please don't be in love with someone else

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Neil was on the phone with his mom. It was a monthly thing now that he had moved out and even though, it was mainly small talk and nothing really important, Neil liked it. He had never been close with his parents but at least they didn't yell at him for every single desscion he ever made.
Now, that he didn't live there anymore, broken up with the neighbors son and studying at a good college, he didn't see them often anymore.
That's why, his mom really wanted him there for the party she was organizing.

"I'm not sure if I can make it. You know exams and stuff." He was rummaging through the fridge, the phone stuck between his ear and shoulder, trying to find something not expired to have for lunch.

"We haven't seen you in months, Neil! Your Father would be very happy to have you there, he's been waiting for this promotion for so long now." Neil had to hold back a scoff. As if his Father was ever truly happy to have him near.
He smelled at a single cherry yogurt that was rotting in the fridge and decided it was still good enough to eat.

"There'll be people your age too! The neighbors kid, Toby, he'll be there. You two always got along so well, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you!"
He bit his lip. He knew he couldn't tell his mother, but seeing Toby was very very scary to Neil. He hadn't talked to him since the first week after he had moved out. Toby had been obsessed with getting Neil back. He had sent letters, called at least 5 times a day, once even showed up at his door but was luckily send away by Neil's roomate Todd.
Todd Anderson, was his best friend in college and had been since the very first day. He had helped Neil with the heartbreak of getting cheated on and with finally cutting things off with Toby and Neil had helped him just the same everytime Todd got into contact with his family who were by far the worst people Neil had ever heard of.

After everything, it was very obvious that Neil did not want to see Toby ever again. The relationship just as the break up had been so toxic he had gotten into therapy afterwards, only because Todd sent him though. However, he couldn't tell his mom that, who did not know that Neil was gay let alone that he had dated Toby. He placed the yogurt he was still holding on the kitchen counter and closed his eyes.


"Please Neil, it mean so much to your father. And to me."

"Fine, alright." Suddenly an idea came to him. A stupid idea, sure but an idea so Toby would hopefully leave him alone. He'd bring a boyfriend! The only catch was that he did not have one. A catch that could very easily be solved with a fake date. His mind raced. Who would possibly be nice enough, good enough friends with Neil to pretend to date him for a weekend?
The answer walked into the kitchen at that moment, scribbling something in a notebook.

"Mom, is it alright if I bring Todd? As company? I told you about Todd right?"
Todd's head shot up and his eyes went big. He quickly shook his head at Neil and signaled that whatever he was planning, he was not in on, but Neil ignored him.
"Sure, yes Todd. You told me." It was very clear that she didn't remember Todd and didn't want to admit it but that didn't matter. Neil grinned.

"Alright then, we'll be there on Saturday." Whenever Neil went home, he always had to stay two days because it wouldn't make sense to drive home the whole way on the same night, so they'd stay until sunday.
He hung up and smiled wildly at Todd.

"Guess what we're doing this weekend."

"Neil, no. No, no, no! We have exams!"

"Yes! It's my dad's promotion party!" He opened his arms dramatically and Todd sighed.

"Why in god's name would you even need me there. I literally don't know anyone there but you."

"Toby'll be there and I want to get him to piss off." Todd raised an eyebrow.

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