Chapter 24: The Three Bs

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Chapter 24: The Bang, the Bullet, and the Blood

Hayes' POV~

I had a close friend that lived in a lake house near the coast of Virginia. It's one of the nicest places in the state and his house is huge. Tyler and his family were going on vacation for two weeks and he said I could crash there if I wanted.

He also said that if I broke or ruined anything he would shoot me.

I wasn't worried about Kamree messing anything up but I'm a different story. I was so worried about making everything perfect for her that I'd gotten all fidgety and clumsy.

There is a way to get from North Carolina to Virginia in two and a half hours. But for whatever reason, I like car trips and being alone with Kamree. So I took the route that would allow me six hours of driving and Kam.

"Okay, sounds good. Sorry for not telling you sooner but this was kind of short notice." Kamree explained over the phone. "All right, by Shawn."

Once she had hung up, she explained that there had been a difficulty in their contract and Mr. Hill's attorney and our attorneys would have to rewrite it. That bought us a week, if not more, to spend together before our parents got home and before she would have to finish recording.

Soon after she had ended her phone call, her phone rang again. By the way she was speaking, I knew it was her dad but other than that, I had no idea what was being said.

When she hung up, I could immediately tell something was off.

"Kam? Everything okay?"

She sat there for a second, a blank look on her face.

"Um..." She ran her fingers through her hair. "I have to choose between softball and singing."

"What?!" I screeched. I seemed much more worried about this than she did.

"Yeah... Dad said I could never work it out. He said I could either be completely devoted to my team or to Shawn."

I scoffed. "That's ridiculous!"

She shrugged and pulled her knees up to her chest.

"What are you going to do?"

She let out a heavy sigh. "I don't know..." The girl turned to me. "What would you do?"

I thought it over in the silence of the car for a while. "Well, I can't sing so I shouldn't affect your decision. But I know that whatever you choose, it should be whichever you can change the world with the most."

After that, we didn't talk about it again. I knew Kamree didn't want to and so I made it my mission to make her forget all about during the week.

After listening to all of the CD's in my mom's car twice and stopping every hour or two for a break, we made it to the gate of Tyler's neighborhood. Knowing the password, I quickly keyed it in and pulled through the slowly opening entryway.

"So how do you know this guy?" My girlfriend asked as we drove slowly through the community, looking for the house.

"We race together." I said as I spotted the white stone home. There were a multitude of windows and a tall roof. The landscaping was beautiful-- even to me. The yard and foliage was well kept. I looked around at all of the other houses and noticed they were mostly the same.

"Wow." Kamree said. That was really all that could be said about how crazy beautiful the whole neighborhood was.

"Yeah..." I glanced over and saw a look of awe spread across her gorgeous face.

To the Moon and Back... Remember? (Hayes Grier Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora