Chapter 17

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Chris's pov

Closing Frank's office door behind me I breathed a silent sigh of relief I was able to restrain myself from adding another bruise on Alec's face proud imaginary pat on the back I just hope they keep a distance from now on we don't bother them they don't bother us

Nearing our room I noticed Alex standing outside hands in pockets nervously pacing up and down spoke too soon my twin must have read mind because she ignored his entire existence opened the door to our room and got in going in behind her I pulled the door to close it when Alex stuck his foot in
"Can I please have a word with you two" I looked at him straight in the eyes and saw the desperation unfortunately for him I don't care
"No" I tired closing the door again but this time he stopped it with his hand "Please it won't take long" fighting the edge to   repeatedly slam his fingers I decided to hear him out the sooner he say's what he needs to get off his chest the faster he can get out of here so I let go of the door and went to go sit beside my twin  
"You guys are so grown up" he said in disbelief more to himself
"First I want to apologise on  Alec's behalf what he did was just so unlike him you know how much he loves you guy's he wouldn't want anything bad to happe-" is he his lawyer or something "Alec apologised so you don't have to do any damage control" Amanda said cutting him off "I know...Look this isn't how we wanted your first day back to be" Losing my patient's I stood up and calmly walled up to him "and what exactly did you expect for the two of us to forget the fact that you our big brother abandoned us that we'd come back running to you like we did when we were kids?!" Amanda sensed that I was losing my self control so she pulled me back a bit
"you promised that you would convince mom to come get us because you knew you all knew the horrible conditions we were living in with dad but you like everybody else fucking turned a blind eyes so I don't know what fucking happy reunion you and everyone else had planned in your delusional heads but it's never going to happen now if you could kindly get fuck out" must have seen the hatred in my eyes because his tears were threatening to fall but he quickly composed himself and made his way out when he stooped outside the door "I know we fucked up but I promise on my life to gain back your trust and fix everything"
"Good Luck with that" after saying that I slammed the door in his face "You okay?" my twin asked concerned "yep, now let's call Craig" seeing that I didn't to continue talking about it she got her phone to call Craig after the first ring he picked up "Hey" you could hear the excitement in his voice
"Non rispondi mai così velocemente quando chiamo(you never pick up this fast when I call)
"Bo-Boss mi dispiace pensavo fosse Amanda a chiamare"
(Bo-Boss I'm sorry I thought It was Amanda calling) he said stuttering "Quindi non avresti risposto se fossi stato io a chiamare"
(so you wouldn't have picked up if it was me calling)I'm sure his sweating bullets right now "No capo non è affatto così"
(No capo its not like that at all) I was about to torture him more when my twin slightly hit me on the arm "Smettila... Sono io che chiamo Craig, volevamo solo avere un aggiornamento su come si erano sistemati tutti" (stop it...It is me calling Craig we just wanted to get an update in how everyone had settled in) calming down he told us everything from how are members to if Mark had talked yet " ai nostri uomini di fare marcia indietro ci occuperemo noi... eventuali spedizioni rubate" (tell our men to back off we'll handle it...any stolen shipments) after we got Mark we put on hold our valuable goods from being transported on hold and put decoys to see if the person  calling the shots will act without his mole "Non ancora" (not yet) 
"per quanto riguarda la sorveglianza sulla sua famiglia, eventuali aggiornamenti in merito"
(what about the surveillance on his family any updates on that)
"sono sorvegliati ma dobbiamo ancora identificare a quale mafia appartengono sono fantasmi"
(they are being watched but we are yet to identify which mafia they belong to they are ghosts)  

"Va bene, porta la sua famiglia, assicurati che siano al sicuro, parlerà quando scoprirà che sono al sicuro, ma non dirglielo, ma vogliamo comunque punirlo"
(okay get his family make sure they safe he'll talk when he finds out they safe but don't mention it to him yet we still want to punish him)
After the long talk about business we switched over and told him about the events that happened today starting to feel like a 3rd wheel I decided to let them be a take a nap

-----------------Authors Note--------

Hi guys I know I've been slagging a lot with updates but it's for a good reason I promise see this phone I've been using is really old not like accident old just old it's been thru a lot falling in water sleeping in rice being accidentally stepped on I can't tell you guys how many times its fallen face flat on about just every surface yes even sand but it still works but I've noticed that it doesn't work the same anymore sometimes it just  randomly goes to Wattpad and write a whole book called Unforgivable nah I'm joking about the book part not about the random typing and sometimes it writes gibberish eg whem imayen i writr s full sethene so i have to go back every time to fix it makes it really hard to update but long story ahort I gpt a nww phpnw see it did it again as I was saying I got a new a phone and hopefully I'll be more consistent  tMCxmmmmnnn it did it again

Anyway enjoy this chapter and thanks for the likes comments and for following me 💚 also for adding me to your lists

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