Chapter 25

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Amanda's Pov

And as promised Mark told me all he knew
It was on a Thursday night at my night club a woman claiming to work for a mysterious mafia man offered me and the gang a job that she claimed would earn us 20 million dollars she handed us a list with names of shipments and other details where on the paper like departure date and time pictures of the containers that had the goods in them how security presence and shift schedule it was clear by looking at information on the paper that we wouldn't be stealing from small time gangs so I was hesitant to take the job but the offer felt more as something I had or they'd kill me if I declined I had no other choice but to accept. All was smooth sailing until rumours started to spread that someone was stealing shipments that belonged to varies dangerous mafia's I swear I didn't know I had stolen from one of the deadliest mafia's in the world but I had to the last job where we had to steal a shipment headed to Romania I wanted to pull out but they started to threaten my wife and children they even attended my daughters football match sent a picture with a message threatening to kill her on the pitch if I didn't go through with it so I did. But- after finishing the job the new instructions was not to drop off the containers it at the usual designated spot instead they told us to keep it at our warehouse then suddenly on the day you guys came was also the same they said they would be coming to pick up the guns.
*end of flashback*

"That's all I know." I nodded my head and got up to leave when I remembered something so I walked up to Mark and pulled out the pen in his eye his screams filled the cell I signalled for one of our men that was outside standing with Craig "get a doctor to fix tend to wounds and eye." he replied with a yes boss and left the room I walked out of the room with Craig following after a while I realised I didn't know the directions to Chris's and I new office so I asked Craig to lead the way all the while one thing that Mark said kept on replaying in my head (she handed us a list with names of shipments and other details where on the paper like departure date and time pictures of the containers that had the goods in them how security presence and shift schedule). I hope it's not what I'm thinking it can't possibly be what I'm thinking.
Deep in thought I was interrupted by Craig clearing his throat "we're here all paper work you asked me to get from your grandparents is all in there." I gave him a half smile and opened the door to get in "do this in secret I need the list of names of people who where assigned the job to get the guns to Romania...- also do this in secret get Mark and his family somewhere safe tell no one but me and Chris about their whereabouts and I'll be ready to leave in an hour" he nodded "on it" I was going to close the door when it looked like he had more to say "you've got something to say?"he started to scratch the back of his head "I know it's not my place to speak or say anything as matter of fact but your parents and brothers where fools to abandon you and boss" that made my heart swell up a bit "thanks Craig" he nodded his head and turned around to leave I closed the door and looked around our office I miss the one back home. I took a sit at the office table and let my thoughts run wild (grandma and grandpa must have a good reason for giving us away right? I mean they didn't give us away they just...- no I shouldn't be questioning them they must have a good reason I know they do the ones Chris and I have to look out for are the supposed parents and brothers who suddenly want to be in our lives again their intentions are still unclear and who the fuck is messing with our shit!) suddenly feeling like my head was going burst I decided to immense my self in unfinished paperwork.

Completely in my zone until I was interrupted by a knock on the door "Enter" the door opened Craig walked in he stretched out his hand handing over a brown envelope "names and other details of all people who where assigned the job also people who where present on the day of the shipment went missing. I also there's a USB with videos the cctv cameras caught... I've decided to move Mark and his family in a week is that alright?" I held out my hand to get the envelope he placed it on my hand I took out the papers and I started to look over them"it's okay...I need you to secretly keep surveillance on everyone who's name is on here." I looked out the window and noticed it was getting dark out "Chris is probably starting to get worried now I should head back is the car ready?"
I miss the goofball I turned to Craig for   
confirmation he nodded yes I put back the papers and USB back into the envelope picked up everything else that I needed and walked out with Craig.

On our way back Craig and I had light conversation we were approaching a speed bump when I felt an arm across my chest area we got over the bump I don't think he felt or noticed where his hand was because he was laser focused on the road "you should take me out on at least 7 dates first don't you think ?" he turned his head to look at me all  confused when he noticed where his hand was he quickly pulled back his arm "I'm-...fuck sor- sorry I'm so sorry speedbumpdidn't wantyoutogethurt" he rambled on and on is he blushing cute!! I burst out in laughter"calm down It's okay look we almost there" deciding to save him from the embarassment I let it go we finally got there security started to get in a frenzy when they noticed an unidentified car approaching in I popped my head out to show them that it was me no further questions where asked the gate opened and Craig drove in pulling up to drive way I was happy to see my twin waiting outside on our way I had sent him a message telling him to wait outside so him standing there was expected what I didn't to expect to see was Linda Frank and the others standing outside as well I looked at my twin and I could sense the irritation and anger radiating from him.

Craig turned off the engine got out walked over to my side and opened the door for me I thanked him and started to walk towards Chris you could see him relax a bit like he was glad to see that I was okay and safe I gave him a hug "I'm okay" words I know he wants to hear he gave me a tight squeeze "I'm glad" we let go and he turned his attention back to Craig they dabbed and did a whole handshake  "thanks for bringing her back safe" Craig smiled "No problem bo-" before he could finish Alec walked up to us he shoved Craig aside and yanked me by the shoulder "Where the fuck where you!? do you know how worried mom and dad where how worried everyone was! You've been here for 6 days and you already bringing unknown men to the house what are you a SLUT?!!" and before I could react Alec was on the floor with Chris on top him throwing endless punch's.

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