Chapter 10

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Amanda's Pov

We were pulling up in their driveway when I noticed our mom and Frank standing outside like a couple of creeps security must have alerted them of our arrival I stopped the car right behind Alec and turned off the engine Alec and Alex got out their car walked towards them and started to have a conversation they must be talking about us because they kept on subtly glancing at us I say subtly because they where terrible at it.
Taking my attention off of them I looked at my twin "you ready?" slowly pealing his eyes off of mom and Frank he looked at me "as I'll ever be" he had the most evilest grin on his face he's about to give them hell and I couldn't be more excited I got front row seats to this show and I can't wait.

We stepped out of the car Mom and Frank walked closer to us Frank spoke up first "It's so good to see you guys again... look at you guys y'all are so grown up. We exchanged handshakes "Good to see you too Frank" I said "my babies mommy is so happy to see you again" she tried to come in for a group hug but we both stepped back
"good to see you Linda" as soon as I said that her face dropped but she quickly replaced it with a smile but you could see it in her eyes that was hurt by me calling her by her name but I could care less

"Lets go inside the others can't wait to see you...Alec will park your car and take your suitcases upstairs to your rooms" Alec tired to protest but mom gave him a stern look I felt uneasy letting him drive my baby but I just couldn't mess up this opportunity of making fun of him I just couldn't my baby will just have to take one for the team Alec extended his hand "keys"  he asked irritated "be sure not to starch my baby now alec" I smirked he rudely grabbed the keys and I didn't like that so I tightly pulled his arm hard enough to leave a bruise and leaned closer to his ear  "I don't want to chop off those pretty manicured fingers off so be careful okay" I said so only he could hear me he nodded his head yanking his arm "is everything okay?" Frank asked I put on my fake smile  "Everything's okay was just asking my dear brother here to be careful with my car I'm really overprotective of my baby" Frank smiled back "a another car enthusiast you and Adien will get along really well" Chris turned around went to our car opened the backseat door got out our backpacks that had our weapons and laptops we then held hands  and followed them inside , their house was huge beautiful and simple not that I would admit it out loud it felt lived in. "you guys can leave your backpacks here the staff will put it in your rooms" Linda said

"no thank you we prefer to carry them with us" it hurt to be nice but our grandparents always taught to be respectful plus they made us promise to play nice.

as we were approaching what I guessed would be their living room you could hear a lot of noise coming from there after a couple of steps everyone could be seen in full view Daniel and Liam were arguing and the other siblings were watching them in amusement "YOU IDIOT GOKU WOULD TOTALLY BEAT NARUTO IN A FIGHT"

Daniel stood up slamming his hands on the table dramatic much "COMPARING NARUTO TO GOKU IS LIKE SAYING OLI LONDON DOES LOOK LIKE JIMIN ITS IMPOSSIBLE UNTRUE LIKE PIGS WOULD HAVE TO START FLYING SNOOP DOG WOULD STOP SMOKING !!" did he...did he just just compare Goku to fucking Oli London.

Frank cleared his throat and everyone turned  their heads towards us "the twins are here" then out of one where there was this loud squeal not even a squeal a scream to be more exact and then a girl appeared "finally a girl in this house besides me and mom" she turned and looked at Chris "it's good to see you too bro" I raised my eyebrow at her calling him bro Chris's lips tilted a bit I'm guessing she's our half sister she tried to come in for a  hug  but I backed up a bit our half sister seemed to be hurt by that "I'm so sorry silly me you don't even me know me and I am already coming in for a hug let me introduce myself the name's  Isabella but y'all can call me Bells and I am 11 and that boy right there" she pointed to some guy standing with his hands in his pockets "that is my twin Adien" he waved at us and we nodded our heads in acknowledgement

"I think its been a while since the twins have seen you guys since they left when they were kids and well some of you guys haven't meet each other so why don't you guys introduce yourselves from oldest to youngest" Frank said

Hi I'm your eldest brother Alexander we already meet and I'm 27 it's good to have you guys back.

Alec 25 you have a good grip little sister everyone looked at us confused I just smirked "I learn from the best" his smiled dropped immediately he knows what I'm talking about he must know that I remember       

*cough* uhm...Andrew 18 Goofy brother so if you need someone to make you laugh my doors always open plus if you guys are into anime feel free to come to me I got plenty.

Ohh please Daniel 18 and I'm actually the funniest in the house but this goofball thinks he is plus I'm the anime expert in this house he watched one anime now he thinks his an expert .

We weren't going to introduce ourselves because well they know who we are but  Isabella and Aiden didn't so we introduced our ourselves

"Amanda this right here is my twin Christopher we 17" short and simple

Taking my attention away from them I turned towards Frank "my brother and I are tired from the flight and drive so we would really love to rest so if you would please kindly show us to our rooms." Daniel came forward "I'll be the one taking you guys" as we where climbing up the stairs he kept on talking about some theory he has about some anime I love anime and I totally disagree with his theory but there's no way I'll say anything that will just make him think that we have something to bond over

"all siblings room are here on this floor mom's and dad's I mean Frank's is upstairs these are your rooms next to each other as requested hope you guys like them first room Chris" he opened the door and its not that bad spacious all white but knowing my twin he'll turn everything black he doesn't like it when too much sun comes in his words not mine dudes such a vampire is that a lighting McQueen poster I almost burst out laughing he was a huge McQueen fan when he was a kid shame that poster will be torn up 

"your room next lil sis" cringe

"hope you like it we remembered your favourite colour when you were are kid and figured you would love it" he opened the door and what I saw almost made me faint you that song you hear in horror movies when the killer has his/her knife raised in the air ready and ready to stab the victim while they screaming in horror that's whats going through my head looking at this room of horror

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