The last stand

241 5 3

Suggestion: listen to this theme on repeat for the whole fight scene to make this experience better.

Korevyv thre a punch at your gut and then your chest, opening even more the lung wound that he made you before you fell down the elevator shaft.
He threw a punch to your face but you successfully blocked it.
You stumbled two steps backwards and returned the punch to Korevyv right in the abdomen.
Hesh: *coughing up blood and spitting it*
Korevyv: "I've been looking forward to this for a looooong time black-lung..."
Korevyv made a roundhouse kick on your chest knocking the air out of your lungs and you to the ground.
Hesh: "You cant even kill a dying man..."
Korevyv: *grabbing you by the neck and choking you against a wall* "Watch me then..."
You weakly punched his arms to break free from the choke hold.
He kept applying pressure to your neck.
You could feel korevyv lose his grip for half a second... but he recovered his strength and kept choking.
Just one more...
He finally lost his grip and you took the chance to knee his stomach and butt-head his face.

Korevyv now had a nosebleed as a result which made him stumble three steps backwards.
Korevyv: "HAHAHA... still got some fight left you in you huh black lung?! I knew killing the alpha wouldnt prove easy!!"
He charged at you and tackled you under his weight to the ground allowing him to deliver a blow to your face before you kicked him back far enough to stand up.
He tried to deal another blow but this time you were ready, you dodged it and punched him in the gut and then did a hook to his face.
You looked behind you and saw your revolver laying on the floor just 4 meters away from you.
You run towards it and dived to grab it, but Korevyv was already onto you. He grabbed your neck and slammed your face against the wall and punched him with the M-1 irons's handle in his face, sending the revolver flying across the room landing 7 meters away from you.

Beaten but not yet defeated you tried crawling for the gun... at a slow but steady pace due to the punctured lung and the scarce of air.

Korevyv: "Haha... oooooh black lung..... you aint gonna reach that gun.... *Getting up slowly and holding his abdomen* you aint! You lost... my dying friend..."

Hesh: *coughing up blood* "Oh Korevyv... hehehe... despite my best efforts to the contrary... it turns out ive won..."

Korevyv: "Fuck. You! Youre not better than me! YOURE NO BETTER THAN A SHIT DUMPSTER!"

Hesh: "Murderer's... *inhales deeply* are not monsters... they are normal... people... and thats the most... frightening thing... about them..." *takes deep breaths* "F-Fuck you... if you kill me... ill have won already..."

Korevyv: *picking up a steel bar* "Bullshit."

Korevyv got close enough to you and sank the steel bar on your chest.

He kept sinking it to make sure you would die.

With your remaining strength you pulled out a switchblade, unfolded it and tried to stab Korevyv but he blocked it with his left hand sinking the bar deeper...
...taking your last breath with it...

Rodrigo's pov:

You finally reached the surface, everyone stepped out of the elevator except you...
You felt a pain on your chest... but it was not caused by a physical trauma...
You felt the pain that follows a loved one's last goodbye... you felt your heart shatter... as if someone had smashed a reflection with a hammer into a million pieces...
Zahira: "Come on we're almost on the evac point!"
I let go off Zahira's hand.
Zahira: "...Rodrigo...?"
I fell to my knees and raised my hands to wipe the tears...
Vela: *looking back to check whats wrong* "Zahira? Rodrigo...?"
Rodrigo/you: *between tears and sobs* "H-he... *sniff* I..."
Vela: "Dont worry! He is fine!"
You neglected with your head and broke into tears...
Zahira: "..."
Vela: "Wh-what do you mean? Zahira? What is he talking about?"
Rodrigo: *between tears* "FUUUUUCK!!!"
Zahira grabbed Rodrigo by a shoulder but Rodrigo shook it off and made a run for the elevator.
Vela: "Rodrigo wai..."


The ground shook beneath the remnants and Zahira grabbed Rodrigo by the collar and dragged him out of the range of the collapsing floor.
Finally giving up I and the remnants boarded the chopper Python brought to us and flew away watching the complex crumble into the ground reduced to ash and rubble...

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