Chapter 6

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Chris pov

After calming down we started to act like nothing just happened grandad made some terrible dad jokes and we just laughed at how terrible they were I missed this but we just couldn't ignore the elephant in the room.

"I hate to bring this up but you haven't explained why they here grandma"

She sighed "I know son...what I am about to tell you is very hard for me and your grandad, the decision wasn't easy to make but I want you to know that what we did what I'm about to tell you comes from a good heart"

"grandma you starting to scare me I thought you said that you're okay"

"I am okay sweethearts I promise you"
"then what is it" I asked getting impatient. She seemed nervous and grandma never gets nervous. I have a terrible gut feeling that we aren't going to like what she'll next.         

"You're grandad and I are relinquishing our guardian rights back to your parents and your mom has requested that you go live with her back in America" 

"WHAT!!"are you kidding me they sending us back to the people who abandoned us.

"I need you to calm down son I understand why you angry but I have my reasons and I'll explain everything to you when the time is please calm down " grandma said I was about to speak up when Amanda gave me the Shut up now before I punch  you look I may be Capo but whenever my sister gives me that look it sends shivers down my spine and I shut up immediately she can be scary when she wants to.

"Now what I just said is final you're moving back with them the private jet has been fueled up ready for take off on Saturday."

"Back to America...but that means we will be separated from you guys we can't be this far from you" Amanda spoke up after being quiet for a while

"We already thought about that and in a process of getting a house that isn't far from your mothers house" granddad answered that eased our worries a bit.

"She's not our mother grandma is" I mumbled grandma seemed to have heard me because she took  my hand in hers and gave it a kiss and offered me a smile. 

"Now go and pack your bags and put the business on hold we want to spend the entire day with you guys before you leave and Maria(one of the maids) made her delicious cupcakes I know how much you guys love them especially you Amanda" granddad said giving Amanda a wink she chuckled and gave granddad a kiss on the cheek. We said our goodbyes I gave grandma a kiss on the forehead and headed down stairs.

"Let's go grab those cupcakes before we leave"
"grandad was right you are addicted to Maria's cupcakes"
she slightly smacked me one the head "you idiot  he didn't say I was addicted he said and I quote I know that they are your favourite " I rolled my eyes at that because we all know she's addicted. We went it to the Kitchen greeted Maria had a short conversation and grabbed a bunch of cupcakes. We walked into the living room where our 'Family' was sitting we straight up ignored them and headed for the door when sperm donor spoke up
"Can you guys stay for a while so that we can have a chat "I didn't even bother turning around Amanda did she stared daggers into him looked him up and down with disgust I scanned the room and everyone looked like they where sitting on pins and needles desperation written all over thier faces expect for the unfamiliar people

"We don't converse with betrayers traitors..."don't forget scumbags sis" I chimed in adding my own little insult
"thanks twin and scumbags but lucky for you you're surrounded by them so have a 'chat' with them huh?" now one would say what she said to him was harsh but considering what that men put us through he deserves it.

We got into the car and drove out of the estate on the road headed home Amanda called Craig he picked up immediately  "We are moving to America on Saturday I want you to find a new headquarters there, I've already found a place for where our men and women will live Chris is in charge for booking tickets for everyone but only for those who want to move there with us so send us list before 11 pm today on who's coming. Also call up Cara and tell her that she will be acting CEO of the company."
"Got it, is there anything else"
"No that will be all if anything pops up send me a message" them dropped the call  

When we got home without speaking we went straight to the the kitchen I put popcorn in the microwave and Amanda grabbed a bunch of candy and drinks the beeped microwave indicating that the popcorn was finished I opened up the pack poured the popcorn into a bowl and sprinkled a bit of salt and we went straight to the home movie theater Amanda took out our favorite stress reliever movie "Mega mind" and in no time we were both laughing

"classic movie" she said whilst wiping a single tear off her face from laughing so hard. 

"How you feeling about us moving back with them" she asks while stuffing her face with cupcakes I turned my head to face her "pissed of after all these years of not one of them trying to reach to us out and all of a sudden they want us back into their lives" she nods her head in agreement
"I know but grandpa and grandma wouldn't just send us back to them for no reason they know very well how we feel about them so there is got be something big that we don't know about yet...and we have find out what it is"

She's right. My phone received a text from Craig with the all names of the men,women and children that were coming with us it was a lot 590 including children noway I'm booking this many tickets we going to have to hire a couple of airplanes.

I turned to look at my twin and she was fast asleep with a cookie in her mouth I took out my phone and took a picture she looked so cute I guess we will have to pack tomorrow early in the morning before we go to our grandparent's. I picked her went up stairs to her room and laid her on her bed gave her kiss on the forehead then went to our office to hire 30 planes why am I even hiring we should buy them. Why didn't l think of that earlier  

After making some calls the planes where going to be at our private airport by tomorrow. I also registered the children to their new schools. After everything was finalised I went straight to my room to catch some much needed sleep.

**********Next morning*******

After packing our suit cases we went to our grandparents we were expecting the 'family' to be there but grandad said that they had to leave to go sort out some things and we couldn't be more happier that they weren't there.

We had such a wonderful time spending all day with them I wished it would never come to an end but it can not always be night and the day we were dreading was near. 

The next day we had breakfast with our grandparents then they drove us to our private airport we said our goodbye's shed some tears hugged each other for so long but sadly we had to let go we got on the jet captain welcomed us put on our seatbelts and we were off to America. 

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