Chapter 13

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Chris's pov

My twin and I are both light sleepers so when I heard a loud knock I reached for my gun aimed at the door ready to shot when I turned and saw my twin busy typing away on her phone and with her laptop on her lap I looked around and remembered where we were dammit so it wasn't a nightmare we really here "yep we still here go get the door" she knows me so well it's spooky I put away my gun slipped into my shoes "you should be getting the door your younger then me "

"1. we the sane age 2. you're already standing"

I rolled my eyes "I was born 4 minutes early so that does make me older accept it little sis" she threw her pen at me but I successfully dodged it

 I got the door reached for the handle opened and there stood our half brother Adien he was looking up at the ceiling he must have not heard me open the door so I cleared my throat trying to get his attention not noticing that he heard me I moved my hand up trying to wave it in his face when he suddenly flinched I slowly put my hand back down

That was odd  I thought to myself but decided to act like I didn't see anything  

"so-sorry uhm dinners ready so mom asked me to come get you guys also I've been knocking amand's door but she's not answering can you call her I hope she's okay"

taken aback by what he said I really started to look at him  looks like the silent type a push over he also looks to be too kind for his own good others would just ask for me to call my sister and that would be it they wouldn't care if she was okay or not

I must have been staring him a little bit longer then expected because he started to fidget a little bit I was going to apologise when something caught my eye

make-up? now I know there are guys that wear make-up but this is different looks like his hiding a bruise I would know because amanda and I would apply it to hide bruises from our grandma when we started training we would come home with busted lips blue eyes bruised ribs she hated seeing us hurt so we started using make-up to hide them from why is he hiding his bruise?

"She in here...give us 3min" Ignoring the sudden suspicious feeling I turned around and closed the door

"they calling us down for dinner" I informed my twin who was engulfed in work wonder if she got any sleep I'll ask her later

she looked up from her phone "okay let me send this last email..Ooh og før jeg glemmer, har vi fortsatt markistitens å løse
Jeg spurte Craig å fly ham her over hans himmelsestyrene de har jobbet med ham, men han holder fortsatt munnen hans"
(ooh and before I forget we still have to the mark situation to solve I asked Craig to fly him over here his in one of safe houses they've been working on him but he still keeping his mouth shut)

I nodded my head biting the inside of cheek the fucker still hasn't said anything huh his holding up longer then I expected

"Qué terrible supongo que lo más educado para hacer es ir allí y ayudarlo a abrir su boca"
(how terrible I guess the most polite thing to do is to go there and help him open up his mouth) I said feeling excited its being a while we've had to work on someone.

We walked out to find adien still standing there looking up at the ceiling again there must be 2 reasons for this 1 his daydreaming or 2 there must be something serious weighing heavily on his mind I cleared my throat and he flinched again I guess my twin noticed it too because she gave me that what was that look 

he nervously chuckled "again sorry I tend to zone out a lot shall  we" walking behind him I noticed that he was limping a little bit but he was doing a good job at hiding it to some else he would look like he was walking perfectly normal  I need to stop being so observant silently agreeing with my inner thoughts I focused my thoughts on something else like how I'm to torture that stupid fuck who thought it was okay to mess with us

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