Chapter 12

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Amanda's pov

Startled by the knock on the door I reached for my watch and noticed that I've been in here for an hour I really need to stop zoning out "YOU OKAY IN THERE?" Chris asked sounding concerned



Suddenly getting excited of the thought of talking to my grandparents I turned off the shower got out quickly dried myself off got into my comfortable cloths oversized t-shirt pants my favourite panda slippers last but not least oversized hoodie

When I got out of the bathroom Chris was busy typing away on his laptop when his phone rang "Perfect timing granddad's calling" I quickly ran and hopped on the bed after the third ring Chris picked up

"Hi Grandad" expecting to see his face we instead saw his ear
"ciao ragazzi mi sentite tesoro i ragazzi finalmente hanno scelto" (he- hello kids can you hear me honey the kids finally picked up)

"stai affrontando il cronometraggio in questo momento, nonno, allontana il telefono dall'orecchio"
(your face timing us right now grandad move the phone away from your ear)  Chris said and he slowly moved the phone away
"i miei nipotini nonna manchi tanto"
(my grand babies grandma misses you so much)

"Mi manchi anche tu nonna" rispose il mio gemello"
(miss you too grandma)

"but we still cant see you" Chris said

"qualcosa deve essere sbagliato con questo telefono Dannata tecnologia RAGAZZI MI SENTITE PENSO CHE QUALCOSA NON VA CON IL TELEFONO"
(something must be wrong with this phone Damn technology KIDS CAN YOU HEAR ME I THINK SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE PHONE) I couldn't help it I just burst out laughing

"non c'è bisogno di urlare, possiamo sentirti e non c'è niente che non va nel telefono, il tuo pollice sta bloccando la fotocamera"
(no need to yell we can hear you and nothings wrong with the phone your thumb is blocking the camera)

he moved it and we could finally see their faces a huge grin made its way up to my face i miss them already

"my grand babies we miss you already " granddad said

"we miss you too old men"

grandma gave us her beautiful killer smile after we said that but as quick as her smile came it disappeared and replaced with a angry look

"ti stai già arrestando il tuo primo giorno di ritorno?!"
(already getting arrested on your first day back?!) that strict tone always sent shivers down my spin glad she's not here right now or she would have thrown her slippers at us

"Sei fortunato che non ci sono o le mie pantofole sarebbero volate nella tua direzione in questo momento, ci hai fatto preoccupare da morire"
(your lucky I'm not there or my slippers would be flying in you direction right now you had us worried sick) we both hung our heads I couldn't help but feel bad she's already not well and we don't want to put strain on her health 

"sorry didn't mean to make you guys worry but you shouldn't worry too much you guys raised us well taught us how to take care of ourselves so trust us okay"

"I know but we will always worry about you guys look I know you going to cause chaos over there just be careful for us okay"

"also play nice okay I know you don't want to be there but please try to open up okay"

That's not going to happen but we didn't tell her that we both nodded and after a long conversation we had to end the call because grandma had to get her rest we were also jet legged and I felt my eyelids getting heavy so we said our goodbyes blew kisses then hung up.

Chris shut his laptop we got up fixed the bed got and got in I snuggled in the blankets

"todays been tough huh?"

Chris sighed "mmhh took everything in me to not go around kicking everyone's assess expect for the steps of course" I chuckled "I don't know about you but this whole shit about them wanting us back wanting to reconcile sounds sounds like bullshit to me"

"Du tror de vet at vi kjører mafia i stedet for Grandad"
(you think they know we the one's running the mafia now instead of grandad)

"Ingen stordom ville ha fortalt oss selv om han la det slippe av feil, vet vi ikke hva de er intensjoner ennå, det er best vi holder avstand og spiller fint som bestemor spurte"
(No granddad would have told us even if he had let it slip by mistake we don't know what they intentions are yet so its best we keep a distance and play nice like grandma asked) it pained me to say the last part but for her sake and health I'll try but I'll have my hands full with Chris because the doof can be a hothead sometimes I just hope they don't provoke him I can't save them when his on a rampage 

"Jeg skal spille fint, men hvis de tørre respektløs eller skadet deg i uansett, kan jeg ikke love deg at de ikke vil ansiktene sine omorganisert"
(I'll play nice but if they dare disrespect or hurt you in anyway I can't promise you that they wont get their faces rearranged)

I smiled I was about to answer back when I heard light snoring I checked and he was already asleep his always acted so tough but I know he also needs protecting I'll rearrange anyone's one's face that dares to hurt you too and I mean it wholeheartedly

Author's note

Hi guys how are you hope you good eating well and taking good care of yourselves

To be honest I'm really surprised that people are reading my book and asking for an update when I first started writing it was honestly for fun I wasn't expecting many readers or likes so I wasn't going to update much but I promise to be more consistent updating will be my way of saying thank you for reading liking commenting and adding me to your lists

:) again thank you

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