died. He must have stared at Todd for just a moment to long because when he looked back at the clock, it was already 12. Neil jumped up, suddenly wide awake, basically falling onto Todd's bed.
Todd groand loudly not opening his eyes.

"What the fuck." he croaked and tried to push Neil off of his bed. "Go to bed."

"Absolutely not," Neil jerked away Todd's blanket, "It's your birthday! You're 17!"

"what the fuck." Todd repeated, finally opening his eyes and trying to get back his blanket, but Neil just threw it over to his own bed. He grinned down at Todd, sitting cross legged next to his legs.

"Get up. I have something planned for us."

"Can't we do that at a reasonable time?"

"No." Neil pouted and tried to pull his friend up, "C'mon Todd! You can sleep when you're dead!"

Todd groand again and sat up.

"Alright, tell me what in god's name you have planned and then I'll decide if it's worth it."

"I can't tell you! It's a surprise. " He knew Todd would give in eventually, he always did. But it had to happen fast because they had said, it would be snowing tonight on the radio. He started begging. "Please, please, pleaseee! You're gonna like it I promise!"

Todd just looked at him for a moment, visibly thinking about wether to follow Neil or stay in the warmth of his bed.

"Fine." he finally sighed and the pair got up from Todd's bed, Neil jumping up and down excitedly. He took Todd's hand and pulled him out in the hallway. They tried their utter best to not make any sounds as they ran outside and all the way down to the lake. Neil laughed loud and twirled Todd around.

"Happy birthday!" he repeated, louder then when he woke up and grinning at his best friend with eyes glistening. Todd would've traded all the stars up in the sky for this.

He chuckled and sat down on the blanket Neil had put down on the floor.
"So? What are we doing here?"

"Stargazing!" Neil's smile grew wider and he pointed up to the sky. He layed down, Todd following him. The moon bathed them in a pretty silver light and Todd started explaing a few constelations. He pointed at something, but Neil didn't even look. He had his eyes on Todd, truly mesmerized. Never had he met someone this truly beautiful, inside and out. Todd brought out things in Neil he didn't know he could feel. If only he knew.

"Look up." Todd whispered, he smiled and put up his hand, poiting at the star he had talked about and their shoulders brushed for a second. It felt like electricity rushed through Neil's body and his face heat up.

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