Chapter 19: Bandaid

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"Hayes... please listen."

Hunter looked between the two of us, finally understanding what was happening.

"Whoa, dude. It's not what it looks like. We're not- I'm not--"

Before he could figure out how to form words, Sadie walked through the door. The squeak of the hinges piercing the unbearable silence.

Hayes glanced over at her, back at me, and then took a deep breath. With 10 quick strides, he had reached Sadie's shocked form in the doorway.

I watched as he placed his his large hands roughly on her face and pulled her in for a kiss. He broke off quickly and looked at me, a look I had NEVER seen in his eyes.

My heart shattered.

He wiped at a tear rolling down his face and took off to the balcony doors again. He jumped over the railing and began climbing down my tree.

Through sobbing, shaky breaths, I ran to my hallway door and sprinted as fast as I could down the stairs, knowing I wasn't fast enough down a tree to catch him.

With a burning in the pit of my stomach, I charged through the living room. Yes, he hurt me. But I hurt him too.

The figures of my dad and Sadie's parents whized past me. I had reached the door handle and the only thing stopping me from throwing open the barrier between Hayes and me was Dad's voice.

He shouted at me to stop. At first, I didn't listen. But then, through gritted teeth, he calmly used my full name.

"Kamree. Grace. Layne. Don't you DARE open that door." My chest heaved as I choked on my own breath and tears. I turned to him, feeling the burning rise to my throat.

It was like that awful feeling was magnetized to him because as he stood up, the burning rose with him. I charged to the kitchen and leaned over the sink, letting my insides pour out.

~Hayes' POV~

"I screwed up Nash. I screwed up BIG time."

"What happened?" He sat on the edge of his bed and watched me tred footprints into his carpet.

I pulled at my hair and dropped to my knees. I groaned as I remembered what I had done.

"I kissed another girl... in front of Kamree."

Nash jumped to his feet. "What?!"

I jerked my head up to look at him. "Only because there was a guy laying on top of her!" I defended myself.

Nash rubbed the heels of his hands into his eyes. "Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down and explain."

I told him about walking in on her and then kissing the other girl.

I don't know why I did it. I wasn't thinking. I just wanted her to feel as jealous and hurt as I did. I regret it with every bone in my body now.

Nash groaned once I had finished. "Shit. I forgot to tell you. She was supposed to have company."

"What do you mean?" I stood up.

"Her dad invited some close friends over. She told me about one of her softball friends- what was it?- Sammi, I think. And her brother, Hayden- maybe."

"So? It doesn't change the fact that he was on top of my girlfriend."

Nash shook his head and mumbled under his breath. "If she even IS your girlfriend any more."

~Kamree's POV~

The next day was miserable. I couldn't keep anything down and my mind wouldn't shut off so I could sleep. Dad made me a pallet in the bathroom and wouldn't let me leave. Not that I could even move.

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