Chapter 14: The Move

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I was packing up my bookshelves when I heard my phone begin to play Hayes' ringtone. I smiled and reached for it.


"Hey, Babe." My spine tingled at his words.

"Hey, what's up?" I sat down on my bed.

"Me, Will, Nash, and Dad are about to go to a Hornets game. Wanna' come with?"

"I can't. First, I have to pack. Second, it's your family. You never see them. I don't want to get in the way." I stood back up and continued stacking my books into boxes.

"Kam, you're never in the way."

"Yeah, I'm so sure." I smiled.

"When will you get moved in?"

"Friday, hopefully. But it's not definite."

"Let me ask and see if I can come help you pack."

"Hayes! No! You need to spend time with your family."

"You sound like my mom." I heard shouts in the background and Hayes groan. "Sorry, Kam. I have to go. I'll call you after the game?"

"You better. I love you."

"I love you too, Kam. Bye."


I hung up and grabbed an empty box. I began neatly packing everything on my desk into it.

"Hey Kamree?!" Dad shouted. I poked my head out the door.

"Yes sir?!" I yelled back.

"Come here, please!" I silently groaned and walked down the stairs. Dad was wrapping all of the breakable things in the living room with news paper. He glanced at me. "The movers will be here Thursday. They said they can have everything set up by Friday." I stepped over to him and helped with the packing. "We have people coming to look at our house at 4."

"Okay," I hated talking about "The Move." I'd be closer to Hayes but that's it. Nothing else good is coming out of this.

"Does Subway sound good for lunch?" I snapped out of my daze and looked at Dad.

"Sure, sounds great." I stated, bluntly.

"Should we go out? We could have a father daughter date."

I held in a groan.

"Actually Dad, I'm a little behind on packing so it'd be best if I could eat and pack at the same time."

His face fell. "Of course."

Well now I feel bad. "We can do it for super, though."

He nodded. "Do you want your usual?" He asked, grabbing his keys from the table next to the door.


He opened the door.

"Have fun. Be safe. Don't die." I joked. He didn't seem amused. "I love you."

He stopped before completely shutting the door and looked me in the eye. "I love you too, Kamree."

After he left, I went back to my room and checked my phone. Hayes Snapchatted me a picture of him wearing the Vans I had gotten him two days before.

I held my phone up and made a silly face into the camera and then typed:

Mmmmm... so hot.

Pulling up my calender, I counted the days until my birthday.


Wow, what a great birthday present this has been.

~Two days later~

I watched as the movers placed the last piece of furniture into the large van. I felt my eyes begin to burn and turned away from my dad to climb into the car.

"Ready?" He asked as he started the car.

I looked over at him as he pulled out. For the first time, I noticed the gray streaks running through his dark hair.

Holding in a sigh, I nodded. "Uh huh." I resumed the overly used position in the car and stared out the window. The sky still hadn't quite woken up yet and I could see the moon.

I smiled to myself as I thought of Hayes. I quickly took a picture and did some editing. Pulling up Hayes' contact, I sent it to him with caption "To The Moon and Back."

"Whatcha' doin'?" Dad tried to ask innocently.

I looked back out the window. "Just trying to figure out how this softball thing is going to work out." I lied.

"Even though we won't be members of the church any more, Brother James said you could finish the season with them. Not that they could afford to lose you anyway." He nudged me on the last part and I smiled.

"Whatever." I shifted and placed my feet up on the dash. "So we're just going to drive three hours three days a week to get to practice?"

He glanced at me and then back at the road.

"Unless you have a better plan."

I shook my head in response as we pulled into McDonalds for breakfast.

To the Moon and Back... Remember? (Hayes Grier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now