Chapter 16

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Amanda's pov

Going up the stairs felt like forever I actually didn't want to be alone with Chris right now because his probably fuming on the inside over the little stunt I pulled and I know I'm probably in for a long lecture but fuck I had to put Alec in his place even if that meant almost dying

We got to our room I got off his back and went straight to bed got under the sheets and got myself comfortable for long a lecture I looked up at him and instead of a pacing up and down swearing under his breath Chris there was instead a oddly calm looking Chris
"you okay need something" okay.....that's odd

"I'm good just have to lay down a bit and regain some energy back can you get me my chocolate cookies they in bag the purple one" he got up to go get them still oddly calm maybe this like the calm before the storm or reverse psychology his trying to get me to feel guilty and apologise without having to lecture me like he usually does

he got to my side of the bed and put them in front of me I was about to take them when he pulled back dammit his good his using my only weakness cookies
"okaayyy I'm sorry" he gave me that sorry for what look
"I acted on impulse acted as a lone lady wolf and forgot to tell you the plan and for that I'm sorry"
he handed them back to me again "there now was that hard"
"yes" I grabbed my cookies and started eating

"seriously next time you about to something like well I don't know putting your life at risk inform me first okay? " surprised that he wasn't shouting at me while saying that I looked at him making sure that he really was my twin and not some alien

"you not angry?"

"ohh n-no no no I'm angry FUMING to be exact but I'm more like 90% angry at that jerk Alec and 10% at you...but also you my twin and I know how bat shit crazy you are like I think there's a couple of screws undone up there" he said pointing at my head yep definitely not a alien laughing I picked up a pillow and threw it at him chucking he dodged the pillow picked it and up and threw it back on the bed

"seriously next time tell me the plan so I prepare myself mentally okay?"


we started talking about what happened laughing at how they were all panicking and look on Alec's horrified face when he witnessed me almost die right there in front of all of them

we sat there in comfortable silence for a minute when an idea sprung into my head

"Let's call Craig and find out how the move was and if everyone is settled in okay"

Chris reached for his phone when there was a knock on the door
"ugh can't they leave us alone?" Chris stood up and went to go answer the door feeling a bit pressed I stood up and went to the bathroom I got in did my business washed my hands got out and and found Chris sitting at the edge of the bed
"Who was it?"
"Isabella, I'm being summoned to their office NOW I know you'll want to go but stay here and some get rest" shaking my head no way I'll leave him alone with them for their safety of course

"no I feel better come on let's go" leaving no room for argument I walked straight out the door with my twin behind me Isabella looked at me surprised
"you don't have to come you know stay and get some rest"
"no I'm feeling better" she looked at me worried it looked like she was about to protest when Chris cut her off "she won't listen" seeing how serious I looked she shrugged her shoulders and started walking on our way there I looked around and spotted a couple of cameras

We stood in front of the of what I'm guessing is the office door Isabella knocked twice and there was a faint "come in" going in the office I had my guards up I looked around and it was a neat office a couple of family portraits hanging on the wall this must be his home office Linda(mom) and Frank where sitting next to each other I looked to my right and there stood Alec with a busted lip don't laugh don't laugh

Linda stood up "Amanda you didn't have to come you must be feeling a bit tired from what happened go get some rest honey" I chose to ignore the honey part
"I'm okay"
"She won't listen mom I tired she's stubborn" Isabella spoke up
"I wonder where she gets that from" Frank said under his breath I guess I wasn't the only that heard him because Linda hit him on the head "Ouch dammit honey not in front of the kids" he said whispering to Linda his really terrible at whispering "* "*Cough*Okay take a seat guy's" taking our seats I looked at waiting for them to say what they called us here for
"before I say what I wanted to say Amanda we didn't expect for you to be here but now that Alec here has something to say to you"
I turned my head to look at Alec and as expected he was looking at me

"I'm sorry accusing you of not being allergic it was a stupid thing its just that when you were a ki-"

"Did you ever see her actually eat the peach cobbler?" Chris asked him
you could see the wheels in his head turning
"Chris used to eat mine for me"
leaving it at that we turned our attention back to Frank and Linda I guess they caught on that we wanted to leave it at that so Frank dismissed him and Isabella

"First we want to welcome you twins back home this is not how we expected your first day back home would go but we still happy you have you guys back" she looked at us as if expecting us to say something but we just looked at her
"But like any other household we have a couple of rules" Frank chimed in
1.Grades are important but we've seen your academic reports so all we have to say about that keep it up
2. If you're going to be home late inform me or your mother about where exactly you are and at what time should we be expecting you home
3. No tattoos until the age of 20
4.boyfriends and girlfriends are allowed but you have to introduce them to us first
5.Respect will be given to you so we expect respect back
6. It is mandatory to eat breakfast and dinner with the whole family and if you're going to invite friends over tell your mom first
"I hope that wasn't much do you have something you negotiate maybe " we have no problems with his rules grandad taught us to respect another mens house rules but are we going to follow them fuck no
"No" they both looked surprised
"Well that's a first you dong want to negotiate substitute one rule for other" Linda asked
"No" to be honest we just want to get this meeting over and done with and get out of here is what I wanted to say but decided against it you could see the disappointment in their faces because of our one word answers but I really don't care
"Well then you guys can leave" we got up and left

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