Chapter 9

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Christopher's pov

I was so pissed off that they had come to find us the reason we even let grandad call them and tell where we were was for them to know we where and not come and look for us

they didn't care about our whereabouts back then so why start now.

I looked over to my twin and she seemed pretty pissed off too judging by the way she was grabbing the steering wheel

"questi sciocchi guidano come principianti che vuoi abbandonarli?"
(these fools drive like fucking beginners you want to ditch them?)  I asked she chuckled

"ci ho già pensato ma ho contato almeno quattro macchine che ci seguono probabilmente la sicurezza...sarebbe divertente abbandonare ma non voglio il caos...non adesso"  
(thought about that already but I counted at least four cars following us probably the would be fun ditching but I don't want to cause chaos...well not right now at least)
I smirked knowing exactly what she meant.

"It felt good seeing Hush and Dean today I had missed them."
I nodded my head in agreement and thought about the day we first meet them

It was on a saturday night I had just won a fight and had to collect my money from my boss at the time ugly Jim at his club I didn't want my sister coming in and seeing all the nasty shit that was going on in there luckily for us there was a diner across the street I bought her a cool drink and burger because I knew that she probably didn't eat at work and told her to wait for me she begged me not to go she was worried about the injuries I had gotten in the fight I just had and wanted to treat them immediately she was most worried about my left knee I had injured it a couple of weeks ago and if I kept putting pressure on it I would have to start using crutches and that would be terrible news because I need my knee uninjured to continue fighting so I assured her that I wasn't going to take long and that if she was in trouble to call me and use our emergency  password which was "dad has a stick up his ass" a little joke we made when dad was being a drunkard jerk but then we later on started to use it in emergencies

before I left I asked the lady at the counter to please keep an eye on her 

I felt uneasy leaving her all by herself because we were in a dodgy place but we needed the money dad hadn't paid rent for 3 months and the landlord had been threatening to kick us out so I  saved up some money but was a bit short so I took this fight because it would help a lot and hopefully convince the landlord to give us some time to pay him back all the rent money dad owed him.

What I didn't anticipate was to find Jim high as a fucking kite that night and whenever Jim is high he becomes a paranoid manic and this made it difficult for me to get my money "Jim come on man you know I don't work for no fucking cops your goons searched me and I'm not wearing a wire just came here for my money man" I've been in this damn office for 45 min trying to convince him that all I came for was my money when my phone rang I didn't have to look at the caller ID cause I knew who it was "Chris...Chris dad has a stick up his ass" she whispered into the phone I was to about reply when I heard her scream and then the phone disconnects I immediately ran out of the office pushed through a bunch off sweaty drunk people when I finally made out the club and bolted to the diner I pushed the door open looked at the booth I left her sitting in and there was a half drunk cool drink and a half eaten burger but no sign of my sister I turned to the lady I asked to look after her and noticed that she was kneeling on the ground beside a guy who was on the ground bleeding out and squirming in pain she was putting pressure on his shoulder trying to stop the bleeding with a white cloth that was drenched in blood"Where's my sister!!?" she looked up at me with pity in her eyes I didn't like that look "two guys came in here to rob us one when of the guys saw your sister run into the bathroom he then went to go get her and started drag her out my boyfriend tried to stop them but they shot him and took her with them"

"were they on foot or car!?"

She paused trying to remember "FOOT!.. I called the cops and they on their way Look kid the guys who took her are part of a very dangers gang just let the cops find her. " 

I ignored her request and ran out there's no way I'm waiting for the police "think Chris think"

I then remembered her neckless our granddad had given us both neckless when we were kids as a birthday gift amanda's a tech wiz so she suggested we put trackers in them in case one of us needs to find each other I quickly got my phone out of my back pocket opened the tracking app that she created just for us and noticed that she was still around the neighbourhood and not far from here I followed the directions and it lead me to an alley six blocks away from the diner I moved my eyes away from my phones screen
I walked in a bit further whilst saying a silent prayer that I got here in time that they hadn't done what I know they capable of please tell me I got to here in time and that she's okay but what I saw next made my blood run cold
(Warning!! pretty violent stuff ahead and some of you may find it upsetting and unsettling you don't have to continue reading I'll tell you how this chapter ends the twins finally arrive at the Alvarez residence)

Through blurry eyes I saw my sister laying there unconscious her face swollen blood all over and top ripped apart while two men towered over her my body just froze I couldn't move my brain was shouting at me to move run to her and check if she's still breathing if she's okay to do something anything but I just couldn't it felt as if my feet were glued to the ground not allowing me to face reality.

I guess I was standing there for a while that one of the men noticed me and what he said next made me see red and ready to kill

"Hey man you want to join in we haven't started this little princess is a fire cracker we had to do some damage to subdue her." now it was my minds turn to go blank and my body moved on it's own I balled up my fist charged at him and just started laying punch after punch he was starting to pass out when the second guy shouted "HEY!!" he must've been caught of guard but immediately came back to senses and swang at me I quickly ducked and punched him in the stomach he crouched down holding his stomach when I grabbed him by his greasy hair and continued the assault to his face

What I didn't notice is that the guy had woken up and he grabbed a steel pipe that that was lying around and hit me in the back adding injury to the injuries I already have I clenched my teeth in pain but still continued to beat up his friend when he hit me again real hard this time I felt myself ready to faint from the pain I quickly shook my head  pushed away the guy I was beating up and made my way to the guy with the steel pipe I saw fear flash in his eyes but as I was walking towards him my knee gave out I've been on it for too long and it was finally giving out on me but I pushed through the pain and continued to make my way towards him he saw me limping and a smile made its way up to his face when I felt the guy I just pushed aside run into my leg I fell down and held on to my knee in pain

"you should have stayed out of this but you just have to play superhero"

I looked up at him "she' YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" I was pushing myself to get up when I felt a soft hand slowly touch mine I turned my head and saw that she was awake relief washed over me I quickly signed if she thinks she'll be able to run far away from here she tapped twice meaning yes I told her that I'm going to distract them alright run far okay don't look back she shook her head we don't have choice get out of here she reluctantly shook her with tears falling I gave a quick kiss to the forehead and I told her that I love her .    
the guy with the steel pipe started to laugh " Look at that our little firecracker is awake....awe look what a touching moment your sister is a fine piece of ass bro and we going to enjoy her while you watch..." I spit out the blood in my mouth "you going to have to kill me first"
I quickly ran at them ignoring my aching body and knee and speared into the guy with the pipe I sat on top of him and continued hitting him I guess the other guy picked up the pipe and started to hit me with it I ignored the pain I have to distract them so she can run away I guess they were to busy fighting me they didn't notice that she was gone "Where's the girl?" they both started to frantically look around I chuckled "better kill me now boys I can't promise to not come after you and kill you" the greasy hair dude pulled out his gun and pointed it me "your wish is my  command" before he could pull the trigger I heard a bunch of freeze put your hands up when everything went blank turns out as she was running she ran into hush and dean they where on their way to the diner when she stopped them and lead them to me ever since then they've been part our lives Hush being a father figure and Dean being a big brother we needed.

noi qui (We here)Amanda announced    

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