Chapter 14

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Alexander's pov

Sitting down a at the dinner table you could cut the tension with a knife we were anxiously waiting on adien and the twins to come down for diner mom had prepared a whole feast all the twins favourite foods I've never seen her so nervous pacing up and down making sure everything was just right "honey sit down already everything will be just fine" Frank asked her you could see the concern in his eyes "sorry honey just want to make sure that everything is perfect this is our first dinner as a family with the twins"

"why are we waiting on them anyway I'm starving let's just eat" Alec said his been acting weird lately ever since him and amanda had that little stare down I'll have to ask him what that was all about later "no need we here" everyone's head turned their heads in the direction of Adien and the twins it's like the atmosphere changed I looked around and everyone seemed to be looking up at the twins in admiration they were finally here

Adien went to go to sit next to his twin I looked up at the twins and they were looking around for open sits there two open sits beside me I was about to call them over but Isabella beat me to it "over here guys" the twins made they way over sat between me and Bella with Chris next to me and Amanda next to Bella "now that everyone is here let's dig in I hope you guys will love the food I prepared all your favourites" mom said enthusiastically the twins lightly nodded they heads and everyone began eating it suddenly became quiet all you could hear was the sound of silverware clashing against the plates I looked around and noticed mom stealing a couple of glances at the twins to see if they were enjoying the food
"*cough* so uhh how are you guys liking the weather" I asked trying to break the silence
Chris looked at me as if I had grown two heads "you're asking us about the weather?" I nodded its a stupid question I know but damn I can not stand this silence
"the weather is nice" amanda answered back

"Amanda there's this annual car exhibition that me and adien love to attended and it's coming really soon so since you a car enthusiast like us I was wondering if you would love to tag along" Frank spoke up everyone turned their heads in the twins direction

Amanda looked at him surprised but quickly masked they really good at hiding they emotions had I not had the training I had I would have missed it "as along as my twin can tag along then okay"

"you never invite me to those" I chocked on a piece of meat surprised that Bella would say that she's not a fan of cars Frank coughed a bit Bella's question caught him of guard too "sweetheart you're not a fan of cars"

"I know but that was before I found out that my big sister here loves cars so I love them too"
everyone laughed "okay you'll tag along too princess"

"So Chris your grandfather told us that you a exceptional football player heard you even got multiple offers from really big teams have you decided which team you want to join?" mom asked wow his that good

Chris shook his head "no" was expecting more then a no I looked up at mom she looked a bit sad that her son didn't give her a full answer but she looked kind of happy that he at least he answered her

"you should try out the football team at your new school Andrew used to captain so I'm sure they'll let you in" Daniel suggested he just nodded and went back to eating his a men of few words I see "amanda what do you like to do?" Andrew asked

"Hva er dette en jævla forsikring, kan ikke de se at vi ikke er interessert i å snakke med dem" (what is this a fucking interrogation can't they see we not interested in talking to them) "rolig ned det kommer snart" (calm down it'll be over soon)
although they were talking really low I could hear them and Chris sounded a bit irritated what language was that...they speak more then one language impressive
"I enjoy cooking... og kaste daggers hos mennesker(and throwing daggers a people) Bella suddenly started to cough "you okay honey" mom asked her worried "yes the water just went down on the wrong pipe" she dismissed it pretty quickly
the twins looked at her suspiciously they then looked at each other I saw amanda tap her finger twice Chris tapped once did she understand them and are the twins talking in code...*pfft" n-no way I'm reading to much into this
we asked a couple of questions after that but the twins weren't interested at all so everyone went back to chatting among themselves when mom got up
"okay now that everyone is finished with dinner time for dessert" she went into the kitchen and came back out holding her famous peach cobbler she cut it up in slices and handed it out everyone

"I know how you guys loved peach cobbler when you were kids always begged me to do and you would cry whenever you'd wake up and one of your brother ate it all up" I laughed thinking back at it one time it had been me who had finished the peach cobbler they were so angry they tried fighting me but they were so short with tiny hands and tiny feet I kept on lightly pushing them with my feet laughing at their sweet attempts to punish their brother but I felt bad so I took them out to their favourite ice cream shop they were so happy I remember amanda saying I was their favourite brother I bragged about that all week ...they all grown up now I hope they forgive us

I dug into to the peach cobbler reminiscing on those good days but why does it feel like I'm forgetting something there was something else the twins told me on that day something important fuck what was it

"amanda don't you like the peach cobbler I can make you something else" mom asked and a light bulb lit up I remember

"Hey andew" I turned my head towards my little prescious peanut who had ice cream all over her mouth and forehead? I took a napkin and wiped it off "yha peanut"
"promise not tell mom okay" feeling a bit worried I nodded "pinky promise"
"pinky promise" I looked to my little brother and he wasn't interested at all at what was happening he was so focussed on the ice cream eating it like it was going to grow legs and run away "slow down or you'll get a brain freeze" he looked up at me uninterested "mmmhh" his totally going to get a brain freeze I turned my attention back to amanda "okay now what did you want to tell me" "IdontlikepeachesandeverytimemomcooksthemIsecretlygivethemtochris" surprisingly I got all of that "hey it's okay but why don't you want to tell mom I'm sure she'll understand"
"she really loves making peach cobbler for us so I don't want to hurt her feelings" sweet child "so why do you guys act all angry when we finish it and why beg her to do the peach cobbler if you don't even like it" 'that's all an act" Chris spoke up with a mouth full of ice cream I looked at these two tiny humans in front of me and couldn't help but smile there's more to this they not telling me "okay I wont tell mom" ooh and Chris the little bugger did get brain freeze

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