Chapter 4

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Amanda's pov 

I was having such a wonderful dream when I heard the most loud and annoying sound I reached out my hand to switch it off assuming it was my alarm I don't remember setting up my alarm tho

just as when I mange to shut it up another one went off then another to say I am pissed off would be a lie I am seething right now this could only be doing of my dear loving brother I threw my blankets to the side got up when my feet landed in a bucket of fucking ice water I quickly pulled them out I'm going to kill this rat I marched towards the door twisted the handle pulled the door open when a pie came flying towards my face luckily my reflexes where too good what I didn't anticipate was that two more would be coming from sides and well this time they found their target well done brother he knew I  would duck the first one so he added two "ahhh his so fucking dead"

I marched out of my room straight to our office kicked the door open stood there staring daggers at him looked at him this little rat was sniffling "Does this amuse you brother? I am so going to get you back and when I do you wont know what hit you this is WAR!!! you know how much I love sleep and you interrupted our date with your stupid prank ohh but you didn't stop there did thought to yourself why don't I add a bucket of ice water and pie to her FACE!!  "

I started to laugh Like a mad men rubbing my hands together

"sleep with one eye open brother"

he continued laughing rolling on the floor if people saw this idiot right now they wouldn't believe that he was the capo

"I know that was meant to scare me Lil sis but you looked so cute and how does the pie taste"

he slowly stood up regaining his composure "look we have a mission I had to find a way to wake you up,but I also thought to myself why not have some fun... go get ready we leave in a hour I'll update you on everything on our way there" I turned around getting ready to leave "HY I LOVE YOU!!" I turned around smiled a genuine smile that just made my heart skip a beat "I LOVE YOU TOO" we may argue a lot but one thing I know is if anyone was tried to hurt my brother in anyway I will not hesitate to kill them I know he would do the same his got my back and I got his

I went into my room took a cold shower nothing like cold water falling on your skin to probably wake you up after dressing up in my usual attire which is black everything even my underwear and bra are black I walked towards our weapons room I entered the code only me and my brother knew before I could grab a bunch of explosives Chris stopped me

"No blowing stuff up today sis"

What no blowing stuff up but I loved blowing up stuff It's I always looked forward to when going out on these missions " Come on bro don't do this to me PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!" I gave him my famous puppy eyes

He'll give in 5,4,3,2...1 

"Okay just stop with your puppy eyes you starting to look creepy"

a huge smile made its way to my face no one can resist my puppy eyes NO ONE.

We walked to the garage stood in front of our many cars most of them belonged to me I'm a major car enthusiast.

"which one should we take?"

"Lets take the black Mercedes it we don't want to draw attention to ourselves"

I got in the drivers seat while Chris  got into the passengers sit he started reading the file on our mission and our target. "Eric leader of one of the small gangs that operate around here seems that him and his gang have gone rouge stealing our gun shipment that was headed to Romania. We weren't the only one's he stole from says here he stole from New York,China and France"

I was livid this scum must have a death wish to steal from us the only reason that these small gangs can operate on our territory is only because we let them that is if and only if they agree to follow our rules which is don't fuck with something that doesn't belong to you.

"We need to make an example out them teach these fuckers not to mess with us we are number one for a reason Craig has located them he sent me the location a couple of hours ago they are located at abounded warehouse that belonged to the Russians but they vacated a while back." 

We soon arrived at the warehouse I turned of the headlights and parked at bit further away.

"okay here's the layout of the warehouse you take care of the west wing and I'll take care of the east as usual Craig and the team will guide us through the earpiece."

"Okay strap up twinny and let's go hunting"

after I said that we received a call I looked down and saw Craig's name flash on the phone screen we use for only missions Chris picked up "Speak" he can be so blunt at times

"I was able to hack their cameras there are 7 men on the West and 10 East ,Eric is in his office which is further down the hall his got 5 security guards around him the guns are being kept outside of the warehouse in what looks like a cabin and there seems to be no one guarding them." Idiots I thought to myself we thanked Craig well I thanked him.

"You take the west and I'll take the east don't argue with me, we will meet up in the middle"

"Alright but be are your explosives" He always was over protective when we went on missions but knows I'll get the job done.

When were done strapping up I crocked my gun turn towards my twin who had a mischievous glint in his eyes his excited as I am.

"Let's go put some unruly fuckers back in line twinny"   

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