Chapter 1

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"Wake up" whoever kept saying those words better hope and pray that I don't wake up and slice their head off "Jeez your so violent" guess I said that out loud "Mandy wake up we got work to do" as I started to slowly wake up I noticed it was my twin brother Chris only he would have the guts to interrupt my beauty sleep others have tried and lets just say it didn't end well for them.

"Alright I'm up" "when you done come to my office" as soon as he said that I heard his footsteps walk towards the door indicating that he had left "didn't even bother to close my door" I muttered to myself "NEXT TIME CLOSE MY DOOR!!" I looked at the clock to see that it was 3:00 am it must be serious for him to wake me up this early  I quickly went to my bathroom to freshen up and went straight to his office.

Before I continue let me introduce myself my name is Amanda Esposito I'm 17 years old my twins name is Chris Esposito short for Christopher and his preparing or should I say training to take over our grandfathers mafia and I'm his right hand women now why would my brother be in line for the throne when his just the grandson well this is where you get our back story our dad could have gotten the opportunity to be the Capo but he choose love over family he fell in love with our mother but mom was a daughter to a rival mafia and their union was labeled an abomination by both families but because they loved each other so much they decided to elope its the whole Romeo and Juliet story except for they have 5 boys and 1 girl and they get a divorce but of course they don't die in the end. When they divorced tho instead of dad getting all the boys and mom getting us the twins dad he got me and Chris to say he wasn't to pleased with that is an understatement he hated us his words not mine before we lived with grandad and grandma in Italy we lived with him after the divorce he went on a downward spiral he was drinking, gambling and doing drugs he lost it but who wouldn't he lost everything mom got the mansions the cars the business's they both owned and our private island and let's not forget his precious boys dad did get one restaurant but it had to be shut down because he wasn't paying the staff or maintaining the building because he spent all his money with his abusive alcoholic bimbo girlfriend Sahara

Months of separation started to put strain on our relationships with our brothers slowly started to fade after some time we weren't as close as we used to be the nail in coffin was when mom remarried to the Spanish mafia leader Frank Alvarez he was nice never once did he try and act like our dad he instead welcomed us with open arms but we could that see the bond he had with our brothers was getting stronger they even started calling him dad much to thier real dad's disappointment. After some time mom got pregnant with twins we were happy for our mom and Frank but after news broke that the twins were a girl and a boy our brothers turned on us they stopped calling, visiting they even stopped texting Chris and I even started writing letters to try and repair the the already dead relationship but they always got returned so we stopped I'm still amazed to this day how quickly they replaced us. Our relationship with mom was already on the rocks I knew she loved us but something changed she just wasn't as loving she showed more affection to our brothers and Frank then us.

Dad had failed to take care of us mostly because he wasn't around and when he was he would throw insults and tell us how its all our fault that he and mom got a divorce he never hurt us physically though his girlfriend did I have scars that will never go away because of the bitch just thinking about how she would hurt me and my twin so shamelessly in front of our dad while he did nothing makes my blood boil

Anyways after 3 years of abuse our father decided to mail us to our grandparents in Italy Tuscany he said and I quote " You two are just a burden" which is crazy because we basically raised ourselves we never asked him for anything we "hustled" sometimes even paid rent I had get a job as a cashier at a shopping market and Chris was hired by our next door neighbour who was a mechanic who took pity on us. He also would sometimes moon light as a street fighter he was good when we left that small town he was 19-0 undefeated. We always made time for school though we may be street smart but it helps to be book too smart not to brag or anything we are both insanely smart not child prodigy smart but smart because we made it a priority to study really hard plus we insanely competitive.

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