Chapter 27

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Daniels Pov

Christopher beating Alec up honestly didn't come as a surprise to me his been a jerk to them ever since they got here and today he took it way to far by calling our little sister a slut personally I would've gave him a proper punch to the face too but what really surprised me was Chris fighting Alec

Alec is a buff guy a gym rat and he laid his ass on the floor so effortlessly like he weighed nothing.

Alec is one of best fighter's in the Mafia world and in underground fighting and if people in the underground scene found out that Alec aka hammer the undefeated brutal fighter was beaten up by his 17 year old little brother he'd loose all the respect his worked so hard to gain over the years.

Luckily for him the anonymous guy who he was rude to was able to hold back Chris for a minute just so our sister could tell him to stop and just like that he did my jaw almost dropped for a sec here we are 3 strong men trying to peel off this oddly strong kid off of our brother and all it took was for  anonymous to hold him back for a sec and his twin telling him to stop for him to get off him and act like nothing happened wtf.

I wasn't shocked by Andrew coming in defence of Alec they've always had each others back "ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE YOU COULD'VE KILLED HIM!!" I was expecting him to kinda of realise what he'd done and look down in shame and maybe apologize but what he said next sent a shiver down my spine "Sono così stupido che mi sono dimenticato di LUSSOCARE LA SPALLA" I looked at him in disbelief the innocent little brother who wouldn't even hurt a fly didn't even look remorseful at all.

I turned my attention to Amanda and I was expecting her to be balling her eyes out like mom and Isabella were but boy was I wrong my little sister is showing no emotion at all just a tiny smirk edged at the end of her lips but it left as quick as it came.

Adien who disappeared before the whole fiasco happened came back running out the house with our emergency medical aid kit in his hands he ran over to Dad and handed it over to him and he immediately started to treat Alec's wounds he wasn't severely hurt but our family has a tendency of over exaggerating wounds plus judging by lil bros strength he probably wasn't using all his strength I bet he could've done much more damage.

"how did you know to come with a kit?" Alex asked

Adien seemed shy to say it but he looked in Chris's direction "heard him tell mom and dad to go get one figured by the look in his eyes he wasn't joking".

After dad was done patching him up he helped to stand up clenching his stomach in pain he shifted from dad's hands and walked towards the trio dammit has he learnt nothing?  I noticed all three look at him with nothing but disgust in their eyes no fear at all "You punch hard little bro next time don't hold back..." he turned his head to Amanda "I'm sorry sunflower that I called a slut I deserved that didn't I?" Amanda looked at him up and down like her big brother was a insignificant nobody to her and walked up to him and leaned over to his ear I noticed Alec tense up a bit he looked up at her and I swear I saw tears in his eyes he looked back and forth between the twins and walked back into the house. Dad pulled a crying mom aside wonder how they going to handle all of this.

I looked back in the direction of the twins and thier no yet introduced to us friend anonymous was saying his goodbyes to the twins when dad suddenly stopped him "you seem to be good friends with the twins and to apologize for my two son's behaviour would you like to join us for dinner tonight? take it as us apologizing" Mom also chimed in "if you're worried about it being late it's okay you can sleep in one of our guest rooms" they being nice to the fella huh but I get it the twins haven't looked this almost relaxed since they got here it helps to have familiarity around sometimes

anonymous looked back at the twins and after speaking to them in whatever language they were communicating in he agreed. I looked at my twin sister and is she blushing? I don't like this.

We were heading back inside the house when we heard a car honking we all at once turned to face in the direction of the noise.

I slowly reached for my left hip where I kept my gun but noticed soon that I was familiar with the car and people in it, it's my biological dad and his wife Sahara
fuck forgot that mom had invited them for dinner today shit and  we were supposed to tell the twins but with everything that was happening today we had no time and well I completely forgot

dinners going to be fucking awkward today. (-_-;).

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