Chapter 24

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Amanda's Pov

After storming out on Linda knowing that they would send their bodyguards to come look for me I left the mall and walked as far as my feet could carry me I walked for a while until I came across a cafe.

Feeling tired and hungry I got inside and choose a seat far from people a waitress walked over asked me for my order so I ordered coffee and some muffins.

I then took out my phone sent Craig my location and a text asking him to come pick me up.

I then went to my contact list to call my twin I know he already knows where I am because of the necklace but I still have to let him know that I'm okay I just hope that he isn't mad at me for leaving him behind with them fuck I shouldn't have left

Immediately after the first ring he picked up "Til slutt er du ok? kafeen du er akkurat er det trygt? Er området trygt?"(finally, are you okay? The cafe you're at right now is it safe? is the area safe?) you could just hear the concern in his voice definitely feel bad for leaving him behind dammit I shouldn't have left like that I never want to make him worry I know the memory of that day still lingers in his head and he hates it when I'm alone

"I'm okay the cafe and area are both safe... I'm sorry I left like that I- I just thought I could handle it I thought I could handle being alone with her" the moment when Linda started ask for forgiveness started to replay in my head and my blood started to boil all over again "Det er greit jeg forstår at jeg bare er glad for at du hat det bra, du trenger meg til å Kimmel heater deg"(it's okay I understand I'm just glad that you're okay, you need me to come pick you up?)as he said that I heard the door to cafe open I looked up and noticed Craig standing there looking around I raised up my hand to show him where I was sitting he finally spotted me and started to walk over "actually I called Craig to come pick me up I'll go over our headquarters to cool off a bit but if you want I can come back immediately?" even though I'm not up to being around them right now but if my brother say's he wants me there I'll be there in a heartbeat "Nei, jeg er ikke glad for at du ikke er alene, bare avkjøles of Kim tilbake når du er klar, jeg Kan håndtere dem. Overfør telefonen til Craig" (No don't I'm just glad you're not alone just cool off and come back when you're ready I can handle them. Hand over the phone to Craig.)

I looked up at Craig and noticed him looking at me with concern cute I handed over the phone to him and mouthed to him that it was Chris "Boss?" they chatted for a bit Chris must have hung up and Craig handed me my phone "What did you guys talk about?" he chuckled probably because I'm being nosy "boss asked me to bring you back safely after you've calmed down of course" I blushed a little at the thought of him being the one dropping me off at their place feels like he'd be dropping me off after our date what am I thinking?(≧▽≦).

We sat for a couple of minutes and sparked a conversation while I finished my muffin and coffee when I was done I called over the waiter to play I was when like the flash Craig took out his card and handed it over to the waiter "I wouldn't be the gentleman my parents raised me to be if I let you pay" was what he said when we were arguing in front of the really patient waiter on who was going to pay giving in I finally let him but I'm still going to pay him back later though.

The drive to headquarters was equally nice we didn't chat much in the car I think he sensed that I needed some quite so we fell into a comfortable silence with country music playing in the background and I got to say I've never listened to country music before but I have say I like it I want a cowgirl hat and boots now.

We finally got to our new headquarters I should stop calling it headquarters and I love it Its so beautiful modern spacious and comfortable and simple you wouldn't think that a bunch of mafia people live here it's so inconspicuous and it's not far but also not too close from where Chris and I are currently residing and it's also not far but also not to close from the school we'll be attending

I walked around and was greeted by our men and women I chatted to some of them asked how they were settling in and it was all good feedback and I was extremely happy we treat them and their kids like family and so like our safety and comfortability is priority to them their safety and comfortability is also a priority to us.

After a long meet and greet I decided to let off some steam and there's a particular target I have in mind "Craig take me Mark our meeting has been prolonged enough don't you think?" excitement took over while I was walking behind Craig and the events of today that made me angry started to feel like a distant memory I'm about to have me some fun now.

Walking into to cell that Mark was being kept in a wave of excitement rushed in he was sitting on a chair hands tied behind his back bruises and dried up blood all over and his head hanging low I turned my head to the left and noticed a table with a bunch of lethal weapons littered on top of it I walked further in making way towards him taking my sweet time Mark after hearing footsteps inching closer towards him slowly started to lift his head up in and turned his head in my direction he first looked me up and down then finally looked me straight in the eyes with confusion like he was trying to remember where he'd seen me from
"oof!! looks like my people did quite a number on you huh Mark? but I've got give up to you to withhold information for so long!! Amazing" what he did next was very predictable he spat on my shoes well attempted to but he didn't he missed because before his silvia could land on my shoe I quickly moved it "think I'm fucking scared of you?! fucking think again and who the fuck are you anyway?!" rude why can't people be more polite I mean sure you're being held against your will and you're being tortured almost everyday for information but still that doesn't mean lose your manners and be rude to people "one you should be fucking scared and two who the fuck am I? I see you've already forgotten that we've already meet but sure I'll remind you who the fuck am I" I walked over to the table and started to look around gun? (no) I need him alive knifes maybe? (no) too much work oohh marchetti (nope) too messy grande should I just blow us all up hehe (no) pen yes! I

picked it up turned around and made my way back to him "*exaggerated exhale* Markeyy! you know what's funny that's the same question you asked my twin and I when we barged into your office and I remember saying back to you correct me if I'm wrong (that's not how you talk to your bosses)" and just as if a light bulb turned on he opened his eyes wide in realisation and his cocky smirk dropped immediately

without hesitating I clicked the pen held it up  and stuck it into his left eye not too deep because well then it would reach into his brain and that would kill him and I need him alive he started to scream in agony twisting and turning his body trying to set his arms free from the cuffs obviously he was miserably failing "WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK!! YOU CRAZY PSYCHO BITCH!! *AHHHH* GET THIS THING OUT OF MY EYE!!!" rude again I mean a please would be appreciated "I mean sure I could that but first I need information Mark are you willing to break your silence and tell me all that I need to know?" I'm surprised at how calm I sound right now "YES I'LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW PLEASE JUST DON'T KILL ME!!" dammit I was expecting him to resist even longer well a win is a win.

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