your eyes look like coming home

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Water was dripping off Todds hair, sending shivers down his spine and wetting his shirt. It hadn't stopped rainging for days and yet Todd had still forgotten to bring an umbrella. He cursed himself. He probably looked like an idiot now who didn't even get the weather forecast. This whole thing reminded him an awful lot of job interviews which he hated. He hated the pressure of trying to be the best version of himself without lying to much about who he truly was and now he didn't just have to convince one person to give him some job, he had to convince five strangers to let him live in their appartment, which was arguably worse. Well, for now it was only one person and god Todd hoped to not make a fool out of himself infront of them. Maybe it was a mistake, meeting up in a Café since there were several opportunities for him to emberesse himself. Now it was to late though, the door swung open and Todd reconized the guy coming in from one of the pictures online. However, Todd didn't remeber him being so absolutely, and he couldn't think off any other word that could've described it better, gorgeous.  He had the prettiest eyes in a shade off brown that reminded him off autumn in a really comforting way, high, sharp cheekbones, light crinkels at the corner off his eyes and soft, full lips that complemented his face in the perfect way. Todd felt his face heat up. Great. Not that he wasn't already nervous enough, no now he could also worry about moving in with the most beautiful guy he had ever seen in his entire life.
The guy walked over to his table and smiled a pretty smile that made Todds stomach twist. That bastard had dimples.

"Todd?" he asked and Todd could've sworn to god a part of him died at the guy's voice. He could only nod, but the guy didn't care and just flopped down on the chair across.

"Alright, first off all you can relax," Relax? Todd almost laughed. How was he supposed to relax in these conditions? "You can basically already move in. The only people who called were you and some creep who kept talking about his scary doll collection, so as long as you're not a serial killer..." The guy laughed at his own joke, which was very cute to Todd.

"I'm not." he sayed. God, how stupid. Now the pretty guy probably thought he was a wierdo who didn't like jokes.

"Thought so, you look way to cute to be a serial killer." And he winked at Todd, who literally felt like he died right then and there. Dear god, just give him a break with this Mr. Perfect.

"Oh shoot, I'm Neil by the way." Neil held out his hand and Todd shook it, maybe holding on for just a moment too long but man it was so soft.
Neil started going through a bag, seemingly looking for something inside "I made a folder for you", he explained, "everything; money, adress and all that is in there and you'll get a tour off the apartment once you move in if that's fine with you." Todd just nodded again. He didn't have that much off a choice. It was either this or a box on the street. Pathetic. He went to college and studied literature just to end up poor, moving in with strangers he had never met before and a guy that made his heart beat faster.

"Great. I think that's it then, except if you have any questions?" He shook his head, not able to get a word out. Neil smiled again and stood up, leaving the yellow folder with Todd.
"We'll talk about the details tonight, okay? I'll call you." And then he left and it made Todd feel sad, even though he knew from now on he'd probably see Neil's smile every day for as long as possible, he felt like some part off him got taken away when Neil walked out of that door. He could've looked at him for ever. Listen to his voice and hear his laughter.
That night Todd dreamed off Neil Perry.


"Good morning!" Todd's back hurt. He had to sleep on the floor last night, since his matress was already gone along with all his other furniture. He didn't need it anymore, now that he had a nice appartment. He was more then ready to live without the cockroaches and the bad smell that went from livingroom to bathroom and the fact that his new, in lack off a better word, crush was living with him was certainly a plus point. Still, Todd was worried about this. He'd be meeting the other roomates for the first time today, he'd get a tour around the appartment and see his room. This all was so much new stuff, it was hard to handle, though Neil's happy smile when he saw Todd made up for it, at least a bit.

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